before the party begins

Cameras and news reporters stood by the entrance.There were so many people waiting for the arrival of the bride.the guests were already inside sitting for the music to start playing announcing the bride entering.the bridesmaids were waiting by the entrance of the venue all impatient to go in.when the limousine pulled up the chauffer went and opened the door to help the bride out of the vehicle.

when she stepped out the cameras were flashing like crazy trying to get different angles of the beautiful satin gown that was form fittingvgiving the body a figure flattering contour effect.the gown featured frosted alençon lace appliques that were placed on net over chantilly had a sweetheart bodice with small sleeves to fit the flare. the dress had a scalloped cut-away train.The headpiece that went with the gown was on the side right side.its silver color with beautiful diamonds added on it stood out with her dark brown hair that was in loose curls.As liv walked towards the entrance of the venue several of the bridesmaids stood there confused.With a huge smile on her face sadie quickly got the other girls moving."well then you know your jobs .this wedding has to go perfect so not a word and smile as we enter .let's get a move on then" she instructed as liv got closer.immediatly they listened and did as they were told since they knew they were being filmed live on tv.

As the music started playing everyone stood up.Every seat was taken and a few lucky reporters were allowed inside to film.Liam stood at the altar with his groomsmen and watched as each of the bridesmaids entered.the bridal chorus started playing and everyone focused their attention to the entrance.when liv started walking towards the altar many had shocked expressions but kept quiet.others werent aware of the confusion currently going on.Liam held his hand out to her when she got to the altar and kissed her hand with so much happiness filled inside him." you look radiant " he told her .right after that the ceremony began.

Camille was on her way but confused as to why her bridesmaids said they had seen her limo if she was still away from the venue. she kept calling to everyone's phones but to no avail.all the cellphones were off. she started panicking and screaming in anger." what the hell is going on!!! I need to know turn on the radio !!! drive faster now!!!" camille yelled at the driver." please calm down there must be a reasonable explanation for this...let's just calm down before your hair gets any more messed up" he told her nodding to the chauffer to turn on the it played they were just announcing that the ceremony had started and the doors had been closed.Hearing that made her go crazy with anger smacking her boyfriend and crying." I will not have this day ruined !!! Hurry up and get there already!!! I will make sure you are fired if you dont speed up !!!" she screamed.The entire ride was full of screaming and hitting that they arrived a few minutes earlier than expected.she saw the reporters standing outside waiting for the ceremony to finish. she pushed her boyfriend out of the way to exit the limo causing a bit of a scene getting the attention of some of the reporters.she ran towards the entrance but found it to be locked.screaming in anger she banged on the doors trying to get the attention of everyone inside.some of the reporters quickly questioned her causing her to scream at them in anger " what is wrong with you people !!! this is my wedding my ceremony not the imposter that is inside!!! Someone is pretending to be me!!! I need to go inside now!!!" she yelled as she went to the windows trying to see if anyone could see her.Her boyfriend pulled her back to the limo " you're making a fool of yourself, calm down!!"

At that moment the doors suddenly opened and people started to surround the entrance trying to catch a glimpse of the newly wed couple.camille quickly walked toward where the crowd was and pushed her way into the crowd.At the center of the huge crowd she came across liam and liv kissing and embracing each other full of joy.she went straight for liv pulling at the sleeve of her dress causing it to tear.Many people gasped at the sight of camille and what she had just done.Camilles hair was already undone and her makeup had started to run." you are nothing but trash liv!!! Liam how could you marry her?this was suppose to be our day!!! we have been planning this for so long?!! this is joke!!! she is just using you to ruin me !!! to ruin us!!!" camille screamed.Liam placed himself between liv and camille " I think you are mistaken miss, your boyfriend is standing by the limousine you came in with him.please dont confuse my wedding with yours" he told her as he turned to liv who was holding on to her ripped gown.sadie immediately called for security." you will all pay for this!!! I will make sure you regret what you have done to me know exactly what I'm capable of doing!!!" she screamed as security tried to escort her out causing her to push them away and leave in the vehicle she came in.

after she had left reporters were going on a frenzy trying to figure what had just occurred.sadie went up to liv and had her follow her back inside the building." well it's a good thing I invited your dress designer and well he always makes a different outfit in case you change your mind to something else.he messaged me that he is on his way to pick up that other dress but for now we will wait here until that dress arrives" sadie told her." thank you sadie and I'm sorry we didn't say anything" liv told her walking towards one of the rooms in the venue " this room is meant for the bride and bridesmaids we can wait here for now" she told sadie." to be honest liv I was wishing for something like this to happen, I really wanted for you and liam to get married instead of that psycho" sadie replied.Liv smiled " after everything that happened liam and I knew we had to change our way of doing things in order to reach this day.we found out she had private investigators following our every move." sadie sat down " well I wish I could of known about this plan but I truly loved the surprise as I'm sure many were shocked and confused as well."

Ian was just arriving to the cafe to check up on things when he noticed the huge crowd of people by the entrance of the venue.He started heading in when one of the workers from the cafe called him over.Liam was still in front of the venue speaking with the guests and reporters " I truly apologize for what just occurred.she.... ms.wilson, as you recall has gone through so much recently and well I tried my best to give her the support she needed to run everything that was left to her.Of course one can only do so much and in her case well ambition for money and her confusion of my help into love is something only one can endure for so long before it interferes with ones personal life.I thank all of you for coming and well the party must go on."he turned and went inside the building leaving carter to give the instructions to the photographers and reporters that would be joining inside.

Ian was helping to the deliver the food to the kitchen when he spotted liam.He dropped off the food and went to look for him.liam was inspecting the place when he heard ian call out to him." I truly hope this place is up to your standards" ian told him." well I was not expecting to find you here ,but for the record it is...this place looks amazing and the decorations came out marvelous" liam told him."well that's all thanks to livs hard work she really out did herself with getting everything ready ,even the food and well everything honestly" ian said as he looked around."Look before you find out about how things are I think it best you hear it from..." liam started saying when one of the girls helping out for the event went in screaming with surprise " she kept it a secret!!! did you know she was the bride!!! liv never mentioned it!!!" excitement got the best of the girls that they didnt realize they were screaming it out. at the mention of that ian turned to him hurt and mixed with anger " tell me you married that blonde bimbo instead of liv...that a lie right?!" Liam sighed " that's what I just wanted to say, I guess news spreads fast for people who are suppose to be working." ian turned to the group and sent them to hurry up and finish getting everything ready to serve." For her sake I'm not going to say anything....I'm happy as long as shes happy.all I ask is if you give me a chance to talk to her" ian told him." I appreciate it and to be honest shes been wanting to talk with you for a while"liam told him.