Wrath of the Heavens

The Pheonix Fort is the biggest and the most famous restaurant in the Immortal Pheonix City. It is also said that the one in charge of the restaurant is a high-ranked elder of the Sect. Therefore, no one dared to cause trouble here.

"B-big Brother Taiyang, are you sure you want to eat here? Why not eat somewhere…more ordinary?" Yueliang hesitantly asks.

Though she is not a cultivator, but even she has heard of the expensiveness of the cuisine served here.

Only the elites of the elites are able to eat here, but now her big brother Taiyang brought them, two orphans, to dine at such a place. She didn't whether to laugh or cry.

"Hmm, but why? Didn't you say this place served the best food?" Taiyang said.

"Yeah...but I didn't know you'd bring us here," Yueliang replied in an weak voice. Taiyang had asked her about the best inn in the city.

At first, she had thought he was just asking around in curiosity, yet only now did she realize he was planning on taking them to this fancy restaurant.

"Now you know. Alright, let's go," With his hand grabbing onto Yueliang's wrist and his left hand onto Qiao Nan's, Taiyang boldly strode inside the restaurant.

The interior of the restaurant was quite spacious, with at least twenty luxurious round tables placed neatly in the hall.

A few figures could be seen conversing, draped in lavish robes. Though in the eyes of the two siblings, they still fell far short in comparison to the robe Taiyang wore before.

Taiyang and the company went to sit in a corner. The siblings felt fidgety under the intense gazes of everyone.

Yueliang felt especially on the edge.

Everyone present here had a prestigious background, so them being here seemed quite out of place.

However, after sneaking a peek at her brother, she didn't find a thread of nervousness or surprise. It felt as if a restaurant like this wasn't even qualified to enter his eyes.

"Well…that's difficult?" Taiyang commented after looking at the menu; he didn't recognize any of the dishes.

Though, considering how his dishes were prepared with utmost care by cheif gods, such mudane dishes didn't deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as them.

While they were a conversing, a waiter comes forward and coughs lightly.

Although he'd usually ask customers what they'd like to have, but the trio in front of him appeared to be a little weird.

On one hand, their were two children wearing tattered and disheaveled clothes looking around with open mouths.

While on the other hand, there was this normal looking young man. Although his clothes were pretty plain, but they were extremely neat.

Not to mention, what really surprised him was the nonchalant look in the young man's eyes.

Everyone, regardless of how powerful their background, would at least gasp in awe the first time they entered the restaurant. Yet, the man appeared indifferent.

"Respected custormers, what are you here for?" He blurted out a stupid questions.

No matter from which angle he looked, they didn't appear like they could afford to be in this place.

In response, Taiyang looked strangely at the man before saying,"What do people usually come here for? To sing?"

Giggles escaped the mouth of the two siblings at Taiyang's taunt.

The waiter face turned red from embarrassment. "*Cough* Respected Sir, you may not know this, but this is an establishment of Immortal Pheonix Sect.." He tried to warn the young man out of goodwill.

"So…?" Taiyang honestly couldn't figure out what the man in front of him was trying to say.

"Y-you…*sighs* Alright respected customers, what would you like to order?" The waiter asked with resignation. Honestly, it didn't really concern him if they couldn't pay the bill.

The restaurant had many ways of dealing with people like them.

"Hmm, what do you guys want to eat?" Taiyang turned to look at the two siblings to ask for their opinion.

"Dumpling! I want to eat lots of dumplings!" Qiao Nan jumped happily before Yueliang even got to say something.

"Oh okay. Let's make it five dumplings and any other special dish of your choice." Taiyang ordered.

The waiter shivered in response to this order, at a loss for words. He couldn't believe these people wanted to eat dumplings, the food of commoners, in a first class establishment like this.

"Pfft…did you people hear that? These peasants want to eat dumplins…" A scornful voice full reverberates from one corner.

"Brother Wanxi, you shouldn't lower yourself to their level. Though, it is indeed true that peasants like them don't even know their place."

"Hahahaha, you are right, brother Shui. Just looking at their shitty looks make me wanna puke."

"Hey, waiter, you should probably throw these peasants out before my eyes start to bleed."

Three figures were seen chatting together in a loud contemptuous voice, their comments aimed at Taiyang and the company.

Everyone turned to look at them before most of them hurriedly turned away their faces. One of them fearfully whispered after noticing the dragon insignia on their house,"House Long…how scary."

House Long, one of the top three martial arts families, is known for their dreadful assassinations throughout the Immortal Realm.

Many powerful experts had been fallen at their hands.

Hence, no one wanted to offend people hailing from such an infamous household.

"Tch, I can't believe such such lowly pigs are even allowed into this place. I don't think they should be allowed in here, don't you agree as well, Miss Huiguang?" One young man named Long Wanxi said as he looked at a beautiful young girl who was sitting alone at one of the tables with eyes full of lust.

