You will eat or I will eat you

Her eyes wander in the unfamiliar room while sitting at the only chair she saw since she enters this den. Spacing out at the dark space in front of her, the living room was dark, the owner didn't bother to open, the lights and immediately go straight on the second floor, leaving her in the abyss of darkness. Massaging the sides of her forehead, her eyes look at the black luggage in front of her, a sigh comes out from her mouth.

'Why did I agree in the first place?' she thought as she starts to regret her decision.

Hearing the light rhythmic footsteps her eyes shift to see the man who was approaching her. She shifts her gaze from her luggage to the man with a gray shady eyes in front of her.

"You should sleep in my room"

Her eyes widen with the declaration as her ears become red.


A playful smirk appears on his face, as he moves his face near Clara's ear "Sorry to disappoint you I'll be sleeping in my office" retrieving his face to look at the reddened face of Clara.

'It is fun to tease her'

With the unexpected breath that contacts her skin, her heart uncontrollably beats faster than usual, bowing her head to control her emotions.

A thick amused voice rang in the room "Shy?"

Clara immediately stood up glaring at him "I am really dumb to go with you!" grabbing her luggage she strides towards the front door.


Her jaw dropped as she saw the door automatically locked, looking at him with a furrowed eyebrows.

Claude shrugs at her "The detective trusted me to take care of you"

She grasping the handle of her luggage as she glares at him "I could take care of myself"

"I know you could take care of yourself" he admits as he walks towards her

Her eyes were fixed on his face waiting for the other word comes out from his mouth.

"But" he looks at her for a second before getting the luggage from her grasp "You can't defend yourself from the famous soldier blades"

Without looking back at her, he strides towards the stairs "Follow me to your room"

Her shaking pupils look at his back, biting her bottom lips she exhales deeply. Unwillingly follows him going upstairs, 'He's not wrong' she thought.

A dustless grey marble floor greeted her, shaking her head as she thought she could be entertained somewhat but just greeted by a plain blackish wall and two-door in the opposite besides each other.

With a click, the door at the left side opens as he strides inside of the room.

Stepping inside the room her eyes can't hide her shock a dark room welcome her even sunlight cannot pass through the room, the only furniture she manages to see in the room was a bed and nothing more, she looks at him with questionable eyes.

Despite the darkroom, Claude's eyes were used to the darkness so he manages to see her gaze at him as if she was accusing him, shaking his head "I already change the bedsheets and pillowcases it is not that dusty anymore"

Narrowing her gaze as if he just grow another head "Dust?"

She can't even manage to see in the darkroom how can she see the dust?

"I never stepped into this room for the past few months"

She blinks her eyes rapidly as she looks at him in disbelief "You never slept?"

Is he a vampire or something? She chuckled inwardly as her imagination runs wild again.

"I barely slept in my chair" he shrugs as he let go of her luggage "If you need something I am in the next room" looking at the time on his watch he starts to walk towards the door "I need to go now let's talk later about that book" without waiting for her reply he goes out of the room leaving her speechless.

She coughed as she looks around the darkroom.

"You should tell me first where is the switch" she grumbles as she starts touching the wall to feel some switch that could open, the lights of the room, her eyesight was bad due to her habit of working in the dark. Clara manages to feel a bump on her fingertips and immediately click it, she did not expect that it was not the switch for the light but the switch for the blackout curtains that were starting to move to uncover the marvelous view that was hiding behind it.

A full window that has a view of the bridge of Gratis river that has a bridge where countless cars pass by, her eyes glimmers at the view as she compares it from the Gratis river in the book she was writing in a moment. Now the blackout curtains were moved aside, sunlight passes through the room that reveals the massive bed at the center and nothing more.

"I thought it is just because it is dark that's why I can't see any furniture but that's just it" she sighs and drags her luggage. Taking out her laptop and opens it, she moves to the corner of the room where she could see the full view of the Gratis river. Looking outside her mind runs aimlessly as she recalls the things that have happened on this day.

"What an eventful day" she eyed her laptop her fingers swiftly type a combination of letters before she could get through the files she was looking for.

Tons of filenames with dots and hyphens displays on her screen. She manages to see the bottom of the files and open it.

The document was created more than a year ago when she starts to document her dreams that were bothering her or could be a plot for her new story.

A tear escapes her eyes when she was yawning, battling with herself, and focuses on her laptop while tries to read all her dream entries, she could conclude that every dream was connected but it is not in order.

A frown can be seen on the face of Claude as he bites the lollipop inside his mouth, his mouth twitch when he feels the rough and sharp edges inside his mouth that make his fingertips stops for a second, but he immediately recovers from the shock and continue typing restlessly. After typing some difficult combination of codes, monitoring the target's activity for hours and small smile were shown in his face and looks unconsciously at the clock near him.

His gaze stops at the clock when he saw that it was already six in the evening, he was working for 8 hours straight. He was about to look at the right monitor and opens it, showing the delicate face of a woman that was sleeping soundly. His eyes squint as he saw the familiar view, after seconds of contemplating, he suddenly stood up from the comfortable position that makes him dizzy for seconds.

'I forgot her. She's not yet eating, right? You can't find any food here besides lollipop' he thought as he closes his eyes tightly waiting for his dizziness to vanish.

Opening his eyes he walks out of his room and goes straight to the room next to his.

Three knocks were heard in the quiet room but this is not enough to wake up Clara that was in a deep sleep at the corner.

Claude slowly opens the door, seeing the full window were open he tap the switch right away for the blackout curtain to move. His eyes shifted to the woman who was sleeping in the corner where her hands were comfortably placed on her keyboard.

He moves closer to her and looks at her face for a few minutes when he feels that Clara doesn't have a plan to woke up any minute. He slightly pokes her shoulders, but she didn't move an inch showing that she was in a deep sleep.

"Hey. Adelia. Wake up" this time he shakes her shoulder to wake her up.

Clara felt uncomfortable with her position and someone keep calling her and shaking her body, so she was a little annoyed, and reluctantly opens her eyes.

When the person saw that she was awake, he breathes a sigh of relief. He didn't know how could he explain to people that he starve her to death because he forgot that he brings her to his house out of impulse.

"Come out you did not eat anything right?"

She lazily looks at him as she yawns "I'm not that hungry" she said in a low voice "I'll sleep"

Claude narrow his eyes at her "You will eat or I will eat you"

This statement gave her a wake-up call as she immediately stood up while she throws a glare at the man in front of her.

A chuckle escapes his lips, "I'm joking, I'm not a cannibal" and took a step towards the door. "Let's go"