As Beautiful As A Jade

Starlight Dome (August 2035)

The last thing Haruka wanted to do was return to the party. However, his cute girlfriend wasn't having it. But what irked him was the girls' clothing.

Indeed, what bothered him the most right now was her clothes. The color representing another man aside, the fact that she looked so damned adorable in it wasn't helping his current situation as a ' bodyguard.' She's too adorable and what's with that having to smile at those disgusting political members?

It irked him, though it's part of her role.

She really has some nerve smiling like that towards other men in front of him. Yet every so often he felt Lila glance over at his way and showed him an apologetic look. Well no matter, it seemed like he wasn't the only one watching her.

Several times already, he felt the girl stare at him. Heh, well now that's bold of her. Though perhaps he had been overreacting. Contrary to what happened in the balcony, nobody else from that side has bothered her.