Ideas and thanks

Hey there! It's the author of this here novel. I want to take a moment to personally thank all those who have been there for me with your support.

Special thanks to Tainlong, Foxsays, embosssedflavor, skyazeroth, silverskull, AlmightyNerd(Thanks for the review!), ImmortalCake, Blankside, wreck and daoiste4. You guys are awesome! You can take comfort in knowing that this novel will proly never go premium, so it will always be free to read! As long as I still have one of you reading, it is enough for me.

I work a full time job as a butcher, slicing up dead animals for retail display. I also have a wife and three kids, so my plate is full. This novel has been my momentary escape and I am honored to have you join me upon this journey.

I want this chapter to be dedicated to you guys.

I want to open the floor to answer any questions and to ask you if you have any ideas. I'm not short on them, I simply want to know yours. Give me things you would like to see, ideas for gear/drops, Characters, or anything you can think of. I will constantly check this page. All good ideas will be given credit and could be used in the book. My book may be mediocre, but I would love to have you join me.

Thanks guys for everything and I hope to hear from you!

(Next chapter will be normal, will pick up on the boss fight)