first encounter

oh my God!!!! Sandra did you see that? what is it? replied Sandra. you didn't see the hot guy that just stepped out of the shopping mall. Intrigue, seriously? where is he? over there beside the black limousine. oh wow. Sonia what do u think? should I go for him or you want to go first? Sandra why are u always like this I only called u so u could check him out for me not for you to grab his attention. OK OK have heard you, go speak with him will wait for u.

Emmanuel was busy trying to call his mechanic cos he had a flat tire when he heard someone call him. "Hello", Emmanuel turned and said " Hi''. my name is Sonia and u are, ...Emmanuel he responded. OK is like u are having issues with your car? yeah I have a flat tire he responded. I leave around the neighborhood maybe I could call one of the mechanics in this area for you. Emmanuel responded by saying no that it's not necessary that he has already called his mechanic. oops just trying to help. thanks for d offer responded Emmanuel. Sorry since we already know ourselves can I have your number Sonia asked Emmanuel. " Sorry I don't give my no to strangers ". "Have a nice day" "u too". Sonia went out to meet Sandra and she asked her "how did it go"? I have never been this embarrassed in my life before ".