You're useless

In the busy streets a woman holding her laptop limping while walking down the streets, without any shoes on.

Seeing this scene in his monitor Claude immediately gets up, "What the hell is her problem?" he murmurs while he gets another coat to cover himself as tonight's weather was zero degrees of Celsius.

Before he opens the door, he looks at his monitor again, his eyes widen when he saw the little barefoot woman was hailing a cab. "Pro! Hack into the traffic lights!" he commanded as he dashed down the stairs.

After putting on shoes hurriedly and get out of the house, he turned around and go back to his house grabbing other shoes from the cabinet.

With a pair of shoes in his left hand, he uses his free hand to tap the button of the elevator downstairs impatiently, seeing that there is no response of the elevator, he taps his earpiece "Pro!" his jaws tightened.