Meeting Kara Danvers (Supergirl)

Alex was seen in his suit, standing alone on a now-where lane and was trying to jump to a parallel universe, particularly Earth-38 as he wanted to see Superman and even Supergirl. " One more time... It has been the 69th time of trying. Come on! " He increased his speed and "BOOM". A sort of portal appeared in front of Alex and he entered into it. As he entered into, modern buildings came into his view and he stopped running and entered a silent alley after a few moments. He checked whether anyone was around in the alley and there was no one nearby; he took out a facial transmogrification device (A version of device that was used by HR. The improvement that Alex made was that X-ray vision cannot reveal the user's true appearance )and took the appearance of a well built and black-haired spectacled man, with the height of 180cm and 69kg. Alex's new appearance was on the scale of handsome and with that appearance is worse than his original one and would still be sought by most women. There was a reason why he did so because he had a plan, which he did not want to be recognized by her when she comes to Earth-1 to help Barry, his twin; he did not want to take any chance.

Alex took off and got out from the alley, finding out where he was. He went to nearby newspaper store and picked up a newspaper from a pile. Through reading the newspaper, he found out that he was in National City, a city where Kara Danvers (Supergirl) reside in. After roughly an hour, he reached a skyscraper and went in to have a closer look. Alex thought to himself, " This building looks familiar... Wait a minute. It's CatCo Worldwide Media, the building where Kara Danvers works in."

As he was turning back, he was bumped by a person who seemed to be in a rush and was heading towards the Catco Worldwide Media. He was knocked down to the ground and the person who bumped into him was unharmed.

Alex exclaimed, " Wtf (swore in his mind)". He got up and looked at the person who bumped into him and knocked him to ground. He saw Mellisa Benoist, who was known as Kara Danvers in this DC universe, holding a latte and a handbag and both of her hands were full. She was quite beautiful in Alex's opinion and not losing out to Caitlin Snow or any fashion models. Kara Danvers saw Alex on the ground and placed what she held on the ground. She offered a hand to Alex and he took it and was lifted off the ground. She then tried to take back all of her things from the ground and struggled with it. Seeing this, Alex helped her and it was not long before she had all her things. She asked Alex, " Sorry about just now. " Alex told her, " It's okay. I'm fine. " Hearing this, Kara quickly ran off and headed towards Catco Worldwide Media. Alex was going to start a conversation, but Kara was already seen to be entering the entrance of the building.

Since he had nothing much to do, he strolled around National City and was sightseeing. He found out that al; the original brands such as Apple, Samsung and ASUS exist in this universe. He spent the whole morning and afternoon carrying out this activity. He had already decided that he will go to the place where Kara will be having her blind date that night.


Later at night, Alex headed to the place where Kara was going to have her blind date. He was wearing a blue T-shirt with a dark blue jacket and jeans and was sitting on a table alone, which was next to where were Kara Danvers and her blind date. Music was being played in the background.

Alex was listening to their conversation.

The blind date of Kara: " So where are you from originally?" Kara hesitated for a while before saying, " Um... you like where I was born? Umm... North." The handphone beside the man buzzed and he took it and laughed looking at it. He told Kara, "Oh... I gotta hit this back real quick," before leaving the table. Kara used her superhearing ability to hear the man saying to a lady worker there, " Check, please. Make sure your number is on it." Kara sighed as her blind date was a failure; she turned around and noticed a familiar person sitting the next table to her, who was Alex. She approached Alex and said, "Hello, there." Alex greeted her back and she clarified who she was, " I'm the person who accidentally bumped into you this morning."

Alex said, " Oh... I'm Eric." Kara introduced herself to Alex (Eric). She started apologizing to Alex and Alex assured her that it was fine and the apology was accepted."

Kara: " No. No... Is there something that I can do for you?"

Alex: " (Thought for a while)... How about... You give me your phone number."

Kara was surprised by Alex's action of asking her for her phone number. She was shocked for a while and after calming down, she thought to herself that the person before him was quite handsome and replied to him, " +44 7700 900077. [ Author: I got it from a random mobile phone number generator.]"

Alex jolted down the number and recorded it on his phone. Their conversation was disturbed by a TV programme on television.

The anchorman on the TV: " National City Airlines flight 237 bound for Geneva is experiencing some loss of altitude. The pilot seems to be circling the city after apparent engine failure. "

Kara asked Alex quickly, "Did he say, Geneva? Alex! " Alex asked her, "Who's Alex?" " She's my sister. I have to go." said Kara and she left quickly, leaving Alex there. " So she's going to save her sister and the plane from crashing, revealing herself to the world. Should I help her?"