weeks away

Months had passed by already and everything seemed to have gotten better.while liam and liv were at the lake house ,sadie and Carter were running the family business together.Jason was also by Sadie's side helping with what needed to be done aside from running his brother's businesses.Ian had left since the wedding leaving everything behind and not making contact with anyone.Jason tried searching for his brother but sadly had no success in finding him.No one knew where he had gone and the phone number he had eventually got disconnected.Jason worried about his older brother but felt that the move he took by disappearing is what ian really needed to recover after everything that had happened.

Liv watched liam pack the last of the suitcases into the trunk of the car as she sat on a chair by the porch.She had her hand on her belly feeling all the kicks as the baby moved inside her.She felt so much joy knowing that soon she would be able to hold the baby in her arms."to think that 4 months have passed already and she's grown so much" liam told liv as he walked up to her placed his hand to feel the baby move."we've been so calm and happy here are you sure its a good idea to go to into town and stay there until shes born?" liv asked him." of course ,we'll be closer to the hospital since we only have a month left.i want to be closer instead of miles away" he told her as he helped her up "now let's go to your appointment and see how our princess is doing."

Sadie was back home getting the nursery room ready for the arrival of her baby that Jason had gone to pick up.Sadie was upset that she couldn't go even after trying to get everything done before time but certain situations arrised causing her and Carter to have several meetings and resolve the issues.As she got the last of the baby clothes put away in drawers ,her phone rang she seemed surprised at seeing that it was the adoption agency calling.she quickly answered it thinking it had to be about Jason."I'm sorry I hope my husband isn't late for the meeting" she answered." no mrs.hayes I'm calling to update you on the status of your application.we received word that you and your husband are not at this time applicable for any adoptions.hearing how your current marriage is ,we find it best that you wait longer..." the agent told her causing confusion for sadie." wait, excuse me my husband is on his way for our child.how can you tell me this now...we've been waiting for this moment and frankly I know where you received word from" she blurted out in anger." I apologize for this but we have no record of us approving your application.unless its from a different agency we have no record of such meeting" the agent told her.Sadie hung up upset and looked around at the decorated nursery room and fell to the ground in tears.she tried calling Jason but was unable to reach him.she called Carter with the news and asked him to go over.within an hour Carter arrived and went to sadie trying to console her.two hours had passed when they heard the front door open " honey we're home!!!" jason notified as he walked to the living room with car seat in hand.Sadie and Carter rushed down at the sound of his voice.she walked down the stairs starting to feel anger inside her at the thought she was lied to all this time." how can you lie to me all this time and let me get my hopes up with a child when we were denied our application for adoption?!" she exclaimed.seeing his back turned to her infuriated her."well let me explain before you get ahead of yourself " he told her as he gently unbuckled the infant to take him out.carter watched the couple from a distance trying to not involve himself in his sisters marrital dispute.she gasped at the sight of the baby and felt a tear run down her cheek."But how? Jason im confused, explain how he's here and I was informed from the agency that we couldn't? how ?is he ours?" she said as walked up to Jason who was handing her the baby."I spoke to another agency and we found someone who was in need of a family for the baby.Its a closed adoption so we dont have to worry about anything" he told her as he watched her hold him with so much happiness at finally getting that opportunity.carter walked closer to them to see the tiny infant "well then who is this new member to the family?" he asked as he gently touched the little ones hand." This is owen... I know sadie really had her heart set on that name" he replied to Carter. Seeing that Owen was tired she decided to take him to the nursery leaving Jason and Carter alone." I'm assuming there is more to this story than what you told her" Carter told him."what makes you question it?" jason replied." for a new agency to approve you that quick its hard to believe.I suggest you tell her the full story than just a small version of it" Carter told him as he waved and left the house.Carter always kept to himself.For his family he always stayed by them no matter the circumstances.jason always found him to he mysterious in some ways and in a way loyal to his siblings compared to others.what he always wondered was what were his intentions with everything occurring.most of the conversations they had were all business related so anything else was rare.

Liv and liam had just walked out of the doctors office when liams phone received a message.He checked it and saw that it was a message from sadie." let's get in the car and ill check what she sent "he told liv as he helped open the door for her and closed it once she was in.He got in not knowing that someone was watching them from a distance.That person observed their interactions in the car full of laughter and happiness as liv held her phone up while she was on the phone placing it between her and liam so both can hear.The person quickly sent out a message on the phone and followed the couples car up until finding out all that was needed to know about them and their whereabouts.

Liv and liam got back to the hotel so that she could rest.The closer she got to her due date the more drained of energy she felt.liam set up the bed for her trying to get her as comfortable before going to check the security that the hotel had.He wanted to make sure that his family would be safe and more security was added to keep things secure for them.He was informed that more security was to be added with of course an extensive background check to be sure they would be secure.He took a tour around the place with management as they spoke about the cameras and where everyone and everything was to be set up.

Liv layed in bed with the curtains opened watching the birds pass by and observing the beautiful view they had of the mountains and tall green pine trees.so much beauty and calm to intake which made her feel relaxed yet deep inside of her she felt incomplete, like there is something missing.Liam walked in trying to not make so much noise and went to sit next to her." so much change in so little time " he said as she turned to look at him." you say it as if it's a bad thing" she replied. He laughed then responded to her "no it's just that we don't have a year married yet we've extended our honeymoon for so long and in just a couple of weeks we'll be extending our family."

she turned back to look outside feeling hurt at the sound of his words." liam I know this is something you weren't expecting but to be honest I was not either. all I want is for this baby to be healthy ,happy, and loved.Ian deserves to know but sadly he doesn't.I appreciate everything you've done for us and that you want to take on the role as her father but don't be forced..." she said as she started to cry.Liam quickly hugged her to calm her down " I do everything for both you and our child.I love you both and well to be honest I would love for our entire family to be here.I know that you still feel that you're not safe but maybe things are different now we've finally got what we wanted.of course that's not going change anything but something to consider"he told her as she sighed at his words." maybe you're right, maybe it's just my hormones going crazy but what if I'm right? "she said liam laughed at her words " Ok, but just remember we've been at peace all these months and there has been no word of her since we married.we are finally at peace."