Taiyang Tianshang

To the north of the Central Domain lay the Cold Sword Sect, one of the six great sects in the Immortal Realm. With great peaks that towered over the sky, the sect's site is rich in Spirit Energy.

Usually, every cultivator in the sect is focused on cultivating in their quarters, without paying attention to the mortal matters. But today, the sect can be seen bustling with activity because of the sect's Annual Competition.

Sound of fighting fills the arena. Cheers reverberating in the mountains.

"Oh my god! Disciple Jian is looking so dashing!" A girl shouted.

Fengli Jian, one of the three core disciples, was a handsome man with thick eyebrows, short black hair, and azure eyes.

"Tch, it's still Fairy Wu who is going to win!" a male disciple cried.

Bu Wu, also addressed as Fairy Bu, was a peerless beauty known as one of the most beautiful women in the Immortal Realm. Long blonde hair that reached till her knees, charming black eyes, rosy lips and a perfect figure that made her the ideal wife of every man.

"What a peerless woman. How I wish I can get to marry a woman like Fairy Wu," another disciple said in a voice filled with longing.

"Pssh! Be quite! Don't let her fellow disciples hear that, otherwise their master will roast you alive for saying something like this," his friend warned.

Fairy Wu's master, Elder Hua, was known for being overprotective of her disciples, especially Bu Wu. She even once broke the leg of a prince who tried courting fairy Bu Wu.

"Fairy Wu, this lowly Jian had long since admired you, so must we really fight?" Fengli Jian asks with concern. It is already very well known that disciple Jian is in love with Bu Wu. Though true to her personality, the latter didn't even spare a glance for the former.

"There is no use in saying things like this, disciple Jian. Let's fight," Fairy Wu said gently before unleashing her aura and leaping forward at her opponent with a long sword in her hand.

"I see," Fengli Jian muttered disappointingly before meeting her sword with his. The two swords clashed and produced sparks of orange.

"This aura? Don't tell me both of them have already brokethrough quasi-immortal realm?!" Everyone gasped in wonder, as this realization dawned on them.

In the blink of an eye, the two had already exchanged a hundred sword clashes. However, no conclusion can be drawn as to who was stronger.

Changing his stance, Fengli Jian lifted his sword up, "Be careful, Fairy Wu! I will be now attacking you with my strongest swo—"

Yet, before he could finish his sentence, the mountain beneath their feet starts trembling with great intensity.

"Heavens! What's with this rich spiritual essence?! Don't tell me one of the Masters is about to achieve a breakthrough?"

"No, look! The energy is coming from one of those peaks over there!" A disciple shouts, as he points towards a mountain peak situated south to them.

Even from afar, they were able to see abundant spiritual essence gathering on that peak. Spirals of energy can be seen twisting back and forth.

"Can it be then that an immortal treasure is being born?"

After arriving to the same conclusion, Fengli Jian puts his sword back in its sheath, his eyes shining with greed. He shot a glance at the silent Bu Wu before sprinting towards that particular peak.

Seeing this, Fairy Wu hesitated, but eventually followed him.


On a certain mountain peak, the air trembles and space cracks appear, which eventually turn into a dark portal. A young man calmly steps out and glances at his surrounding with curiosity.

"That geezer! Forcing me to resort to opening a portal myself…"

"Still, its better than getting caught in his spiritual web. Oh well, I will just stay low here for a while before going to my next destination."

Thinking of his escape caused his mouth to curve into a mischievous smile. This youth is indeed Taiyang Tianshang, the eldest son of the Heavenly Emperor, who has escpaed from the Heavenly Realm.

Had he not feared getting found out by his father, he would have preferred traveling via the Realm Portals. However, doing so would have alerted his father about his location. Therefore, he had to use his heavenly powers to forcefully create a temporary portal.

"Now, then, where am I right now?"

"The treasure is mine!"

As he is thinking of finding his way, a man appears before him. He is sweating and heaving heavily, as if he has been running ceaselessly for several days.

He frantically looked around for any signs of treasures before his eyes landed on Taiyiang and he froze. No words came out of his mouth.

"Disciple Jian, were you able to find any treasure?" Fairy Wu voice sounded out, as she comes from behind.

"Why are you not even repl---eekk?!" If anyone heard one of the five great beauties of Immortal Realm letting out such an indecent shriek, no one would believe their ears. Yet, it is precisely this beautiful lady who is staring at Taiyiang with her mouth wide open in an 'O' shape.

"Oh, hey there! Do you guys know where the central capital of this realm is?" Taiyiang asks with a well-mannered smile, oblivious to their unusual reaction.

However, none of them knew what to say.

"Y-YOU…WHO ARE YOU?!" Fengli Jian shouted, unable to believe what he was seeing. The young man in front of him had an appearance which no one in the world should possess. An extremely handsome face with thin sharp eyebrows, golden eyes and long dark black hair that reached till his knees.

The young man in front of him had a certain air of nobility about him that made it hard to even get closer to him. Although Fengli fancied himself as quite a handsome man, but even he felt a rush of heat inside him after seeing the young man, to say nothing of his female fellow disciple.

Don't tell me I have turned gay?!

"Ah? What do you mean? I am a human, just like you two." Taiyiang replies with complete certainty.

"T-that's not what I meant! How can a face like yours exist in this world?!" The more Fengli looked at Taiyiang's clueless face, the more he felt like banging his head into a wall.

His appearance must be an illusion! Yeah, that must be it!

Just thinking of this excuse made him feel a bit better about himself.

"Hmm? I don't what you guys are talking, but it seems like you don't know the answer to my question. I guess I will try to look for that place myself, then." The young man immediately leapt into the air, his long hair gracefully flapping in the air.

Seeing Taiyiang levitate like this, Fengli's eyes nearly pop out.

"I-IMPOSSIBLE! H-HOW C-AN THIS BE POSSIBLE? Y-You Are An Immortal?! *SLAP*" Fengli literally slapped himself so hard on his cheek that a few of his teeth came out. He only wished to wake himself up from this nightmare. How was it possible for a young man, who looked no older than 18, to be an Immortal that could fly?

Even the master he deeply adores is only an Early Immortal at the age of 12, 400, which in itself is an achievement to be proud of. Thus, the scene in front of him made no sense.

He must be an old monster disguising himself as a young man. Tch, how shameless.

"Aah, I still don't know what you are talking about. Okay, see ya--"


Yet, before Taiyiang could fly away, a lovely voice reverberated. Fairy Wu who has been standing frozen for so long breaks out of her reverie and looks directly at Taiyiang.

"Hm?" Taiyang curiously looks at this beautiful girl who hasn't spoken to him ever since she came here.

Bu Wu hesitated for a moment before taking a deep breath: "M-may I have your name, please?!"

She looked as if speaking up like this had used up all of her energy and she would fall down any second.

"It's Taiyang Tianshang," Taiyang says with a gentle smile on his face before promptly disappearing into the sky.

"Taiyang…Tianshang…" Bu Wu softly repeats this name in her mind before collapsing onto the ground.

A wet sensation invaded her private region, reminding her of those majestic golden eyes that stared right into her very being.

Unknowingly, one of the five great beauties of the Immortal Realm had been smitten by a stranger.