continuous dispute

Sadie quickly intervened before things got out of hand."You both have to stop before things get out of hand !!!"she looked at both men who were furious and about to snap at any moment."I will go in first with Jason and when you both are calm enter the room.I don't want for her to stress because of you fools."the couple walked in leaving them both men standing in the hall looking at each other.Ian sighed "she's right lets just put aside our differences for now." Liam chuckled "easy to say when its not your fiance unconcious in a hospital bed." Ian paced as he looked around "your really something.I love her too and you know that very well." Liam watched him pace "then if you truly do stop interfering in our life...go back to where you came from.if it wasn't for you she wouldn't be here." Ian grinned as he stood in front of him "if you havent forgotten there is a child involved now."Liam was about to say something when the officer that was speaking to Ian earlier walked up to them and hung up the phone.

"sorry to interrupt your dispute but I do have more questions to ask" the man told them.liam looked at him "what more questions is needed to be asked if it was an accident?if anything that crew should be fired for causing this accident with their lack of safety protocols." the officer cleared his thought "might you be the person that hired them ?Mr. Liam Hayes...correct?"Liam looked at him amused "I see you have done your homework."the officer stood firm as he looked at Liam "well sir when your fiance is parading around a construction sight barking out orders to the men at the location making it clear to everyone who she is right before the accident makes things easier to get information." Liam was shocked at hearing that "you mean Camille was there?"the officer wrote down her name on the notepad he had."See what you have caused !!!you are the one who is putting her in harm's way!!!" Ian raised his voice as he got right in front of Liam."can we all just calm down...its clear to me that you both don't get along but this is still a hospital.I will have you both escorted out if this please I would like to talk to you both alone." Ian nodded as the officer turned to Liam " I would like to start with you since it appears you are closer in this situation."

Ian walked away and went to liv's room.He opened the door and walked in quietly.jason and Sadie turned to him "she hasnt woken up yet...where is Liam?"jason asked him."he is talking with the officer.turns out his fiance was there before this happened to liv."Sadie looked at him confused "I thought she was out of town.when did she come back?never mind that but if she did cause it do you think she knows about liv and Liam?" Ian grabbed a chair and sat next to liv holding her hand "i dont know...but the fact that she was there doesn't make things any better especially after finding out about liv expecting." Sadie turned to Jason and stood up "I'll go get us some coffee...." Jason nodded as he watched her leave. once the door closed he sighed and turned to ian "you know things are different now with a baby on the way...are you planning on stepping aside to let Liam raise the child?What do you plan on doing?" Ian sighed as he kissed her hand " at this moment all I want is for her to wake up...I want to see her beautiful smile and bright blue eyes stare at me...knowing that she will be giving me a child is the best news I have heard but all I want at this moment is for her to wake up."Liam walked in at that moment "its your turn to go talk."ian stood up and walked out.Jason also got up and went to look for Sadie leaving Liam alone with her.He looked at her feeling guilty for the state she was currently in.was Camille really capable of trying such a horrific act towards another person? "oh love ...all I want right now is for you to wake up...please wake up.I need to hear your voice liv."He sat there quietly watching her and holding onto her soft pale hands for almost half an hour.he had his head down on the bed right next to her hand.Hearing the door open he quickly checked to see who it was.Ian walked in causing Liam to sigh "its just you... anything new?" Ian snickered to his response at seeing him "well I can say the same thing Liam." Ian grabbed a chair and moved it to the other side of the bed and reached for her hand." You do realize that she is my fiance" Liam blurted out to him." oh I'm sorry I thought the psychotic blonde who tried murdering her was your fiance.tell me Mr.Hayes since I'm really interested to know is the blonde just for show in public eyes and liv is the one you keep hidden from the world?" Ian replied looking at him with anger." you have no reason to question what we do!!!we know what we are planning on doing and you are not included in this"Liam raised his voice at him."you have no idea how much damage you and that blonde have done to her.why do you continue to allow camille to harm her?is this what you want?" Ian said as he stood up furiously from his chair pointing at her unconscious."camille won't be a problem for long.I will take care of things like I told the officer" Liam told him as he kissed livs hand.

At hearing that Ian grew furious "are you kidding me?!!! you're just gonna let her get away with things!!!" Liam stood up and yelled "I know what I'm doing!!! let me handle things from here!!!" both men stood looking at each other with anger in their eyes."what are you both yelling about?" a weak soft voice suddenly spoke up.both of them were shocked and quickly realized that liv had finally woken up and was trying to sit up."your up.." Liam said as Ian went to call the doctor." my head hurts so much...i feel like I'm going to be sick.." liv said as Liam grabbed the pan next to her and handed it to her as he held her hair back.when she was done he took it to the restroom and walked back to her and gave her a cup of water.she slowly drank and layed back down when Ian returned with the doctor.The doctor checked her and asked her a few questions."Well the good news is you are awake but for now we need to keep an eye on you since you do have a concussion and we do still need to make sure there are no complications with your pregnancy" he told her as he looked over her chart."wait what?did you say that im pregnant?" she asked confused."Yes ma'am that is correct...I will have obstetrics come by to take a look and give you all the information you need." Liv tried to sit up fast and yelled in pain as she grabbed her lower abdomen.both men stood up worried at hearing her yell.The doctor stopped her from moving around alot and helped her lay back down."please relax ,your body will be sore from the accident I wont lie to you ma'am but the chance of having a miscarriage is high and being that you are only a few weeks there is not much we can do.All you need to do is stay calm and no sudden moves I'll have someone come down to check on your baby right away" the doctor told her as he walked out of the room. tears ran down her face at hearing the news.Liam sat next to her as he wiped her tears "it will be fine love'll see.the important thing is for you to get better and you rest." Ian sat down on the chair next to her "he's right you need to rest and stay calm." she looked at both of them "you both knew about the pregnancy already right?" they both stayed quiet and nodded in agreement." it's not your baby is it Liam?" she asked him as he sighed and looked Ian." No honey it's not ...its our baby" Ian responded as she looked at him unable to respond to the news.