
Early the next day as Sonia and Sandra were preparing to go to lunch, a delivery arrived, they were surprised because they never ordered for anything, so seeing the package got them thinking as to who might have sent it. So they hurriedly opened the package and behold it was snacks and soft drinks for Sonia. Sandra got curious and asked Sonia if she is seeing someone that she is not aware of as soon as Sonia wanted to respond another delivery entered this time it was flowers with some perfume. Sonia was still surprised her mind went back to Emmanuel, she said no that Emmanuel cannot be the person because she walked Emmanuel out of her house the other day ,and besides she remembered him telling her that he does not believe in love, and someone who doesn't believe in love cannot do this. Sandra called Sonia of her thoughts and said " Soni you have not answered my question ". " oh that, I can't tell who this gift came from, the only person I can remember was the guy I told you about the other time that showed up at my house ""Emmanuel? ". "Yes but the last encounter I had with him I don't think he is the one. But anyways girl friend let's enjoy ourselves ".

" my plans are in progress let's see what happens " Emmanuel thought to himself. " I know women cherish gift alot and I know she will soon oblige to marry me" Around 5pm that same day, Emmanuel sent pizza and some Ice cream to Sonia house through a delivery van. This tricks went on for a very long time that Sonia decided not to eat anything sent to her until the the person that have been sending it decides to make himself known.

Sandra on the other hand was becoming envious of Sonia constant talk about surprise gift. She was already dreaming and asking God when her turn will be. Sometimes when Sonia is talking to her concerning the gift she behaves as if she didn't hear her.

After three months of the constant gifts to Sonia, Emmanuel decided to make himself known to Sonia. But even as he was giving those gift out he felt he was becoming attached to Sonia through those gift because there are days he will decide not to send those things to her his mind will not b at rest, he will be disturbed till he has sent them. On a very good Friday he sent his gift to Sonia and also asked her to meet him up at Kolade hotels by 4pm on a Sunday. That his room no is 254.