to go or not to go

When both liv and Ian got to the restaurant he went straight to his computer and started going through his paper work.Liv had gone to go get Carol and Maddie to the office while instructing the other employees to take care of their tasks and the customers.While Ian waited for them to arrive in his office he checked his email to find several complains about the other restaurant in the city and started noticing a fall in sales from there.When they all entered Carol immediately informed him ofa message she had received in regards to the other restaurant." well the person I had left in charge just informed me that they were no longer going to be working there."Ian checked the name and verified that not only was that person not going to work there but hadn't been since the day after Carol had left." ok well first thing is I need to get someone to go and take over until Carol gets cleared for work by her doctor.Maddie can't go because I want her to stay by carols side in case she needs anything.the only thing I can think of is Jason."Ian told them as he thought about things."honey Jason cant attend right now.he is going with sadie for their honeymoon after they talk with her brothers."liv told him." I would go but I have several meetings to take care of that I cant cancel."Maddie added into the conversation " even if Jason could go he doesnt know a thing about running need someone who knows how to do everything including management." At that moment Carol spoke up "liv should go!!! you know the store from head to toe.You know how to do everything that needs to be done and I've seen you work with Ian in regards to all the office work.You are the best suited for this."liv turned to Ian who looked at her with worry in his eyes."carol is right Ian she will bring it back up and in sure she can handle everything with no problem."Ian stood up from his chair and walked over to liv who was quiet after hearing them speak." honey what do you think about this?"she looked at him with a mix of worry and fear about returning."I agree with them about running it but...." she stopped talking and Ian took it as a hint that she wanted to talk with him alone."Maddie ,Carol can we be alone for a bit l will let you know what we come up with."

When they were alone Ian went up to liv and kissed her hands." I know that you are worried about returning and your past life coming up but sweety you are much stronger than that .I have seen you grow stronger since the day I first saw you.I know that you are capable of anything if you put your mind to it.dont let them have anymore control over what you do." liv cried into his arms " you always know what I'm thinking.I love you Ian and if it means me going to help you i will do what ever it takes."he wiped the tears from her face and kissed her." I don't want you to go but it's only temporary.we will talk every day or if you need me I will get a plane to come find you.look don't feel forced into it I can go myself and handle everything and you can go to my meetings I'll just sign some documents and notify that you will be taking my place."

She shook her head "No you need to attend it wouldnt look right in a business point of view for you to do that.You are not the same woman from before I will not allow anyone to push me around anymore.Dont worry I'll help you finish up everything here and get all the information from the cafe to start making necessary adjustments and plans." Ian laughed as he embraced her " you always work so hard when you have no need...I can handle everything here."she turned around to face him holding onto him " If I can help you out I will.You are the reason I finally found myself.Its the least I can do."He gave her such a deep passionate kiss that left her breathless." what was that for?"she asked him wanting more." it's so you never forget how much I love you."She pulled him in for another kiss as he sat her down in his desk both not wanting for that moment to finish between them." You know I won't forget your love for me as I hope you don't forget how much I love you but this is something we should continue at home." she said stopping him from going any further." fine but once we're home there is no stopping" he teased her.

For the next day liv helped out as much as she could with work and spent the time she wasnt working with Ian.All she was waiting for was the next flight out to the city.She had already packed up her stuff and Ian had already leased out an apartment for her to use temporary until things got settled." well Since I know you will be busy with the cafe I took the liberty of having your apartment furnished.I dont want it to look like your starting over again." Ian told her as he loaded her bags in the trunk of the car." so how then what does the decor of the apartment say about me then?" she asked as she pulled him close to her." it says I'm taken by the most handsome guy in the scratch that ,the universe." she kissed him once more as she got into the car."well wouldn't that give you a bad look since it will mean you're taken..." he got into the car and turned to her." thats not a bad thing is it?To be honest I dont want to let you go but I know its only temporary."as they drove off to the airport they continued their usual conversations. Ian held her hand wanting to soak up all the warmth from her before she leaves.

Back in the city Sadie and Jason were finishing up setting up the apartment for liv." well I'm glad that we got everything set all thats left is to turn in the keys to her when she arrives." Jason moved the last end table in place where Sadie instructed." Yeah well after this we have enough time to go back to your home and get ready to meet up with your lawyer to finish signing everything." sadie sat down as she inspected the set up in the living room." its your home too...and yes then we can finally take a honeymoon together." she laughed as she stood up to look around." well just because we haven't slept together doesnt mean its going to happen during a trip." he followed her as he checked to see if everything was already done."well that wouldn't be a bad idea but since we are still getting to know each other we will wait ."she turned to him with a smirk " well one thing is for sure your company is very appreciated so you never know what could happen."they both went to the door and locked up to head back to sadies home." The day I call a place our home is when I personally get you that house.Until then it's your home amd nothing more."they walked slowly on the sidewalk together heading for the car."you told me about the history between liv and your brother but it's hard to see it when he looks so serious and is very focused on the company.How does someone as serious who is always focused on work have time to do anything especially go out.It makes me feel bad for his fiance which hardly spends any time with him at all."Jason told her as he opened the door to the car."well truth is he was like that before many people fear him because if even just with one mistake they would get fired he takes everything very serious.He has a big heart but doesn't show it.With liv it was different...they fell in love.they had an immediate connection and somehow found each other once more in the same day without even expecting it.sadly his now fiance had also set eyes on him well more like our company and money.She managed to get between them and well you know the rest up until now." Sadie told him as she got in the car and waited for him to get in."Do you think her coming back is a good idea?" he asked her as she sighed thinking about it." Im not sure honestly but I know that liv is not the same woman as before which can quite possibly change things."