Gio grab the arm of Elyse, looking at her she just nod "Let her" he moves closer to her ear as he whispers "Kailangan ko din ng blessing ng best friend mo right? Kailangan ko mapunta sa good side niya"

Aliyah look at him troubled, she knew her best friend more than anyone but Gio looked at her dearly giving her a reassuring smile and a nod "Okay" she sighed 

Elyse smiled widely "Alright!" grabbing the paper bags in the bench she handed it to Gio and grabs her best friend's arm "Let us go! Saan ba tayo kakain? Oh, I know! Japanese restaurant!" she exclaimed and drag her best friend

Aliyah can't believe Elyse attitude she stops "You know Elyse behave" sabi niya at inalis ang  pagkakapulupot nito sa braso niya at binalikan si Gio na nasa likod, grabbing the paper bags in his hands "It's our date so we are the one who will decide" she said and grab her boyfriend's arm.