will you marry me

The next week after the encounter at Sonia house the previous week , Emmanuel decided he knows what to do since Sonia is interested in him, he thought of something. So on a Saturday he came to Sonia house and knocked on the door.

Sonia was busy with her laundry when she heard the knock on her door. She was looking so dishelved because she has not had her bath and she has been busy since morning. When she opened the door behold it was Emmanuel, the only word that could come out of her mouth was "Jesus "!!!!. she shut the door immediately without wasting time. She ran to her bathroom to look at herself and she was wondering what Emmanuel was doing at her house.

Emmanuel was surprised with Sonia outburst because he expected a different welcome not as if he told her he was coming. He thought of going back but decided against it since he was already there it's better he completes his mission. So he decided to knock on the door again to see if something is wrong because he has a mission to fulfill.

Sonia ran from bathroom to her room to get a change of clothe before she stepped out to open the door. "hi" "good morning ". Emmanuel responded by saying "is something wrong ". she quickly gave a reply "no". Emmanuel entered the house and Sonia followed by closing the door. " would you like tea or coffee ?" Sonia asked , Emmanuel responded by saying " am ok". "I will like us to discuss something important ". Sonia was taken aback thinking what could it be that he wants to discuss with her. "OK go ahead am listening " Sonia replied. " thanks. " I would like you to marry me" " ". Sonia felt she didn't hear him correctly she asked what he said and he repeated it.

"Just like that? is it everyone you see on the road you ask them to marry you". "I thought you like me? ". Emmanuel asked. "I didn't say anything like that but even if I do this is the wrong way to go about it proposing to someone you don't even know " Sonia responded. Emmanuel thought "what is she feeling like"? " did you say something " Sonia asked. Emmanuel never knew he thought out loud. So he responded by saying "nothing ". "But what do u say about my proposal? ". " wait are you being serious about this your marriage thing ?".asked Sonia "yes of course ". Emmanuel responded.