Facing the creature send by Civorus

I was just busy admiring princess Hannah....suddenly I felt a huge shadow covering both of us..... it was a enormous creature flying above us.It was blocking the sun. The whole mirror village was under the shadow of this enormous creature.The creature seems to be horrifying... it has head of snake and body of dragon. I told princess Hannah to run.. but she hesitated... I forced her to run.... the creature started to following me...i run as fast as possible to keep the creature away from the mirror village.

*princess Hannah Pov*

she runs to mirror village for the help.... Richard runs to help Tristan with the Holly soward.....

*end of pov*

The creature fly over Tristan and landed in front of him... he tried to run back but the creature blocked him....

Tristan..... catch this soward....(Richard throws the Holly soward to Tristan)

luckily he was able to catch that soward....

I was so scared... I had no Idea what was going on...

I used the soward to defend myself from that creature... both me and the soward was too small for the creature... but I was not going to give Up.....

I swayed my soward towards the creature..... it made huge cut on the creature's tail..

The creature... cried in pain....it was a great chance for me to run. I was about to run.. but the creature made a big circle of fire around me....it began to attack me with its fire breath.... since I'm trapped inside the ring of fire.... I was feeling suffocated.....slowly I was loosing my consciousness...it was all blur in front of me.... sounds began to fade... numbness was overtaking me...before even I realized... I was on the ground....

Wake up.... wake up... it's not your time boy... you can't die now...

I slowly opened my eyes... I was no longer being attacked by the creature... I was no longer in the mirror village....

where I'm I... and who are you... (I shouted)

I was walking through a heavenly place filled with thousands of sunflower...for a moment I thought I was dead.....

suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder.... it was a men.. in his armor.... he looked majestic and fearless.... for some reason I felt like I know him...

hey.. boy... it's not your time yet... you have to go back... you have to save the people of mirror village....

who are you?(I asked him with full of confusion)

it doesn't matter my boy..... the thing that matters now is you.....

you have to go back....

who I'm I... I don't remember anything.... (I asked him with pleading eyes)

boy... it's your fate... you can't change that.... you will find out the truth about yourself soon..... then you will realize who you were and who you will be.....

this holy sword you are holding is the key to all of questions....

believe yourself.... believe the power in you... protect the people from Civorus.....

all of a sudden.. I was back to my conscious.....i felt lot of energy in me... I was no longer surrounded by my fears....

I stand up quickly and attacked the creature with my sword....climbed up the nearest tree and jumped on top of the creature...

the creature vigorously shaked it's body to make me fall.... I grabbed it's head and without giving it a gap to attack me.. I chopped it's head off from its body....

the blackish blue blood of the creature flooded the ground..... I just stared at the body of the headless creature....

Tristan.... Tristan... are you alright (Richard's voice brings me back to the reality)

Richard... what is this creature.. and why was it attacking me..

this creature must be sent by the Civorus....(he replied)

Then he must have known about me.....since this attempt failed... he will again try to kill me...

you told that you never used a sword before.. but the way you used the sword before was just like an expert in sword fighting....(Richard asked in full of astonishment)

I don't know how to answer you Richard.... but I know one thing... this sword I'm holding right now is the key to my identity... and I'm gonna find it out soon...

....to be continued.....