She has no idea

Still, Haruka wondered what he could do for Lila. It's not like she actually needs her help. Even regarding music, he doesn't need to be her manager anymore. All the problems and issues she had regarding music has vanished now. There are no more flaws in her performances. So, exactly what can he do for her now? Haruka didn't know; he didn't want to accept that people like Austin Kiryu and her old friends could help her more.

Haruka shook his head; he can't think about it anymore. It's not like anything will change if he gets depressed about it. For the longest time, all he has been doing is getting upset whenever anything Austin Kiryu related is mentioned. That's fine and all, it's natural for him to have his doubts and unease. However, now that he's been dating Lila for a good few months already. Now that they are married, he needs to start thinking more rationally.