A Humble Life

"You don't have to if you don't want to, Sunshine," Yu Zhen murmured. It was a sensitive topic. He didn't want to pressure her or force her to explain. It would make the situation uncomfortable for her.

She silently played with his hair. It was a soothing action. His shoulders relaxed with her touch. There was something about the way she touched him that soothed his soul. He continued hugging her, knowing it would bring her comfort.

"Just remember," he said. "They will never hurt you again. Not if I can help it."

She let out a small laugh, her heart swelling with his words. She believed him. He vowed to slay her monsters. When had he violated this vow? But she was afraid. 

What if Yu Zhen was caught? What if all of his hard work came tumbling down all because of her?

"I'm worried," she said. "What if you're dragged down because of me?"

"Then we'll live a humble life, far, far away from the palace."