Breakfast with a side of love

Before she could reply, his mouth came crashing down on her once again as he used his grip in her hair to position her head.

Joslyn didn't hold back, she let all her built-up joys, fears, anxieties, and longing overflow into their heated kisses. She tightened her legs around his waist sealing the small gap between their bodies. Joslyn let the soft strands of his hair fall through her fingers as she slid her hands from his jaw up to the base of his ear. He released a deep growl when she traced the edges of his down covered ears with the tip of her index fingers.

He broke the kiss and looked down at her with a cocky smirk. He untangled his fingers from her hair and used both hands to pull her shirt up over her head. Shock mixed with pleasure when he saw that she hadn't put on a bra. "You're so beautiful." He growled huskily before he bent down and captured a nipple in his mouth. He suckled and nipped at her tender flesh, reveling in the soft moans escaping her throat with each nip and suckle.

Joslyn leaned back onto the counter to give Russ better access to her body. A well-placed nip to her hip, caused her to draw in a sharp breath. Joslyn began to cough on the smoke that filled her lungs. (Cough, cough, cough!) "Ah… Russ? I think you're burning your pancakes…" She couldn't help the giggle that escaped as his assault to her body stopped instantly and his ears perked up to stand at attention.

He sniffed the air, the arousing scent of her pleasure mixed with the smoke of his forgotten pancakes. Russ jerked his head around to look at the stove as the smoke alarm simultaneously began to buzz. "Shit!" Russ turned and grabbed the handle of the pan in one swift movement. He straightened and quickly made his way to the front door with the smoking pan in hand.

Joslyn wrapped her arms around her stomach, now hysterically laughing. She watched through the serving window of the kitchen as he flipped the smoldering pancake out into the yard of the apartment. He was still grumbling when he re-entered the living room, one hand wrapped around the handle of the dangling pan and the other running through his messy hair. Joslyn's laughter caught in her throat as she took him in. His hair was tasseled and messy from her running her fingers through it, his lips were swollen from their kisses, there were light love marks along his collar bone, and his muscles rippled and flexed as he walked… her eyes continued a slow trail over his body, really taking in and appreciating his whole body as an adult man for what seemed to be the first time. Her eyes stopped completely as she took in the smooth abs of his lower abdomen, memorizing every dint and ripple of his body. Her eyes trailed down along his hips that combined with his lower abs to create an alluring chiseled 'V' only slightly hidden by the band of his low riding sweats. As her eyes dropped lower past the band of his sweats, her eyes caught the slight jerking movement indicating his arousal. Her eyes shot up to his face, meeting surprised eyes. He had frozen in the threshold of the doorway. He had definitely caught her staring at him, and it was more than obvious he enjoyed it. Joslyn turned red and looked away.

Shaking the surprise from his mind Russ continued walking quickly back toward the kitchen after shutting the door. "You don't have to be embarrassed." Russ himself blushed as he added. "I like it when you look at me like that." He ran his free hand through his hair as he stepped back into the kitchen and set the pan into the sink beside where she still set on the counter. He continued staring into the sink unseeing as he added, "You don't know how long I've waited to see that exact expression on your face while you are looking at me." He slowly met her eyes. Shock and desire battled one another across her face. The one thing he loved about Joslyn was that it was always so easy to read her emotions. He cupped her small face in his hands, "Jos, you don't have to hold back, I've watched you long enough���" He stopped himself, a soft blush creeping up his neck. "I know your every expression." He moved away from the sink and worked his way back between her legs. "I know you, probably, better than you know yourself. And I love everything about you." His eyes pleaded with hers as he held her gaze. "Please, stop holding back, you don't have to with me. You never have to with me!"

Before he could say anything else, she caught his face and smashed her lips into his in a blazing passion filled kiss, that she had been holding back for quite some time. She through everything she had into it, all her desire, all her fears, all her frustrations. She pulled him closer to her as she slid forward toward the edge of the counter. She wrapped her legs back around his waist, pulling him firmly against her. She pushed against his chest and broke the kiss. She gave him a seductive smile as she slid her hands across his smooth pecks. She let out a moan as the muscles jumped under her touch and he hardened against her. She maintained eye contact as she dipped her head to capture one of his flat nipples in her mouth. She nipped and pulled with her teeth, as his cock jerked against her. She slid her hands down over the rippling muscles of his sides and rested them on his hips. She ran kisses across his collar bone, stopping to nip and suck on the same spot she had left a faint mark on the night before. She dug her fingers into his hips as he began to move, holding him in place. She whispered against his collar bone, "Your right. I do want you. It has been hell lately, and I'm still trying to hold myself back." She kissed the mark she had caused to darken. "I guess I'm afraid if I truly let go… I… may get carried away." She kissed another lighter mark she'd left the night before. "I'm afraid I may hurt you somehow…" She rested her forehead against his chest as she idly ran her fingers along the inter-band of his sweatpants.

He leaned down planting one hand on the counter beside her thigh and cupped her under the chin with the other. He forced her face up to meet his. "Let go." With that said he kissed her deeply.

She let one of her hands at his hip dip into his pants. She wasn't too surprised to find he wasn't wearing underwear; it had been pretty obvious when she had watched him become aroused earlier. She closed her mind off all other thoughts except for the here and now. He arched higher into her hand as she curled her fingers around the base of his member and began gently stroking the long hard length of it. He growled hungrily against her lips as she sped up the strokes. He pulled back to look down at her, passion and desire clearly written in the swirling haze of his blue eyes. He moved to lift her off the counter, but she pushed both hands against his chest to stop him. Instead, she slid down to the floor and guided him back to the small dinette set. He set on the chair as it met the back of his legs, confusion colored his expression. Joslyn lowered to her knees in front of him and locked her eyes with his as she answered his confusion. "I want to give you pleasure." Surprised lit his face as understanding dawned on him. he set back in the chair scooting his bottom to the edge of the chair. She slowly slid her shaking hands up along his thighs, bringing herself up over his lap. She fumbled, nervously with the waistband of his sweats.

Russ bent forward and placed a light kiss to the top of her head, "Here." He lifted his hips and helped her slide his pants down past his backside. He could tell she was nervous, though she seemed pretty determined to push forward with a relationship with him. All thoughts came to an end as she curled her fingers around the base of his shaft again and slowly circled her tongue around the circumference of its head. When she had made a complete circle around the head with her tongue, she slid her tongue up from the frenulum to the very tip of the head, all the while working her hand slowly up and down the shaft. He arched his hips up as she began to take the whole head into her mouth, driving himself deeper into her mouth. Within no time she had set an arousing rhythmed of sucks and strokes, using her tongue to massage the length of the shaft as she pushed down over it and licked up over the head as she worked her way upward.