Lets go public

Joslyn was laying across Russ's chest panting as he ran his fingers up and down the length of her back, a strange ringtone sounded breaking the charged silence of the small living room. Russ wrapped one arm around Joslyn tightly as he leaned sideways to retrieve his phone from the coffee table.

"Sup?" Russ answered. He chuckled as he listened to the other side of the conversation. He glanced down at Joslyn, a mischievous smile playing across his face. "No, I haven't forgotten about the fundraiser party tonight. I just got a little distracted." He chuckled again as Joslyn's face turned a deep crimson. He crunched forward to kiss the tip of her nose. He continued to answer the endless questions from the other end of the call. "Yeah…. Yes! I'll see what I can do." He met her eyes as he chuckled and replied, "I'll see if I can get her to tag along." He winked at her as he ended the call.

Joslyn tilted her head as she looked at him questioningly. She tried to push herself up off him but before she could make any progress, he pulled her down hard against his chest and curled himself upward to capture her lips. He twisted one hand into the back of her hair and used the grip to deepen the kiss. By the time he laid his head back down on the arm of the couch, Joslyn was completely out of breath.

He looked up at her lovingly, "Come out with me tonight. The boys swim team is having a fundraiser tonight, all first years have to participate." He ran his fingers through her hair playfully as he waited on her answer.

"Oh? I hadn't heard about it." She looked away slightly embarrassed.

Russ pulled her face back around to force her to look him in the eyes. "Joslyn you have nothing to be embarrassed by." he said as she tried to pull her face away from his grip, but he forced her to maintain eye contact with him. "Jos, I love you and correct me if I'm wrong, but I think we can call ourselves together after last night and today. Do you plan to never be seen in public with me again? It would be weirder if we didn't go to things like this together, wouldn't it? considering we, all four, usually go to parties and shit together?"

Joslyn tried pulling away from him again, knowing good and well he was beginning to get angry. She squeezed her eyes tightly closed, "Russ we just started… Half the team is in my class... It could cause trouble for the professor... for the college, to have one of their TA's openly dating a student."

Russ cut her off as he pulled himself into a sitting position on the couch bringing her onto his lap as he moved. "Fine, I guess we can just stay here tonight and pick up where we left off. There's still plenty of places I've fantasized about. The balcony, for instance… and the pool." He chuckled as she drew in a sharp gasp.

"Ok! I'll go!" Joslyn yelped as he began toying with her hips.

He chuckled again as she began trying to wiggle off his lap. "You keep that up and we will be staying here, whether you agree or not." He pulled her face down to his and gave her a lingering kiss, before releasing her. "Go get dressed, we are using the stage at the bar." He didn't fight her this time as she pushed herself up using his shoulders as leverage, instead he smacked her bare ass as she turned around to head to her room causing her to gasp again.

She glanced back at him as she walked past the end of the oversized couch, he had leaned back onto the cushions, naked, phone in hand. "Are you going like that, then?"

He looked up from his phone and shrugged his shoulders, "More or less." He shot her a wicked grin, "Hurry up so I can watch you leave." When her eyes grew large and her face colored again, he winked at her and lowered his head back down to the phone. As she continued down the hallway, Russ glanced up from the text he was typing to watch the soft bounce of her backside as she disappeared. He finally looked back down at his phone.

Russ hit send [How is Shelly? I've tried texting her a few times today, but she wouldn't respond.]

Raven's reply pinged his phone nearly immediately after his message posted. [Being a bratty teenager, what's new?! She came to the bar with me earlier, last I saw her she was outside talking to some guys at the VB courts. Are you still coming down this way tonight?]

Russ sent a quick 'yeah' before switching conversations over to read a text sent earlier by the Captain of the boy's swim team. He laughed as he read it. "Jos is going to kill me…" he said out loud as he shook his head and switched back over to continue talking to Raven.

[Joslyn, coming with you?! ;)]

[Yeah, LMAO she's probably going to kill me though. I didn't tell her exactly what we are doing as a fundraiser ;))]

[LMFAO well, not to worry, I'll make sure to come to your funeral.]

He chuckled as he typed a quick reply, [Oh thanks, don't I feel special. At least now I can die happy! teehee] He stood up and retrieved his sweatpants off the floor and flung them over his shoulder as he walked down the hall to his room.

Fifteen minutes later Joslyn emerged from her bedroom and yelled down the hall, "I'll be ready in about another five minutes, ok." She didn't wait for a reply as she quickly walked into the bathroom. Once again, she stopped and stared at her reflection in the mirror, there was no way to hide all the love marks marring her neck and shoulders. She had opted for a black hooded halter top that covered most of her neck, shoulders, and chest with the hopes it would at least make the marks less obvious. Noting the blush flooding her face, she quickly looked away from the mirror and went about her business quickly.

As she made her way down the hallway, Russ stepped out from the kitchen. She couldn't keep her eyes from exploring his body. He had a tight black 'wife beater' tank top on with the front slightly tucked into the front of his sweats. She could feel the drool build up as her eyes moved over his body.

Russ leaned against the doorway crossing his arms and his legs at the ankles, "You must be pretty determined to stay in tonight."

Joslyn gave herself a mental shake, "Huh? What? What do you mean?"

Russ arched a brow and cocked a half smile at her as he answered her, "What do I mean? I mean if you don't stop looking at me like that…" He pushed himself off the wall and backed her up against the wall on the other side of the hall. He lowered his head down and whispered against her lips, "The way you are looking at me, makes me want to devour you all over again, you know."

Her breath caught as she leaned against his hard body in anticipation of a kiss. To her surprise, he pushed away from the wall and took her hand instead. He led her out the front door and down the stairs making their way across the parking lot to the garages across from their apartment.

"Are you sure you want to drive your car tonight if we are going to a party?" Joslyn looked up at him with her usual 'guardian' presents that she always used with Russ and Shelly when questioning their judgments.

Russ laughed as he stopped walking and turned toward her. He brought her hand up to his lips and kissed the knuckles as he said teasingly, "Don't worry senpai, I'll behave tonight." He kissed her wrist this time, "I won't do anything reckless as long as senpai is with me."

Joslyn could feel her face heating up again, she looked away as Russ continued to kiss and tease her. "D… d… don't call me that. This isn't one of those hentai manga." She focused her attention on an ant moving across the pavement. She tried her hardest to ignore the feel of his breath as he kissed a trail up her arm, making the tiny hairs stand at attention.

"Is it not? Would you rather me call you sensei? I'll let you paddle me in class." He whispered against her ear.

A shiver ran up her spine causing her whole body to shudder. He pulled her tight against his body. "I love the way you respond to my touch." Before she could respond his mouth came down over hers in a quick passionate kiss. He began guiding her back toward the garage still kissing her. When she stumbled slightly, he easily lifted her and carried her the rest of the way into the garage. He grinned against her lips as he set her bottom down onto the trunk of his car. "I've always wanted to do this with you, as well."

"Ahhh… Russsss!!!" There was no doubt in her mind that anyone within a miles radius heard her and knew full well what was happening in that garage, but it didn't stop the moans as she was once again swept away into passion's embrace...