Like A Canvas


It surprised Yori that Soichiro was actually letting her eat lunch on time. But of course she had to eat in the office too. Yori exhaled deeply, is this man serious? He won't even let her eat in the cafeteria. Does he seriously think she's some sort of spy and plan to sway his employees to hurt Lila? Is he stupid? Doesn't he know of the deep connection and bond between her's and Lila's family?

He definitely knows about it. This man knew everything about Lila after all, he most likely has a file on everything even the most trifle details. So why on earth is he acting so cautious and wary whenever she mentions getting to know her co workers?

She can't figure this man out. This must be the first time she's met somebody like this. Yori liked to believe that she was good at reading people's personality. Whether it was instinct or had anything to do with her powers. Yori had always been a good judge of another person's character.