August 2035 London (?)
In an abandoned looking corner of London, there was none other than Kogami Yori perched on the rooftop, rifle in hand.
'There is a line you should never cross.'
Yori recalled one of her first few conversations with Kasumi when she first became a Yankee.
The girl had strictly told her ' Why do you think everyone can become so serious and put there all to it every day? Yes, a person's will is a part of it. But the key part is because everyone knows that it will end one day. That eventually that there long struggles and suffering will come to an end. Darkness will always surround us; that's something that cannot change. But it doesn't mean we cannot take another path. However, if you cross the line that Yankees should cross. You will no longer have that alternative. They'll make you live a life that's shrouded in complete darkness and a blood-stained world'.