A Date with the Beast (3)

Around nine or ten men suddenly appeared and surrounded LiMingHu.

"Finish him!!!" Shout the man who grabbed TianTian. The other men acted as the command, they attacked the King at once. LiMingHu didn't look panic instead he avoided all the attack with easy and didn't letting any attacks be successfully hurting him. When the leader noticed it, he shouted,


Now when LiMingHu heard it, suddenly his concentration was disturbed, and the others took this chance to give more hits and punches. They finally successfully hurting the king. LiMingHu lost his balance and was falling on his knee.

"Good!!! Finish himmmm!!!"

"Noo...!!!" TianTian knew the situation was not good for LiMingHu. He was outnumbered. In other hand, TianTian's situation was also in difficult position. The man who grabbed TianTian was bigger than her and quite strong.

Actually since she was a little, her mother has equipped her what to do in dangerous time. She just never had a chance to use it because his brothers protected her so much. Seeing the situation and also feeling so worry about the beast, TianTian decided to practice out what her mother taught her. TianTian stepped so hard on his grabber's foot,


and when that man in reflex released his hands, TianTian gave a hard kick with her leg to his between legs,

"AUuucch, the...that..wo...man....!!!" and then she runs away from him, runs to LiMingHu.

All men at once felt sorry to their leader who just kicked by TianTian, so they stopped action for a while, waiting for their leader's next instruction. While LiMingHu tries to stand back, ignoring his injuries and blood which flowing out from his tore lips.

"Are you okay?" TianTian immediately helped him stand.

Despite his pain feeling around his body, LiMingHu smiled to hear the worry words from TianTian, he looked at her and pushed her to be his behind.

"Stay close behind me, I'll finish them in a second..."

"WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT??!! ATTACK HIM...FINISH HIM AND BRING THAT BITCH TO ME!!!" Shout the leader in pain, he clearly put a rage on TianTian because if the pain he got.

But this time, knowing TianTian safe with him, the King seemed getting his game back. With easily, he returned back the attacks while he also made sure TianTian didn't get any harm.

At the moment, what TianTian saw mostly was the beast's back and seeing how brutal the beast defeats his enemies but strangely this time she didn't feel afraid to the beast. On the contrary, she felt saved by the back of the beast although she still worried, worried that the beast got hurt.

But turned out she didn't have to worry, as LiMingHu's bodyguards appeared and immediately protected their boss and TianTian. In minutes, they managed to control the situation. TianTian was quite amazed to see that.

One of his man came regretfully,

"I am sorry, we come late, President Li! Some men suddenly blocking our way to come here...."

LiMingHu didn't reply it, he just give the order madly and coldly, as a intimidating lion.

"Find who they worked for and then finish them...!!"

After giving the command to his men, LiMingHu held TianTian's waist and forced her walk into the car. After he locked the car, LiMingHu grabs TianTian's hands. TianTian already felt upset for being forced in but then she noticed that the beast stared on the red mark on her wrists, he looked weird. LiMingHu then did something surprising,

he kissed the marks gently.

"Is it hurt?" LiMingHu asked softly. It surprised TianTian, for she never expected that the beast can be so gentle to her. She felt embarrassed,

"I am okay..." TianTian pulled back her hands from the beast. LiMingHu then just lay his back and sighs, he looked tired after what happened. She glances to LiMingHu, she also realizing that LiMingHu's wounds are much serious than her. And all those wounds happened for he tried to protect me so hardly. TianTian felt responsible and as reflex, she touched the wound on LiMingHu's face, around lip corner and she looked at the beast in worry and regret.

"This must be hurt..."

In next second, TianTian seems realizing that she has over the board and ready to pull back her hand but LiMingHu won't allow her, he grabbed TianTian's hand to stay touching his lip corner.

"Don't move..cause its really hurt...I need your touching to heal me..."

"It's absurd, how can just a touching heal your wound?" TianTian felt upset for the beast still have time to tease her. But LiMingHu still didn't let her hand go, he closed his eyes, and then kissed TianTian's palm gently. Then he held down TianTian's hand, folding his fingers to her fingers. TianTian gave up, she let the beast holding her hand, yet she still worry about him,

"I think you need go to the hospital immediately!"

LiMingHu opened his eyes and smiled,

"Are you worry about my wounds?"

TianTian was nervous, she tried to explain,

"Well...you were hurt because of me...I just feel bad...how if I take you to the hospital now...let's treat your wounds before it getting bad."

LiMingHu smirked again,

"Then I don't need hospital...what I need is this..." And then without any warning, he kissed TianTian passionately. TianTian surprised, at first, she wanted to pushed him but somehow she just let LiMingHu satisfied to explore her mouth with his tongue. And a weird pleasure feeling came to TianTian as she didn't hate to be kissed in that way anymore. Minutes later, a knock on the car window finally made the king willing to release TianTian's mouth.

In upset, LiMingHu opened the window,


"Eng...I am sorry to bother you, President but you left your smartphone and there is a call for you..." One of his men with terrified handed over the smartphone.

LiMingHu took the smartphone and see the caller. He seems disturbed when he answered it,


TianTian felt shy for the kiss, she tried to let go her hand but it didn't work for the beast didn't want to let it go.

"...I see, nothing to worry, I'll check it immediately..."

TianTian thought whoever the beast spoke to, the caller must gave him a trouble news for she could feel his intense when he sudden hold her hands tightly.

After the call was off, LiMingHu gestured one of his man to drive the car back home. Seeing LiMingHu's face so intense, TianTian couldn't help not to asking in worry and curious.

"Is...everything okay?"

LiMingHu looked at her, and suddenly he laid his head on TianTian's tiny shoulder. It surprised TianTian,

"Don't move...just for a while...let me sleep for a while" and LiMingHu closed his eyes. TianTian really didn't dare to move, she observed that LiMingHu was really asleep.

A driver was also shocked to see the view from the car inner mirror, he comments to TianTian.

"Wow, you are awesome, Miss TianTian!!...President must be really loved you, coz I never see him sleep easily in any woman's shoulder before..."

TianTian only could smile nervously. She observed LiMingHu,

"He is really handsome when he sleeps..." TianTian whispered and then felt shocked by herself, her face became red and she turned her head to the window, but she couldn't stop thinking,

'Who is the caller? LiMingHu seems so troubled when he answered it... but why do I care about it??? TianTian, are you really has falling for this beast?!"

Although TianTian kept looking the road, but she still could feel the warmth which came from the folding hands between her hand and the beast's hand.