A Dinner with the Beast (2)

In the room, LiMingHu found out that TianTian had taking a nap on the sofa. He walked closer but without any sound. Then he saw there was a little piece of cake on TianTian's lip. He touched the lip with his thumb to remove the piece, but it awaken TianTian, she startled and woke up immediately, her face turns red...

"You...you has return..."

LiMingHu pleased to see TianTian's reaction, he then purposely ate the cake piece on his thumb, but he looks intensely to TianTian,

"Hm...so sweet"

TianTian tried to cover her shy and try to divert his attention,

"Now what do you want me to do? Do I still need to wait here for you all the day? You make me die from boring here!"

The King closely looked at her face and said,

"Without my permission, you even cannot die leaving me, TianTian. Come on..." He pulled TianTian's hand again, out from his office. They entered the lift.

In the lift, TanTan dared herself to complaint,

"Where are we going now? Can you please just tell me before you drag me?"

"Well, I don't want to ruin the surprise..." LiMingHu smiled teasing her,

"Surprise?" TianTian wondered in scare, will be this one of his crazy surprise type? Since they met, TianTian felt she had enough to get unpleasing surprises in her life. But she decided not to fight yet, she just obediently entered the car with the king.

And after a few minutes, they arrives at the Li hotel again. But this time the King took her to a boutique in the hotel, the manager and other staff in the boutique greets the king politely,

"Change her now!" LiMingHu's command was immediately be done by the staff. They guided TianTian to the change room and then helped her to change her cloth, make up and put some accessories, TianTian realizes on her neck was being put the same necklace like before. It reminded her what happened to that night, when the king jealousy angered to her coz of meeting her brother. TianTian touches the necklace nervously and gulped,

'What is his plan this time? Changing me into a doll like this? Is he asking me to accompany him again to some event?'

When TianTian was ready, she looked to her own reflection in the mirror. Once again she became so pretty in her blue short dress this time and simple hair ties.

"The lady is ready, Sir" announced the worker to LiMingHu, while giving a way for TianTian to walk out from changing room.

LiMingHu was stunned,

'This is the girl that I want so much...she is so astonishing and adorable...'

LiMingHu smiled, he offers his hand to TianTian,

"Shall we?"

TianTian had a little bit doubt, but she finally took LiMingHu's hand. In her mind, she was ensuring herself to cooperate with the beast to find out his weakness.

Then both of them moved to other floor, which was the 5 stars restaurant of Li Hotel, 'Star Li Restaurant'; where is known as a luxury and high-class restaurant in the city. TianTian felt amazed with the atmosphere of the restaurant. But what surprised her most that it was empty, no other customers at all. All restaurant servants welcomed LiMingHu as the only customer for that night.

"Please this way, Sir..."

The waiter lead them to the most vip table, where they can see a view of city night from 500th floor in the wall glass beside their table.

'This is crazy, he ordered one entire expensive restaurant just to have dinner with me?'

TianTian can't stop herself to feels flattered about it. But again she reminded herself to have self control. She, TianTian was not a materialistic woman. 'The beast is showing off his wealth, I won't easily moved by that.'

LiMingHu was enjoying TianTian's changing looks, he could clearly saw what was struggling in her mind.

"So do you like this place?"

"Its...fine..." TianTian actually want to scream, 'Its too much.. you wasting too much money, which could be used to feed the needy out of the street!!!'

"Hm...you act nice tonight. That kind a weird...Are you finally giving up to me?"

The King teased her, TianTian stared fiercely to him,

"No...I am not, I just wanna to make a peace with you for awhile..."

"Oh ,is that so? Well, it is better if we can eat in peace...but somehow I miss your fierce acts" LiMingHu smirked, and gestures to the waiters to serve the food.

When the food has come, TianTian once again keep reminding her to control herself coz she was now almost drooled seeing the delicious steak which served in her plate.

"Now enjoy the food..." LiMingHu started to cut the steak and eat,

TianTian didn't wait any longer to eat also. In a few minutes, her plate became empty completely and also with another dishes. LiMingHu seemed glad to see TianTian enjoying her food. After all food had been served, LiMingHu gestured the servant to pour the red wine.

"This is Domaine Leroy Musigny Grand Cru 2012,  a sumptuous cornucopia of flowers, gentle and delicate with silky tannins..." The servant who is actually a sommelier was giving the explanation of the wine. TianTian couldn't understand it at all, but what she knew that the red wine must be so expensive...

When the sommelier left them, LiMingHu raised the wine glass to have a toast with TianTian's glass.

"Cheers for a peaceful dinner"

TianTian felt the same. The dinner was not too bad, although the King didn't say anything during the meal, but somehow she felt quite comfort and unexpected enjoying the meal. So she raised her glass too, but before they finish the toast, a loud voice sounded from outside of the restaurant. Someone seemed barged in and complained,

"What do you mean, you can't accept another guest tonight! Don't you know who I am!! Beside who is so dared reserved entire of my favourite restaurant tonight Hah!! I wanna to see the person by myself.."

What a shock when LiMingHu and TiantIan saw who came. It was Philip Huang, and he was accompanied by WenWen. Four of them clearly surprised to see each others.

"WenWen..." TianTian called her name but WenWen threw her face to other side and gesturing that she was really really upset

While Philip Huang obviously was unpleasing to see LiMingHu the one who reserved entire restaurant.

"So...its our President Li! No wonder they won't let me in....but as the owner of this hotel, should you dominate the entire restaurant for yourself??? I am afraid it won't good for the business later..."

Philip Huang clearly mocked him. But LiMingHu didn't give a lot of respond, he just stayed sit calmly and answered,

"Well, Mr Huang...like you said, I am the owner of this hotel, so I think I have right to use this restaurant for my benefit also."

