Are you thinking about asking her?

Jason had just arrived back home with two suits in hand. As he walked inside he smelled breakfast cooking already he hung up the suits in the small closet door by the entrance and went to the kitchen." smells really good.what is for breakfast?"he asked."well I was in the mood for pancakes with a. side of bacon and egg."Ian told him as he served the plates for them both to eat." well those are your specialty"Jason joked"I got both of our suits and yours is a dark gray."Ian responded to him." great thanks alot, does liv know I'm here yet?"he asked him. " No not yet she is with Sadie right now getting ready for tonight.I hope you dont mind if later we meet up with others who will be joining us at the party.Sadie will be arriving with liv so we will already be at the party when they are arriving." Jason told him as he started eating. " ok sure I'm here to support you and your wife with what I can while also surprising my girlfriend who thinks I'm still back in town"Ian told him as he also ate his food."so tell me ,how is the married life going for you?" Jason chuckled at his brothers sudden question." its been very get to see every part of a person you didn't know before .the truth is I've been enjoying every moment ive had with her,sure we have our ups and downs but she is someone worth fighting for in my eyes." Ian listened to his brother talk about sadie with so much love in his eyes."well you make it sound so convincing I might want to give it a try myself." they both continued eating and Jason continued on his conversation. " are you thinking about asking liv?" he asked him.Ian took out a box from his jacket." I'm just looking for the perfect moment to ask her." At that moment the door bell rang and Jason got up to answer the door.Ian sat there looking at the box in hand and thinking about liv's beautiful blue eyes and her smile bright smile.Jason walked back with two men who both looked very sophisticated and was obvious they are wealthy just by the way they are dressed. They both also carried their suits in hand and were smiling." hey Ian these are sadie's brothers carter and liam.Ill be back I have a last minute meeting with Carter real quick .make yourselfs at home guys." Both Jason and Carter walked off into a small office in the house."well I'm just finishing up breakfast.there is more if you would like some."Ian told him as Liam hung his suit up."Thank you for the offer but I just ate before coming over." Liam told him as he went to sit down and saw the small box that Ian had and was putting back in his jacket." I see you look like your about to ask a special someone the question."Ian smiled at the thought " Yeah just trying to find the right time to ask her."Liam continued to talk with him "well dont wait to long to ask.I made that mistake once and it is something I truly regret .Im engaged now but to be honest she will never be the woman who I fell in love with at first sight." Ian listened to his words." If you feel that deeply for your first love then why are you engaged to someone else?"Ian asked him."let's just say some women do what they can to get what they want.Now that the wedding is starting to arrive closer her true colors are starting show and now it's just a game of how far she will until she realizes that she's not fooling anyone."

"When I finally saw the love of my life again I realized I never truly fought to give her the place she deserved.She is even more beautiful now than she ever was and I am willing to fight for her to prove that she's the woman I love." Ian listened to him talk and responded " she sounds like she is an amazing woman.Hearing you talk about her like that reminds me so much of my girlfriend.Since she came into my life things have improved drastically.She supports me in every way possible even though we havent been together for so long.shes actually here in the city helping me run my business but as of now shes not aware that I'm here it will be a surprise for her"Ian told him." liam seemed intrigued by the conversation." ahhh a business man.Quite frankly that is something that I enjoy doing myself.At the moment I'm actually wanting to find the owner of a certain cafe in front of garden st. that has just recently been improved." Ian seemed a bit surprised by the sudden mention of his cafe." Well it seems to be your lucky day" Ian told him "I happen to be the owner of that cafe." Liam looked at him shocked. " that is your cafe? well then let's talk a bit of business." Liam told him."I am looking into investing into your property if you would become a business partner and expand into the next building over which is mine.I am thinking of making it into a small event center to host parties,dinners, meeting ,the list goes on." Ian seemed interested since he was already looking for an investor to improve." with your business all you need to do is handle the management the food drinks evrything will be based on the foods that you provide.Of course your business stays yours as all the profits only difference is the now there will be an event Center nextdoor with more customers and food orders.Thats where our profits divide to a 65% and 35% what do you say?" Ian thought about and turned to him." you got a deal let me know when the contract is ready to sign."

Both men shook on it and were happy about it."Tell me Ian is this woman you talk about your first love?" he asked him." No sadly I was actually engaged before but found out what that girls true intentions were the hard way.when my girlfriend came into the picture I was considered the towns playboy she didn't want anything to do with me but things happened and we started talking more." Liam listened to him talk " And now your about to ask for her hand in marriage.I want a love like yours.Full of support and compassion for each other from what you say.I had that before my fiance separated us.When I saw my first love I felt that everything was right just by her being there.the look in her eyes full of love and strength was enough to drown out all the pain and hardships we went through.I want to fight for her love once again.I will do all I can to prove to her and everyone else that she is my soulmate and the love of my life."Liam started messaging on his phone." I just sent my assistant a message to write out the contract and fax it over to jasons office to look over." Ian responded to him " sounds good I'm looking forward to becoming partners in this." Carter came out of the office at that moment."well good to know you both seem to be getting along while we're in a meeting.Its taking a bit longer than expected but we should be done soon" Carter told them."can you inform Jason that my assistant will be faxing a contract over" Liam told him. "well sounds like you have been busy brother.I thought you were off today from any business for our sisters party?" he asked Liam. " well of course but we are not in the party yet.speaking of I think its time to start getting ready." With that Ian went to the guest room he was staying in with his suit in hand and called liv. by the third ring she answered." hey honey I just wanted to inform you that I already found an investor I'm just waiting on the contract and the building next door will also be part of our cafe as an event center." liv responded with joy."Ian thats amazing I'm so happy for you!!! congratulations !!!listen I have to go they are gonna get started on me already.I wish I could see you right now!!!" he smiled as he sat on his bed hearing her voice."I wish I could see you right now too.soon though we will be together again.I love you honey bye."Ian went to shower right after hanging up.When he finished getting dressed and everything he looked at himself in the mirror in his suit.he took out the box holding the ring from his jacket and put it in his pocket.Tonight might be the night that he will ask for her hand.He felt more nervous at the thought of seeing her again.One thing was for sure he had to tell liv about what happened while she was gone with Kayla before even asking her the question.