What is justice to you?

"Will you really kill her?"

Mikami could sense the regret in his tone. So he had to ask this. How many years have passed since he met Haruka-senpai? Back then, when they first met. All Mikami saw was a man with hazard looking eyes. A man who looked like he was on the verge of giving up and surrendering to the world. When he saw that, Mikami thought it would be best to watch over him. He had no obligation to yet. His father did not give him instructions then. It was his own decision, that's why he wants to help to the very end. This is something he can't leave be. Haruka-senpai show showed him many things and Lila-chan.

Lila-chan is precious; she is the key to everything.


"You can't, can you? Haruka-senpai, you've never harmed a single person in your life. You can't take another person's life," Mikami interjected. The maroon colored haired man looked down, with a guilty expression.