Ian stayed in his office going through everything.looking at all the improvement liv had managed to make on her own impressed him.His eyes went from the documents in his hand to the picture frame on his desk of liv and him together." shes still on your mind and its obvious to see" maddie told him.He looked up at her " how long have you been standing there?"he asked her. " long enough to know what I see in front of me is accurate on what I just told you" she told him sitting down on the chair in front of his desk " why do you keep hurting yourself? does sleeping around with every woman who offers to give you a good time make you happy? drinking yourself to sleep every night is not good for your health ian. if she saw you that way she would be hurt..." she told him." i appreciate you worrying but I'm fine.if it makes you feel better I'll sober up and go look for her to clear things up.After what kayla said it's clear to me that once again she was lied to by the same people trying to ruin her life again "ian told her."ok then do that because things are really messed up here.That poor girl has gone through enough" maddie told him as she got up and left the office.
Jason was walking back into the building heading into the elevator when camille walked in." well if it isn't my favorite brother in-law, going up to see my brothers?"she asked him." yes ,we do have a meeting to attend remember?" he replied." tell me how are things going with your wife?I'm pretty sure since you both eloped together you have gotten to know each other better.shes not as amazing as you thought correct?what with the whole she cant have kids and ..." she was telling him." what you fail to realize is that sadie is the most extraordinary woman I have ever met and no matter the circumstances we will always find a way to do things together.If you are trying to convince me to leave her that is not going to work" he told her and stepped out of the elevator heading into Liams office.she got out and watched him enter as she thought of something.she didnt want for sadie to have access to more of the company since carter had agreed with liam in expanding their company to other locations leaving sadie in control.Sadie happened to be getting out of her office and handed the receptionist a folder giving her instructions.Camille decided to eavesdrop giving her an idea after hearing out the conversation.when sadie walked away into liams office camille quickly went to the receptionist " I need you to refill the paper from the machines ,it seems like no one did that last night and I'm waiting on some documents." the lady quickly nodded and went to do as she was told.camille grabbed the folder and looked throught it she quickly wrote down the numbers and names of the people along with the agency number ,and address. she left right away putting the paper with information in her purse.Liam was stepping out of the office to look for her when she was walking in." I was about to look for you to start" he told her." I have to go actually, cant stay for the meeting sorry" she said leaving in a rush right after.Once she left liam closed the door and began talking to them all." well now that she is gone I wanted to make sure everything is set for this weekend.I know it's a bit rushed but I truly want that day to be an unforgettable day" liam told them. " I truly dont understand what you see in that horrid woman... she only wants you for your money and the company" sadie said as she looked at him in disgust."why that face sister? in the end liam is the one who will spending his life with her.I just truly hope he took my advice and gave the premarital agreement for her to sign" carter told sadie as he kept his focus on liam." why would I do that if our own sister didn't do such a thing either...no offense jason " liam told them. "Non taken... it's not my business to get involved in family.im just here for support" he told them as he held Sadie's hand." liam its different with jason and I...look I just want what is best for you and Camille is going to ruin everything" sadie told him. "In the end it is my decision on who I choose to marry .I made up my mind and I will be getting married this weekend you have the invitations with the time and I expect for you to be there dressed to impress since there will be alot of cameras and reporters there.Camille wanted the wedding to be broadcast on tv for everyone to see.She managed to arrange everything all I did was send the confirmation to acknowledge that I consent to it and give them the time" liam explained as he handed carter a binder " this is everything that you will need to do while I'm away.Depending on what the bride decides will depend on how long our honeymoon will last.you know the saying happy wife happy life." sadie snickered annoyed at that comment " all she needs is unlimited control of money to keep her happy"
liam looked at her and grinned " all I ask for your support sister, is that so much to ask ? I have supported your decisions so far and you have done astonishingly well for someone who does things at the spur of the moment" liam told her." ok .. fine if that nutjob makes you happy then be it.I just want you to be happy" she told him. " I am and will be ...Dont worry about me.Right now focus on you and your family... let us know after your interview tomorrow " liam told her." it is difficult to just worry about myself when you're about to make a drastic mistake...we all know who would have been perfect for you.I truly hate how things ended..." sadie said as liam turned his back to her " things didn't go the way they should have...we each made our decisions and stuck to it...now all that's left to do is move on with who ever it is we are meant to spend our lives with." carter looked at sadie " it's best not to stir things up sadie ...many people were hurt with the way things ended" jason nodded in agreement " yeah it's for the best honey...we should get going already" liam turned to them "I will be leaving early today since I am expecting some stuff that will be getting delivered.I want to make sure everything arrives."
Camille had already arrived home.She quickly went into her room and pulled out the paper of information she had written down.she looked up the name of the agency to find out it was a private adoption agency.she dialed the number and asked for the caseworker that was working with sadie and jason.Once she got ahold of the caseworker she quickly began to talk with her "look I would like to remain anonymous because of how these people react and dont want to be hurt ,but they are not in my opinion what one would consider stable parents.I have sent you all the information from articles and pictures of mrs Hayes if that's what she still goes by and well just for you to know jason has a child on the way with another woman who is located in his hometown.I sent you that womans information as well for you to verify.They dont have long being married since they just met and eloped immediately.that also shows what their mentality is.I just dont want to see that poor child suffer since the only reason she married was to get her part in the family company" the caseworker remained silent.All that sadie heard was the mouse clicking." I see what you are saying ma'am... this is truly alarming to see.When I looked into their information none of this came out...may I ask where you got all this from?" the caseworker asked her." I'm close to the family well if you keep this between us I can let you know.." sadie said. " ma'am everything is kept confidential..you wont have to worry about that" she told sadie. "well then ok... I am her older brothers fiance.I know it's wrong of me to do this but I want what is best for which ever child they decide on.I dont want them to treat that poor innocent baby as a toy" sadie went on to say." I appreciate what you are doing, I know that this must be difficult but I commend you on your honesty.I will proceed with the next steps that need to be made" the caseworker told her.
when liam had gotten to his home the maid was already speaking to the delivery men." I'm glad I got here on time.please bring everything in to the living room she will show you where to place the stuff.He looked over the list of items that were being delivered to verify everything.I will look through this list once everything is inside" he told them as he handed the list to the maid and went inside.camille quickly walked towards the living room when she spotted liam " honey what are you doing here? didnt you have the meeting?" she asked surprised to see him home early "what is all of this stuff? honey why are they bringing in a crib and so much baby stuff?"