Cross: (He lifts his hand towards Sarah and pushes her backward Sarah becomes unconscious)

Mane: Sarah!!! Sarah!!! How dare you Cross!

Cross: Our two Omega's are sleeping. Before they wake let us know who the greatest is.

Mane: How did Astandara remain alive?

Cross: You should be focused on how to get... (An arrow hits Cross on the arm) Arghh.

Mane: You might be the most powerful but I am more smarter. Well done guys.. The Arrow was soaked in mountain ash. You will be weak for at least some hours till I am through with the kanima.

(Mane picks the scroll and started casting the spells in it.)

Mane; (The Cave opens) Kanima here I come!

Cross: (Too weak) No! no! (Sobbing)

(Mane moves in the cave and started casting the spells in the scroll. Immediately he is through with this spell. He automatically becomes the Sorcererlord)

(Jane and Sarah wakes at the same time. Malikos men guards the cave)

Jane: Cross Cross, what happened?

Cross: Don't let them get the kanima.

Jane: Mountain ash? Let me get the antidote.

Cross: Are you a physician?

Jane: I lived in the wilderness for years. I know what works for it.

Cross: Get it fast.

Sarah: And where do yiu think yiu are going.

Jane: Sarah get off my way don't Mae me do this.

Sarah: And what will you do?

Jane: (Screams) Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Sarah was displaced by the wave and this time she got even more farther)

(Minutes for Mane to finish casting the spell. Jane brought the antidote and gave Cross)

Cross: Thanks Jane, you are even more useful than Mike.

(Cross demolished the guards at the cave. Seconds for Mane to finish casting the spell. The Kanima is rising already. If he does. Cross and Jane won't be able to stand the Kanima.)

Cross: Before I get to him he aiul have completed the Spell. The hall is long.

Jane: He can't go faster than a sound wave. You might want to close your ears (Jane screams and Mane was carried by the wave and he hit his head on the wall.)

Cross: You are the one Jane. Thanks you!.

(Cross rushed to the altar and started casting the spell from the scroll)

(The kanima began to lift its head. Very scary and fierce creature. Jane became afraid)

Jane: Cross cross..

Cross: (Continues the spell)

Mane: Stop! Stop! Cross (Tries to disturb him with sorcery)

Jane: (Swings her hand and hits Mane on the wall unintentionally) Oh, how did I do that? Wow, its good to be a sorcerer.

(Cross completes the spell and falls to the ground. The kanima stands up on its feet very big creature)

Jane: (Crying) oh, help me somebody. Help me.

Kanima: (Roars)

Jane: (Screams) Ahhhhh!!!!!!!

Kanima: (Roars)

Jane: Okay, Jane what is next? Run!!!!! (Jane runs out of the cave. The kanima didn't chase)

Jane: Its not coming after me? I can't leave Cross here. I promised Vera I would take care of him. But this thing is the worse thing I have seen in my life. (Scared)

Cross: (Coughs) Jane did we do it?

Jane: Yes we did! (Hugs Cross)

(The light shone all over the eight towns in the nation)

King Morghdad: That light I'd the evidence that someone have claimed the Kanimalord. And thats no one else than Mane. We are doomed. We lost Armanda he got the Kanima.. Let's learn how to become slaves. Mane is coming.

Tom: We can't be so sure its Mane that got the kanimalord.

King Morghdad: So who would it be? Its surely Mane.

Tom: i am scared father.

King Morghdad: I am more than scared son.

(Every Town was eager to know who became victorious as the Kamimalord. Malikos were favourites)

(Astandara sees the light)

Astandara: Well done Cross. Well done.

(Cross and Jane leaves the cave. And heads back to Wallnock. Leaving Mane and Sarah there. But without the command of the Kamimalord the Kanima can do no harm)

Cross: Mike. I am back.

Seri: You are back?

Cross: You are surprised I made it back alive?

Seri: No, just that...

