Wait a minute!

"Why are you not standing in the line like others?" Taiyiang asks.

Hearing this, everyone's eyes pop out and they stare at him with their mouths agape.

Who is this lunatic?!

Right now, the same question passed through everyone's mind, including Huiguang herself. Never in her before life did a stranger dared to speak to her, let alone question her like this in public.

Hiuguang hesitated, at a loss for words. In the meanwhile, the gate guards rush forward and surrounded Taiyiang.

"Brat, how dare a mortal like you break the line?"

"Who the hell do you think you are?" The guards threateningly unleash their aura of Soul Realm. It is, however, clear to everyone that they were only trying to earn the favour of Lady Huiguang.

"Is breaking queue against the rules?" Undeterred by their fierce stance, Taiyiang calmly questions.

The two guards looked at each before one of them responded, "Yes! According to the rules laid down by the Immortal Phoenix Sect, breaking the queue is against the law."

While everyone is trying to discern the meaning behind his actions, Taiyiang takes a step forward,"Then, doesn't that mean that the woman over there is also violating the law?" He points his finger towards Huiguang.

Hearing this, everyone's jaws dropped to the ground, their eyes having looks of awe and respect in them.

Fucking great!

All the rogue cultivators were in awe of Taiyiang's ruthless and daring reply.

At the same time, Huiguang face turns red with embarrassment. Even she felt tongue-tied.

On the other hand, however, the guards still shamelessly carry on, "A mortal like you, who doesn't know the immensity of the heaven and earth, isn't worthy of asking that!"

Had someone from the Heavenly Realm been here to witness a mere guard talk to the about the immensity of heaven and earth in front of Taiyiang, they'd have already killed this guard and his nine generations, lest the whole Immortal Realm suffered the fury of heavens. Because who knew better about the heavens than the Heavenly Crown Prince himself?

"Yeah! Lady Huiguang doesn't need to stand in the line!" Another guard shouts, spit cominv out of his mouth.

Taiyiang tilts his head in confusion. "And why is that? Why doesn't she need to obey the law? Why must she be treated differently than all those people standing over there in the line?"

The people standing in the line turn quiet for a minute, then start to talk loudly.

"This mortal brother is right! Why doesn't she need to stand in line?!"

"Yeah, how can she break the law?!"

"Is this how Immortal Phoenix Sect treats us rogue cultivators?!"

For the first time in their lives, these cultivators felt excited to vent out their emotions. Remembering how those with stronger background always got VIP treatment, whereas they had to suffer on the whims of others, they felt grateful to Taiyiang (who they thought is a mortal) for standing up for them.

"Y-YOU…you court death!" One of the gate guard vaulted toward Taiyiang, his sword high raised in the air.

"Oh no!" Pity and shock covered everyone's faces as they imagined a gruesome death of Taiyiang. In their minds, a mortal like him had no chance of defending himself against the attack of the guard who was a Soul Realm Master.

Yet, before the attack can land on Taiyiang, a powerful aura blasts him away.

"Thump! Thump!" After landing on the ground, he was still forced several paces back from the aftershock before finally vomiting a mouthful of blood.

"That's enough!" To the everyone's surprise, it was Huiguang herself who blew the guard away.

"B-but…Lady Huiguang--"

"Shut up!" For the first time in her life, Huiguang felt compelled to use such vulgar words. Anger surged inside her.

Turning to look at the mortal in front him, she was shocked to see him standing calming, as if the previous attack on his life didn't occur at all. "You…!" She didn't know how to feel. Had she not intervened, this man in front of him would've died.

And unless she killed all cultivators present here, rumors associating her with his death would've surfaced sooner or later.

However, she and everyone else fail notice a layer of pale blue light surrounding Taiyiang's body, as if waiting to burst forth into a majestic momentum.

Yet, the light disappears as soon as it came. Alas, she will never know how she, in fact, had saved the life of the guard.

"Hm?" Taiyiang looks puzzling at Huiguang, not knowing whether to thank her or not.

Huiguang face turns even uglier, displeased with the fact that the mortal didn't even appreciate her kindness.

"Haaah…" Letting out a deep exhale, she composes herself. "Fine, I will stand in the line." She cannot think of any other way to salvage the situation, other than to surrender, even though she felt great shame in doing so.

"Thank you," Taiyiang says in a bright smile. For a moment, the smile on his disguised face appeared to be so dazzling that even Huiguang found herself lost in its charm.

"I-I don't need your thank you!" She breaks out of her reverie and replies in a flustered manner.

What was that just now?!

Asking that from herself, she walked towards the queue, people making way for her, and stands there with a displeased face.

"Wait a minute!" Taiyiang says loudly.

"What now?!" Huiguang shouts, veins bulging on her forehead. But this angry expression only seemed to make her appear more beautiful.

"Who said you to stand at the front? It be will be only fair for you to wait at the end," Taiyiang says while pointing his fingers towards the end of the queue.

Damnit, my ancestor! Why are you enraging her like this?!

Even others felt their stomachs ache, wondering why this clueless devil was trying so hard to provoke Huiguang.

Looking back, Huiguang realized the queue stretched on for many miles, hundreds of people looking at her as if she is some sort of a rare beast.

Gritting her teeth, she replied, "Y-you…!" Stomping her feet in anger, she went to stand at the end.

To others, it seemed like red fumes were coming out of her ears, putting them under the illusion as if her whole face was a pill furnace.

Satisfied, Taiyiang makes his way toward where he was previously standing, gasps of admiration and veneration can be heard as he passed by.

No one can believe that it is this ordinary looking mortal who made the goddess of their dreams surrender.

In the meanwhile, the gate guard, who suffered at the hands of Huiguang, vomits another mouthful of blood before falling unconscious. The last feelings that crossed his mind were a mix of regret and unwillingness.

Yet, except for his fellow guard who rushed to his rescue, no one seemed to pay attention to the guard who passed out while feeling greatly wronged