Ian got the letter from her hands and read it.He felt like this letter was all she needed to go back to her first love. He felt his chest tighten with fear and pain that he was about to lose the love of his life.All his happines in the past couple of months was going to slip away from his grasp.
He handed the letter back to her and sat down next to her putting his arms around her trying to comfort her but at the same time trying to comfort himself.Realizing that there was someone else sitting at the table he finally snapped back to reality." im sorry I didnt mean to be rude.Glad to see you're doing well."Carol smiled at him " no worries, I'm just glad that she found someone like you in her life.Im sorry about all this.....But I thought it would be best since it was meant for liv.especially since those are considered his last words to her after everything." Carol told him as she for up" Well boss, I'll leave you two alone so you can talk.let me go help out Maddie if its ok with you" she told him." Yeah no problem but dont forget your on vacation so don't work too hard" he told her.
" Ian I'm sorry about this. dont think that I will leave you to go back.its just this brings back so many memories.I dont know how to feel about everything I just found out."She frantically tried to explain." Look you dont have to give me any explanation.Im here to support you no matter what path you chose to take.In the end if things don't go as you wanted I'll still be here....I TRULY love you,dont forget that" he told her." Thank you .....it really means alot coming from you. I honestly was afraid that you would react differently....why are you so kind to me? I dont deserve you at all" she told him as she hugged him.
Maddie came by with a cup of tea and placed it in front of liv. "she told me what happened. I'm sorry about all that...Anyway dont feel rushed with what I told you the other day.Its still a month away so don't stress out about it, if you need help let me know" she told liv." Ian was a bit confused by the converstion.Noticeing his confused face liv laughed." I'll tell you about that once I get home and have showered.lets go to my place now."Ian kissed her again and stood up" all right lets go then ,but I'll make us something simple and quick to eat while you freshen up."
when they got home Liv went straight to take a shower. Her mind was clouded with memories and the words from theo's letter kept spinning over and over again in her mind.She hadnt spoken a word since they left the restaurant.Ian noticed how serious and upset liv looked but didn't want her to feel obligated to talk to him. at that moment she needed her space to think and clear her mind which is what he wanted her to do while he prepared dinner for them.
He decided to make spaghetti for them anf when he was about done cooking his phone started ringing." Hey its Maddie I've been trying to call liv but she isnt answering my calls." Maddie said as soon as Ian answered his phone." Yeah shes in the shower right now.Did you want to leave a message or I can tell her to call you back when she's out" he told her as he grabbed the plates and set the table." Tell that we got a buyer already...I know it's sooner than what we expected but we don't want to lose this chance right now.im sorry I have to get back to work "Maddie said hanging up.Liv walked into the dinning room when he hung up the phone." hey whats wrong?" she asked him as he went back to serve the food." it's Maddie ....she said something about a buyer.Liv what's going on? when we started dating we said we were not going to keep things from each other. no matter what I would like to be aware of things." he told her as he placed the plates on the table as liv sat down."I'm sorry I know I should have told you.Maddie is selling this property to be able to help her sister pay for all her medical expenses.they had told me I was welcome to stay until they found a buyer thinking it was going to take a while.I didnt want to worry you about it so I've been calling around here to see if there is anything available.sadly I haven't found anything yet ." Liv told him ." No matter how minor you think it might be I would like to know.Liv how many times do I have to tell you that I love you and you can count on me for anything... please dont ever forget that." he told her as he kissed her hand."what happened to mr. tough guy? the man who drove every woman who looked at him crazy." she teased him trying to lighten the mood." well we both know very well I'm still that man...and there are different ways I can prove that to you so you wont forget" he told her as he grinned at her."move in with me...I want you by my side."he told her." Ian but I don't want you to feel pressured by me being with you every day.I want you to be sure about this...this only shows that we are getting more serious about our relationship."He smiled at her"Isn't that what we both want... to have a serious relationship with someone we love?"liv felt moved by his words and nodded." ok yes I'll move in with you...but in return I'm going to help you with any expenses around the house ok."he got up to hug her and kissed her on her cheek" well after dinner I say we celebrate and start packing."
while liv and Ian had decided to take another step further together ,Liam and Camille had already started dating each other and were officially sharing a room together.Sadie didnt approve of it so she had decided to no longer live with her brothers and moved into her own house close to the company office.she still continued trying to find liv in hopes of one day finding her and things going back to how they were before.
The next morning liv and Ian walked into the house with her clothes and the little she had in the other house.Kayla was shocked at what she saw bit still asked "hey what's going on here?" Ian looked at her and replied "Liv and I decided to move in together,now if you'll excuse us we have to get her stuff in my room." Kayla felt furious at that " shouldn't we have discussed this together like we did when Jason and I moved in here?"Ian stopped and turned to her " I wasnt aware I had to ask you for permission in order for my girlfriend to move into my house?"Kayla looked at him with a serious expression " I didn't mean it like that its just there is another person living here..." Ian didnt let her continue "She is sleeping in my room in bed with me...I decide who lives here.If it bothers you so much the front door ia over there" he told her pointing to the direction of the door.She just stormed off into her room without even looking at him and bumping in liv furious with what was happening.
Kayla quickly started dialing camille's number waiting for her to answer."what is it now?" cam answered her." she is moving in with my man!!!when are you going to help me get rid of her from this town?" Kayla asked her." thats not my problem anymore.Im finally with my guy and I'm not going to ruin what I have.he gave up on her already so dont even waste your time anymore."camille answered her hanging up on her.Kayla decided to call the number on the flyer she had originally called but it went to voicemail. Frustrated she decided to call the other number that was on it."hello? who is calling?" a voice of another female answered. "Hi this is Kayla are you still looking for liv?" immediately the other girl responded to kayla's question." yes is she there? where is she ? I need to talk to her right away!!!"kayla calmly replied to her "look as soon as possible come to my town .I can personally take you to her, just write down the address I will give you.its a public place in case you have doubts but I assure you its her.I will send you a picture of her once we hang up so you can be sure." Once Sadie got all the information down she hung up and waited for the picture on her phone.the moment she saw liv in the picture she knew it was true and immediately booked a flight to the nearest airport to that town.