
Emmanuel on his way to see Sandra met an old school mate whom he lost his contact and couldn't contact, when he saw him on his way to Sandra place he forgot all about going to see Sandra and quickly stopped his car to greet his friend and after that he took his friend to his house.

After Sonia spoke with her parents she called Emmanuel and told him what her parents said. So Emmanuel told her the day he will chanced, so they agreed to go on d agreed date.

On the agreed date Emmanuel went and met with Sonia parents and the wedding date was fixed. As soon as they came back from meeting Sonia parents, Emmanuel attitude changed, he stopped picking Sonia call, even when Sonia tried going to his house ,he is not always available, she went to his office and she was told he is on vacation. Sonia became bothered and decided to call her friend Sandra to share what she is going through with her. When Sandra came to Sonia house she narrated everything to her. Sandra was so over joyed with what she was hearing that she didn't know when she said " wonderful". "what do you mean by wonderful?are you happy that things are not going on well with me"? "oh no Soni you misunderstood me that is not what I meant what I was trying to say is thank God it happened now not after wedding, at least he has shown you he doesn't care or love you". Sonia replied and said "I don't think so, maybe there was an emergency remember he said his parents are not in the country, maybe he traveled out to visit them and didn't have the chance to call" Sandra replied . "my friend if that was the case he would have still called you from that place". Sonia after thinking of what Sandra said was devastated and started crying "if he knew he wasn't interested, why did he raise my hopes giving me false hopes and to the extent of going to see my parents , what will I tell them when they ask of him " she continued crying Sandra tried consoling her even though she was extremely happy and already hatching a plan. she said to herself plan A failed but plan B must succeed.

Sandra took excuse at her working place two weeks after she went to Sonia place, she decided that she must achieve her plan that day. So she went to Emmanuel office around 9.00am and waited for him outside the office building till 4.30pm when Emmanuel finally closed for the day. As soon as she saw Emmanuel driving out, she followed him, along the way Emmanuel noticed that a car has been trailing him so he decided to confirm his suspicion by diverting to a sharp corner as soon as he did, the same car diverted and continued following him. Sandra was surprised to see that Emmanuel has stopped his car. she stopped the driver too and stepped out of the car as soon as she came out Emmanuel was already walking towards her car then he Asked "Excuse me I noticed you have been trailing my me, what can I do for you? "