"Come on Mr Li...as one of your biggest investor, you must safe my face. I had promised to Ms WenWen here, to celebrate her being chosen as new company face by giving her splendid dinner here...Don't I do this for the company also...?!"

LiMingHu held TianTian suddenly,

"I am sorry but today is also special for me and my woman...You see my woman is too shy. She can't have dinner with someone else except with me only... Beside I believe you have another better place for your date like usual" He smirked to Mr Philip and WenWen.

WenWen felt embarrassed to be found out by LiMingHu that she became Mr Phillip Huang's date, and mostly felt so jealous to see TianTian here having a luxury date with her dream man.

"You...!" Phillip Huang didn't want to give up, he came closer and glanced to TianTian, he startled for he never saw this woman before around LiMingHu..

'So...this is his new girlfriend...who is she I wonder...?'

TianTian was silent but actually she has many things to say to WenWen, she just didn't know how to start it.

WenWen seems couldn't stand there any longer, she speaks to Philip Huang with a shivering voice,

"Mr Philip,...I don't mind if we change the place...suddenly I don't have any mood to eat here anymore"

"Ah...well ,if that so...I won't bother you anyrmore, President Li...Enjoy your date.."

WenWen turned her back from TianTian and ready to walk but TianTian suddenly stopped her,

"Wait...WenWen...I want to speak with you..." She grabbed WenWen's wrist,

"There is nothing to talk!...you traitor!!!" WenWen angrily took off her hand harshy, and it pushed back TianTian strongly back to the table, caused the wine bottle fell down and broke.

LiiMingHu with instinct, stood up and checked TianTian's condition.

"Are you okay?" He held TianTian shoulders, TianTian shook gesturing she was fine. Then LiMingHu put his arm around TianTian's waist, makes her closer to him and stared angrily to WenWen,

"What do you think you are doing to my woman, Ms WenWen?"

TianTian tried to release herself from LiMingHu's hug, she really didn't want to show the intimate between her and LiMingHu, especially in front of WenWen.

"Let go...No, WenWen, this is not like what you see..." But LiMingHu gestured her to silent by putting his finger on her lip.


WenWen was burst in her jealousy. For her, TianTian looked like showing her affection toward LiMingHu purposely. She wanted to scream and yell to TianTian, but she only could controlled herself and pressed her anger inside her.

'I hate you, TianTian...I really do'. TianTian shocked seeing WenWen's look that clearly spoke out her mind.

Philip Huang observed what happened,

'LiMingHu's treatment to this woman seems different than to other woman. And it seems Ms WenWen knows more about this woman too. This is getting interesting' He smiles,

"Please forgive Ms WenWen. I can see she is a little upset for not able to dinner here and accidently pushed this lady. Come, Ms WenWen. Let me take you to other restaurant which as good as this restaurant, or maybe better one..."

Philip Huang held her shoulders and took WenWen out from the restaurant.

WenWen didn't say anything, she just followed Philip Huang quietly.

After they gone, LiMingHu released TianTian, who immediately want to chase WenWen. But LiMingHu grabbed her hand, not letting her go,

"Where are you going? Our dinner is not finish yet..."

"I want to speak to WenWen..."

LiMingHu pushes her closer again to his body and his left hand hugged her waist tightly while his right hand held TianTian's left hand. Their position was like they were ready to have waltz dance, the music was really playing at the moment and LiMingHu whispers to her,

"It seems WenWen is not worthy to become your friend...now didn't you regret to choose her as your bet before?'

"I am not regret! She is my best friend...She just angry because of..."


TianTian looks at LiMingHu and startled that his face was so close to her, his eyes stared to her intensely.


Suddenly she forgot what she wanted to say. In that moment, when the music kept playing, LiMingHu slowly moves their body in one rhythm.


TianTian's heart gave a fast beats, her face became red till her ears. The atmosphere was giving romantic aura till TianTian felt drawn to the moment.

While their body still moving in one rhythm, slowly the king kissed TianTian's forehead gently. TianTian didn't fight back, she was liked being witched by the moment. It gave the courage for the king to keep kissing her eyes, her nose and then her lips.

At that night, for the first time TianTian giving her lips to be embraced by LiMingHu without any fighting back. She responds so lively to every touching of LiMingHu's lips... But when LiMingHu started to put his tongue inside TianTian's mouth and his hand started to caress her back passionately, made TianTian awoke from the lust. She pushes back LiMingHu suddenly,

"Nooo!" TianTian widened her eyes, shocked to see herself so easily moved by his touching, and she even enjoyed it... She turned back from LiMingHu, hugged herself in terrified. She looked to the glass wall but not really seeing the view, she still in shock and confusedly with herself,

'Since when she becomes so weak...and easily attracted to this beast?'

Seeing TianTian being nervous like that, LiMingHu hugged her from the back, he kissed her neck gently, and whispered,

"Please...don't be afraid of me... I really like you, TianTian...I want you so badly."

"...I am so tired...Can we just go home now.." said TianTian nervously, LiMingHu could felt her body also shivered, so he let go his hug.

"Fine...let's go home now." He held TianTian's hand and never let it go either when they walked out of the hotel or in the car, during the journey to back home. TianTian didn't reject it at all. He escorted TianTian until her room and kissed TianTian's forehead again, saying

"Good night" and then he back to his own room.

In her room, TianTian sat on her bed, holding her self. She was so confused and terrified, 'Is it maybe actually she has been captured by the beast charisma all these time without she realized it? Then can she really freed from this beast...or the real question is does she want to be freed later?'