It has been three days since the zombie outbreak that was so devastating for everyone. Over the past three dayas I have discovered three things: service, cell towers, mobile phones (no matter the generation doesn't work), gas and electricity is out as well and finally the virus is call the 'Virus Outbreak test 1' but it is more generally called V.O.t1; it is a virus that was supposed to be the cure to all diseases and illnesses but instead it became them all and somehow became out of control.

I have been travelling with this plump boy called Carlos, I met him two days ago and it turns out he's very good company.

"Wait up, Willow. I'm... out of breath," I heard the boys oddly high pitched but clearly out of breath voice call to me from half way down the alley.

"Oh come on Carlos, we've only been walking for five minutes," I sighed before leaning against a wall and waiting for the small red faced boy to catch up. We stood around for a bit while he caught his breath again. I also have learned that not only do zombies have high sound sensitivity, but they also are extremely fast when they latch onto your presence, also that changing into a zombie can take the minimum of 30 minutes after infection or a day at longest, though from what I've seen, people usually last around an hour at best. It wasn't just me and Carlos, two days ago, it was me, Carlos and two siblings, one got bitten and the other didn't want to live without the other so they killed themselves together. One thing I can never forget. They must've had a really close bond to have easily thrown their lives away like that together. And now it is just us two, we had visited Carlos' home to see if we could find anyone but the plump boy was faced with a horrible scene, his family were definitely attacked by humans, not zombies. His father had been hung out the second story window and his mother crucified like Jesus on the cross. I remembered the boys words: "It's not like I didn't expect this, they were the sole enemies of the church after all." I just took a guess that the boys family were atheist's and that his parents insulted the wrong people and those people took the situation as an advantage to get rid of them. He didn't cry over them either but he didn't want to talk about it either so I took a guess that they didn't have a great relationship.

"You ready to go again?" I asked him, he nodded briskly and we continued walking but at a slower pace so he had enough stamina to run if he needed to. He hummed to himself quietly, I recognised the tune: City of Angles by Arrows to Athens. The tune was comforting to hear as we walked through alley ways while avoiding zombies and humans alike. The people were becoming hostile like untrained or wild dogs. Some killed each other to get food and water, others killed each other for the safety of intact buildings. It was all exhausting to watch.

The hand closest to my sheaths never let them go and I was always ready to pull one of the weapons out.

Carlos tugged on my jacket and pointed to a store that hadn't been entered in a while. I take a look at the amount of food and water that was in the bag. There wasn't enough to get us through the rest of the week. After doing a little gesture saying 'stay quiet' and 'go over there' we both snuck into the store. It was quiet. Too quiet for my liking.

"I'll keep an eye out for anything and signal to you if anything or anyone is approaching," Carlos tells me before standing in the doorway and keeping a stern eye on the streets as I walked further into the store. I searched for drinks and foods that wouldn't expire soon or go disgusting as we moved about and emptied my bag of things that had somehow gotten really inedible or had started to gather mould.

I was about to return to the entrance of the store when a muffled shuffling filled my ears but stopped when I searched for where it was coming from. I was about to move again when the noise started again. My head snapped in the direction of the corner closest to the exit, but just as I was about to catch the noise making culprit, Carlos did the warning signal and caught it's attention.

A zombie with half its face melted off stumbled out of the corner and lunged towards the chubby boy who was watching a group of people approach.

"Damn it-" I grumbled before grabbing my bag and slinging it over my shoulder, pulling the blade out and yelling: "Carlos! Move!"

But the boy wasn't fast enough, I swung the blade and sliced it straight through the zombies head just for it to still somehow scratch the boy on the arm.

"Oh no," he looked at his arm and then to me, his eyes bubbling up in tears, "I'm going to turn into one of them."

I grit my teeth together in annoyance, I was angry at myself for not being quick enough.

"I'm sorry Carlos," I apologised to him repeatedly, the attention, of the people Carlos was warning me about, turned to us and watched.

The boy grabbed the end of my blade, not caring about the blood that was dripping off it, and raised it to his heart.

"Please kill me, don't let me become one of them," he croaked out between sobs, I looked at him surprised as he pressed against the tip of my sword. I sighed and gave him a sympathetic and apologetic look before pushing the blade into his chest. A tear rolled down his cheek as I allowed him to slide off my blade. When I was sure he was dead, I pushed my sword through his head, stopping him from coming back again.

"Rest well, Carlos," I mumbled before flicking the blood off my blade and putting it away, ignoring the group of people and then walking away. They looked like thugs, apocalypse or not, I don't ever want to get mixed up with criminals.