I feel like I don't Belong Here Anymore

Lila had to admit that Kasumi's question startled her a little. What did she want? What Lila wants is to be with Haruka forever, having sex - well that's just something couples do with each other. At least in the past, she would have had such thoughts. But things are no longer the same. It's no longer the same because she knows the reason why Haruka touches her all the time.

Lila nodded and confidently looked at her friends eyes as she replied, "Yes, that's what I want."

"I see," Kasumi's disappointed tone didn't escape her.

She knew Kasumi wasn't satisfied with her answer. But Lila didn't want to tell her the reason why. That would mean disclosing Haruka's secrets, and Lila didn't want to do that. The tense silence broke when somebody glomped on to Kasumi from the back. A girl with blonde hair and blue eyes.



Kasumi laughed, "You're late."