Cross: Keep shut! Mike I told you not yo trust her. She is the real definition of deciet. She told Sarah everything about the scroll. I was very lucky to still meet them at the entrance of the cave.

Mike: How dare you? (Faces Seri)

Seri: Don't come near me Mike. I had to do it.

Mike: I trusted you! Seri I trusted you!.

Seri: I had to do it (Sobbing)

Cross: I told you Mike. She seduced you into leaking our secrets.

Mike: And did you get the scroll?

Cross: Brother, I am the latest Kamimalord in town!

Seri: Ahhhhhh!!!!! (Screams and angrily bashed out)

Mike: That's my boy (hugs Cross) So where is Sarah? You have killed her?

Cross: Not yet time to kill her. I left her to recover and see for herself that Cross can never be beaten.

Mike: And Mane?

Cross: He got unconscious and was lying helplessly on the ground. But I won't kill him yet. Its not time.

Mike: I hope you won't regret that move. You should have done what you needed to do once. And forget about Malikos.

Cross: Just a few more time Mike. A few more time.

Mike: I am proud of you boy (Hugs him)

(Suddenly a guard enters the room)

Guard: Cross Mike.. The king wants every knight at the palace very fast.

Cross: Okay, we will be there.

Jane: I will take my leave now.

Cross: Okay Jane thank you.

Jane: I should thank you more. (She leaves)

Mike: What did you do for her?

Cross: I healed her. I went all the way to seaside for her to be healed. I killed a man called Huus.

Mike: Huus?

Cross: Yes Huus.

Mike: (Sits on the floor) Huus.

Cross: You have a problem with that?

Mike: That man is my father.

Cross: Huus? Jane's uncle?

Mike: That wicked man impregnated my mum and left with no trace. She told me the story while it was too late to trace him. I will never forget that name.

Cross: Oh. I am sorry.

Mike: He was a wicked man. Just painful that I didnt have to kill him myself.

Cross: (Smiles) I am sorry about that. The king wants to see us.. Let's be fast.

(Cross and Mike hurriedly enters the palace)

King Morghdad: Cross and Mike. I wonder if you guys know the meaning of the armour you are wearing. You are a Knight! And you should always heed to me when I call.

Cross: We are sorry sir.

King Morghdad: They are one of the most useless knights we have around. Peter you should drill them well.

Peter: Yes my lord.

King Morghdad: I am sure you all saw the light. Someone is now the Kamimalord. And we a know its not from us. Because I don't have it. So we have strengthening our defence. If Malikos has it of course they are sure favourites. They will want to seek for revengerevenge. And that will bd so disastrous without Armanda. So we don't need people like Cross and Mike among the warriors this time. We need more serious people.

Peter: My Lord. We have to manage the ones we have now. We are very little my Lord.

King Morghdad: Okay, we have to train an attack can come up anytime.

(Sarah enters with her cloths torn and blood all over her face. She was very tired)

King Morghdad: Sarah! Sarah! Take her to the physician right away! Everyone dismiss!.

Mike: I thought you said yoy didn't want to kill her.

Cross: I didnt do that.

Mike: Then who did?

Cross: I don't know.

(Sarah was lying lifelessly on the sick bed. Cross came in)

Cross: Sarah, open your eyes.

Sarah: Oh, Kanimalord.

Cross: What games are you playing. Where did you get the blood from?

Sarah: You did this to me.

Cross: I know you are cunny. And I am pretty sure you only had a cut on your hand when I left you there.

Sarah: Ask your girlfriend Jane.

Cross: Jane? What of Mane?

Sarah: Mane is not dead but he is half dead.

Cross: Jane!!! (Angrily leaves the room)

(Cross goes straight to Jane's apartment)

Cross: Jane.. (Sees Jane with claws and fangs)

Jane: (Snarling)

Cross: Jane, Jane.. What happened?

(Seri comes out from the back of the door)

Seri: You made a mistake Cross.

Cross: Seri? What have you guys done?

Seri: Can you please let me tell you the mistake you made?

Cross: What?

