Iwa Kasumi

Perhaps it was because her mother was a model, a designer - someone who created her own brand from scratch. That her house always resembled a fashion studio more than a home. Kasumi however never minded that. From a young age, she found herself amazed and dazzled by the beautiful and shining clothing she would see produced by her mother's hand. Or the various models that would come and see her mother about clothes. All charming people. She was surrounded in so much beauty and light at such a young age. At the start, she merely admired and fantasized about the beautiful world of fashion.

But gradually, as she grew older, she started assisting with the cleaning after the show. It was around when she was four years old and had learned how to walk properly without stumbling. She wanted an excuse to hold pieces of that gorgeous clothing, and jewels. To feel it with her very own fingers, jewels and clothes of the most exceptional quality.