DMV yeah you know me

The Hall of Adventurers was built to look like the pantheon of old. The Greek style structure had pillars that surrounded the building. These pillars held up a sloped roof with large ceramic tiles. You could enter the building from any direction with its open design. In the center of the room was a portal with an NPC named Trial Master standing before it, who had a line of people waiting to start the trial. Ringing the edge of the room, I saw class trainers of every sort, each with at least ten players surrounding them. There was no less than 100 people in this one space.

The purpose of these trainers is to give tips and pointers to those who have failed the trial or who are preparing to take the trial. I could learn nothing from the limited beginner AI, so strode right up to the Trial Master and got in the line.

-Damn, I should have waited to use the medallion. I looked at the timer counting down. 56 minutes left, and five people in front of me.

Ten minutes later the next person went into the portal. 46 minutes left and four people in front of me.

Ten more minutes and the next person went into the portal. 36 minutes left and three people in front of me.

This wasn't good. My medallion could wear off if they take too long.

Most people were already working on their tier 3 class change. Those that were still here were either noobs, late starters like me, or casual players.

The time dragged on and the next player entered the portal after 20 minutes!

That left 16 minutes, and two people in front of me! I had to do something and quick.

The two players in front of me were both mages and could tell I was getting anxious.

" Hey, I'll pay you each 1 gold if you let me go in front of you. ", I pleaded with the strangers.

They seemed to think for a second and then agreed. I gave them the money and graciously thanked them as I took my place at the front of the line. This left me with 2 gold 50 silver left. I was trying to save some of the money I got from the prince. Some basic gear would have been nice after the trial.

Ten minutes later the Trial Master looked up and motioned for the next in line. I only had 6 minutes left on the medallion.

"Greetings, Trial Master I would like to take the trial. " I said confidently.

He looked me up and down and for a second I thought he might refuse, but he shrugged and said, " Alright, that will be two gold. " He held out his hand in expectation.

I pulled the gold from my inventory and handed it to him. Now I'm broke.

He smiled and motioned to the portal, "Good luck. "

The portal was shaped like a standing circle. Blue energy flowed between the circle, both iridescent and luminous. I stepped through and much like the town portal it felt like I was passing through a membrane. The feeling passed and I was standing in the center of a roman style gladiatorial arena. Sand was beneath my feet, and before me was a huge iron gate that was slowly opening.

Since people could pay to watch the trials, there was an NPC announcer who would often introduce the players and give commentary on the fight. Only one trial could take place at a time.

The audience was a decent size, maybe 50 people. It was mostly made up of people waiting for their friends or guild members to finish the trials.

The announcer began his speech, " Attention, the next hero to undertake the trials is known as Thorn. He is a warrior who will take the trial of the sword! The trial consists of three rounds. The hero must defeat his opponent in each of the rounds. There is no break between rounds. If this hero succeeds he will become a sword adept. The hero will be given full entitlement to absolute concentration. All external sounds such as my voice or that of the crowd will be disabled. These will be my last words to you. Hero, prepare yourself for your trial!"

True to his word, all external sound cut off, and instantly it was quiet save for the creaking of the gate as it fully opened and stopped.

A tall muscular human warrior clad in leather armor appeared from the darkness behind the gate. He carried a great spear and had two daggers attached to a belt on his waist.

I cracked my knuckles and unsheathed my sword. " Finally, I get to kill something! "