The same goes for me

After parting ways with the other two, Haruka silently held her hand as they walked through the streets. Lila kept her gaze on him the whole time and focussed on looking at him. Can the two of them genuinely be happy with each other? Despite so many people opposing them to be together, can they be happy?

"What's wrong?"

"That whole I can't live without you thing, maybe that's true," Lila mumbled. She can't imagine being with somebody else now at this point, let alone get back together with Kiryu.

Haruka's lips curve to a smile, "Is that so?"

Lila nodded, "You have to take responsibility for me."

"Yes, yes, why do you think I'm marrying you?"

She rolled her eyes, "You're marrying me because your head over heels in love with me, not because you're responsible for making me weird."