Seri: Turning a banshee into a sorcerer. Not just a sorcerer but the third most powerful in the nation.

Cross: And what's wrong with that.

Seri: This is the result. (Pointing to her)

Cross: So why did she attack Sarah and Mane. She could have killed them.

Seri: She thinks she has an unfinished business with them. She always wanted to kill Sarah and Mane. To make sure she is safe. After those two no one else can give her a tough time remember? She wants total dominance. She wants power.

Cross: Who tied her?

Seri: I did. She was going to kill Sarag and Mane. Thank God I got there at the right time.

Cross: Am I crazy? Why should I even believe you.

Seri: Hold her well. If she escapes this room. The death toll will rise above normal tomorrow.

Cross: What do you mean by the death toll will rise above normal?

(The emergency bells rings)

Seri: You know what that bell is for?

Cross: Mass death!

Seri: Go check for yourself.

(Cross rushed out to check what happened?)

Peter: Thirty people dead already. Remaining are in the clinic already.

Cross: Thirty!?

Peter: Yes Cross. I think something very angry and with claws did this. The sign on their bodies shows the animal has claws.

Cross: Where did it happen?

Peter: They were coming from the river. Not too far from the Kanima cave.

Mike: You think the Kanima would have done this?

Peter: If the Kanima tears you its death. But some people still survived this attack. So its definitely not the Kanima.

Cross: Then we should wait till they recover and give us details..

Mike: Cross what is happening?

Cross: Follow me.

(Cross takes Mike to Jane's apartment)

Mike: Seri? What is this idiot doing here?

Cross: Leave the idiot and focus on the one at that corner (Pointing at Jane)

Mike: Oh my!!! (Screams.. Tries to run but Cross holds him back)

Cross: We have to alive this before anyone knows about it.

Mike: What happened?

Cross: When you were too silly some hours ago. I needed an omega so I can become the Kamimalord. I told you but you were digging her. So I decided to use Jane.

Mike: So she became your Omega? Then why is she now a beast?.

Seri: She wasn't a full banshee at first. She changes occasionally. But you giving her such powerful magical powers. She can't control it.

Mike: This girl killed 30 people at a goal. How do we stop her?

Cross: Her mission was to kill Sarah and Mane. So she can become the most powerful sorcerer after me. Banshee loves power. My life is even at stake. She might want to kill me so she can become the greatest sorcerer in the nation.

Mike: How do we stop her?

Cross: We don't let her leave this room. She just need to learn how to control this. That's all.

Seri: Oh this is not good. Her roommate is coming.

Mike: Oh my...

Cross: (Rushes out to meet her roommate) hello.

Roommate: Hi, please can I enter my own apartment?

Cross: I think its not safe for you now.

Roommate: What rubbish. Where is Jane?

Cross: Can you please don't let me do this.

Roommate: Do what? Get off my face sir!

Cross: Skrilanbandash!! (Roommate becomes hypnotized)

Cross: Now leave quietly.

Roommate: Okay my lord.

(Cross gets in back)

Cross: All done!..

Seri: We cant stay in here forever. We have to do something.

Mike: Something like!

Cross: Take it easy. Seri I still don't trust you. But I think I have no option now than to think you are on our side.

Mike: We will be very foolish to make the same mistake twice.

Seri: You guys think you have an option?

(Jane starts turning gradually into human)

Mike: Look guys. She is turning.

Cross: Jane Jane. Are you alright?

Jane: My head aches. Get me some water.

Mike: (He brings water) Jane what happened?

Jane: I should be asking you that? What have I done?

Seri: You killed people and many got injured. You are becoming more dangerous day by day.

Jane: I killed people? I became a beast?

Cross: Yes, what are you hiding from us Jane. Wallnock is home from home. We gave you everything you need. Why are you still hurting us.

Jane: I don't know about this. I promise. I had never been a beast.

Seri: What did you remember?

Jane: I remembered a entered the room. Tried to lay my head. Someone knocked.

Cross: And who is that person?