
- Underground Passage -

Meanwhile, two people found themselves in an underground passage after the building they were in had collapsed.

"Kiryu?!! Kiryu..."

"Ouch ouch...that hurt." Kiryu winced in pain.

Lila quickly scrambled off him. "Your bleeding. Oh wait a second," Lila quickly found her handkerchief and extended it towards him when she noticed the black aura around her hand. She draws her hand back only to have Kiryu grab hold of it.

"Lila, you're here, right?"

She looked at him, confused, "Yes."

"We can talk in detail later, I'm sure. But for now," Kiryu pulls her into his arms.

"K-Kiry⁠—," and then it hit her. A wave of warmth, the warmth, the warmth she hasn't felt in so long. Even though he held her that time and kissed her, it felt like he was holding something bad. But things are different now; he's not holding anything back here. She felt all his love in this hug, "I can't brea⁠—" her sentence fell short when she saw the look in his eyes.

"Lila, Lila."