My Woman

"This is too hilarious!" Yu Zhen howled, wiping away imaginary tears. "What a pathetic move that was!"

Wen Jinkai clenched and unclenched his jaw. His fingers curled into a fist so tight, his skin turned a deadly shade of white. "I was merely following tradition by asking for his blessings. I'm going to marry Xueyue whether or not he gives me her hand."

"Tradition this, tradition that," Yu Zhen scoffed. "Sounds like excuses to me."

Wen Jinkai's eyes narrowed, opening his mouth to speak, until someone interjected.

"What's with all of the ruckus?" Lu Tianbi stormed out of her sleeping corridors dressed in her nightgown and a thick cloak hanging off her shoulders. 

Hu Dengxiao tiredly yawned beside her, a pillow tucked in his arms and one hand rubbing his eye. They were shaken awake by the unsettling laughter of Yu Zhen and another man.