Indeed. She was the same girl who had been humiliated by Taiyang at the city gates. It was well-known fact that Long Wanxi hand long since been trying to woo lady Huiguang, but to no avail.

At suddenly being called out, Huiguang glanced at Long Wanxi before turning to look at Taiyang. A glint of astonishment flashed in her eyes before she looked away as if completely disregarding everyone present.

The dazzling smile on Long Wanxi twiched after seeing Long Wanxi ignoring his existence. No other woman had treated him this way, but that's why he liked her.

'I will definitely make you mine!' He murmured while flashing a lascivious grin.

"Brother Wanxi, there's something I need to tell you," his junior brother said.

"What is it?" He annoyingly asked.

"It's like this, that brat over there…." As he listened to his junior brother speak, his expression change from surprise to understanding before turning into a mischievous smile.

"Are you telling me the truth?" He asked for confirmation.

"Yes, brother Wanxi. I wouldn't dare lie to you even if I were hundred times more guts than I already do."

Everyone in the hall noticed Long Wanxi stand up and tensed up. It seemed like he was planning on stirring up trouble.

Long Wanxi calmly strode to where Taiyang was sitting.

"You've got some guts, brat. To shame someone from the one of the three martial arts in front of so many people." He said loudly.

The hall immediately become noisy due to whispers going from one ear to another.

"What does he mean?"

"He is referring to lady Huiguang, of course. I heard someone embarrassed lady Huiguang at the city gates."

"Does that mean he is the culprit?"

"Woah, how daring is that young man."

Long Wanxi smirked. His plan to impress Huiguang was working.

"Martial arts families?" Taiyang spoke lightly, as if remembering something from the past.

"Yes! How dare a mortal like you try to ruin lady's Huiguang reputation? You are courting death," his voice was infused with killing intent.

Yueliang and Qiao Nan seemed to tremble in fear, yet Taiyang remained utterly unfazed.

After looking around, Taiyang noticed several gazes concentrate on him, most of them betraying the intention of watching a good show.

"What do you want?" He finally asked. He genuinely can't understand this man's reasons for finding trouble with him.

Seeing Taiyang so nonchalantly, even Long Wanxi couldn't hide this astonishment. This brat was really had nerves of steel.

"Of course, I would be merciful enough to ask you for your life, but you need to kneel down and ask for Lady Huiguang's forgiveness," he said while glancing at Huiguang out of the corner of his eyes.

'Are you seeing this, bitch? You must be impressed with this young master. '

"Oh, would you let me go, then?" Taiyang responded, as if he hadn't heard the man's outrageous demand at all.

However, if any one from the heavenly realm was here, they'd have broken Long Wanxi for asking the Heavenly Crown Prince, the one who neither kneeled to the heaven or earth, to do so in front of mere mortals.

"Of course, I, Long Wanxi, promise—aaagghhhh!!!"

"You are not worthy of that surname," a voice, which was as calm as serene lake, decreed in a dignified tone.

The Immortal Pheonix City had been quiet a minute, everything had been going on normally. But now, a single sentence had changed it.

The whole city—no, the whole Immortal Realm was shaking with great intensity.

In the northern province…

"Fuck, what's happening?!"

"I-is this the end of the world?!"

"Run, everyone! Pull your asses! Move faster!"

The people couldn't believe what they were seeing. The Dragon Peak mountains, famous for their huge heights, were now crumbling apart like little pebbles.

The mountains that had stood their grounds thousands of years now appeared unable to bear the pressure.

The famous Dragon Peaks were now trembling and quivering as if they were...deeply frightened of someone.

The Immortal Pheonix Sect, inner grounds.

"What's this commontion about?!"

"What the hell is happening??"

Scores of disciple can be seen running out of their pavilions, wearing panicked expressions on their faces. They remember hearing a very disturbing noise that almost made them deaf.

"Elder Tou, can you tell us what that frightening sound was about?"

One of the disciples asked the elder after spotting him standing still like a puppet with its strings broken.

The elder didn't reply, but only pointed his shaky finger towards the sky. Following his direction, what the disciples caused their soul to flee their bodies.

"Ooh mommy…." A few disciples wetted themselves. Yet, no one payed them any attention, only trying to make sense of the scene playing out in front of them.

A big void had formed in the sky, getting bigger by each passing second.

A few rubbed their eyes, but were unfortunately hit with the realisation that what they were seeing was, in fact not a dream.

The sky was literally cleaving asunder.

At the same time, it was emitting an agonizing...scream. Anyone who heard it would recognize the pain and horror contained in that sound.

"E...Elder Tou….w-what is that?"

"…the wrath of the heavens…" a souless voice reverberates in the air.