The confrontation

Sandra was shocked to see Sonia that she didn't know what to say so she began to stammer "I I I was on my way home when when when I saw Emmanuel so I decided to ask him why he has not been in contact with you" " is that all?" Sonia asked Sandra "yes" she responded. "But I thought I saw you hugging Emmanuel and Smiling " Sonia asked Sandra " Erm Erm I think I was over joyed to see him because atleast I can be able to report his whereabouts to you". After much thought, Sandra said to Sonia "let's go to your house so I can give you the details of my discussion with Emmanuel " "no need because am going to confront him myself" Sonia responded "but do u think he will talk to you because based on what he told me, he said u are a cheat that was why he decided to stay away from u". "me a cheat? but how? I dont understand " Sonia asked. " that is the reason why you are not even supposed to meet him because I know his type I think he is having a cold feet towards this marriage and instead of him to say so he is looking for an excuse " Sandra replied.

Emmanuel drove down to his friends house because he felt Sonia might come looking for him at home and for now he doesn't have an answer for why he did what he did. On getting to his friends place the door was locked because there was nobody at home so he decided to call his friend and ask where he is "hello Collins where are you? am in front of your house but your door is locked " " Emma you didn't tell me you were coming I went down to the grocery store to get something I will be there in the next 15mins" " "OK get some food if u don't have any at home because I will be spending the night at your place " "OK ". Collins replied and ended the call. Emmanuel decided to sit inside d car and wait for Collins arrival.

"no matter what he said to u I will go and meet with him to clear up this misunderstanding because I don't understand this after all this marriage proposal, he came up with it not me so why is he behaving as if am forcing him " " OK if u insist don't say I didn't warn you , Take care I will call u later to know how it went " "OK " Sonia said and entered her car and drove off . Sandra was scared because she doesn't know if Emmanuel went home and what he is going to tell Sonia when she confront him.