To Serve You

Li Xueyue didn't realize it, but she had fallen asleep yet again. The second time she woke up, it was to an empty bed. 

Tiredly, she sat up, bewildered and confused. How long had she slept for? Subconsciously, she touched the spot beside her. It was slightly warm, which meant Yu Zhen had left only just a while ago.

Li Xueyue let out a yawn and stretched her limbs whilst laying on the bed. She noticed there was no one in the bedroom except her which wasn't a surprise. Yu Zhen always made everyone wait outside of the bedroom.

"Hmm, what time is it?" Li Xueyue asked when she lazily strolled out of the doors. 

Her usual maidservants lined against the wall. Everyone instantly perked at the sight of her. They had been standing there for a while now with not much to do.

"It is quite late in the morning, Princess, but not quite the afternoon," a familiar voice said.