3 days later

It had been three days since liv was taken to the hospital.Liv was still not letting any visitors in to see her or get any updates on her .For those three days liam had not shown up at all to see her since camille had them busy with business trips and meetings since she suddenly felt the need to be close to him.sadie and jason were trying to help out ian as much as they could running his businesses and also dealing with their work.

Ian spent all those days waiting to see if there was any word from liv.Even when the doctor would repeat himself he made it clear that he didnt want to leave her side even if it meant staying in the lobby.

Liv was sitting up looking out the window when the nurse walked in handing her a bag of clothes "He sent you this with a letter inside it" Liv looked at the letter and read it tearing it up and throwing it in the trash "thank you...is he still waiting?" she asked the nurse who nodded."yes he is did you want me to call him?" the nurse asked. "NO!!no please dont tell him to meet me at home...we will talk then and I will give him my answer" she told her as she grabbed the clothes out of the bag.

Ian was sitting down dozing off when the nurse walked up to him."she told me to inform you that she will see you at home and give you a response then.thats all I can say for now" the nurse told him leaving him speechless for a bit."ok I'll go right now and see her then...is she ok can she go home by herself?" he asked as the nurse was about to leave." I wouldn't worry about any of that.just respect her wishes please." at hearing that he quickly left to get some dinner started and clean up to make sure everything was ready for her.

it was around 6:30 when liv was walking out of the hospital.As she was walking out she bumped into someone."sorry I wasnt paying attention "liv said when she realized who was standing in front of her."liv...I didnt expect to run into you sorry.I came looking for ian to see if he'll reconsider what he told me over the phone a couple days ago.Jason told me he was in the hospital so I rushed over" kayla told her as liv listened to her."is he ok? I was so worried.any way I also am glad to see your doing well...look I want the past to stay behind us and well get to know each other better for ian.I know your a big part of his life but I still have a future with him...and ..." she was saying when liv cut her off "look I dont think that would be good you did alot of damage and I.."she was saying when kayla blurted out an unexpected response."I'm pregnant liv...Ian and I are finally expecting and I will be able to give him his first baby!!! I know he told you about what happened the last time we were together and please no hard feelings." liv looked at her with a serious expression "he did tell me what happened but I guess not everything was told of course "she told kayla."we were talking about getting back together after you both ended your relationship but he suddenly changed his mind and wanted nothing from me" kayla said "well I'll let you head home I'll be going to a hotel and look for ian tomorrow since I'm assuming you want to talk with him...I'm sorry if this news hurt you in any way." Liv watched her leave without saying a word .

when she got home she saw that he was already home.walking inside she could smell the food he had prepared. "liv... you're home!!!sit down, are you ok?"he asked her as he hugged her and guided her to the living room."I wont marry you Ian .. "she told him giving him a shock." why the sudden news?are you ok is the baby ok?"he asked her confused."There is no baby ian ,we are not having a baby !!! you need to go back home with kayla and raise a family with her!!!not me ...I dont deserve this much pain.it is obvious we don't belong together."she told him with a cold expression."do you mean that the baby?...liv dont do this not now please" ian said as he tried to hold her hand.She quickly pulled her hand away " I meant what I said go back to your old life without me being in your life.I will live my life here " she told him."I know this is your home so I will either pay rent to you or if not look for somewhere else to go"she told him."No it's not my house...this is your home I had it changed to your name...I'm sorry liv but i will always love you and eventually I'll find out why your saying what you just said.I just want what is best for you.Fine if you want me to leave and out of your life then that's what I'll do for you..."he told her as he grabbed his keys and left the house. she stayed there speechless and heartbroken.She felt that what she did was the right thing to do.in a way she felt that she ruined ian and kayla's relationship and family by giving him that chance to get close to her with the news of her pregnancy.she gave ian false hope that they would one day marry and have a family together.she didn't want that guilt of wrecking a family.

Ian drove to Jason's house and grabbed his things.he was already going to leave when jason and sadie arrived and saw him."hey what is going on? where are you going?Ian are you leaving?!!!" jason asked as sadie followed behind him."liv wants me out of her life and away from her so I'm just doing as she asked..." ian told him."what about your kid? you can't just abandon him.." he asked ian."there is no kid jason!!!she told me we were not having a baby together!!!if I stay it will only make her miserable with my presence knowing we lost a baby" he told them.they both stayed silent at the news and didn't try to stop him from leaving.

Sadie just watched it all unfold.Jason walked up to her and hugged her ,both hurt at the news."I'll go see her tomorrow...shell need her space for now" sadie told him as they walked inside.

The next day sadie knocked on livs door after a minute the door opened up."hey come inside...I was going to call you yesterday but things happened "liv told her."yes I'm aware of what happened...ian left last night back to his home.he was distraught with the news and wanted to make things easier for you"sadie told her."its obvious that you should have just stayed with ian...liv he loves you and quite frankly my brother didnt even show up to see you after he left you in the hospital.right now he is on the way back with his stuck up fiance from a business trip.He still has her in his life instead of dumping her for you!!! Liv please listen to me and reconsider things" sadie pleaded to her."well I bet you didn't know that ian has a new family back home...he will get to raise a baby with a woman he claimed to love so much that he was willing to forgive her .I saw her sadie ,I saw her and I dont thinks it's fair that his first born child will be without its father because he decided to start a different family with someone else.I don't want that guilt...he deserves happiness but I don't think I'm the happiness he deserves.He deserves better than what I can give him ,better than me" liv cried to sadie " as for your brother ,well...he might not have been there but we still kept in contact the entire time.lets just say camille is up to no good and is desperately trying to ruin any happiness I have.we have taken extra precautions to protect what i love most in this world and i will make sure to do everything i can no matter the circumstances" liv said as she placed her hand on her stomach without sadie noticing "I was honestly going to tell ian that I would marry him after everything that we went through but things happen for a reason and well now I know what I must continue to do."