All eyes on the sideshow

"Ladies get those dollar bills ready! Our next guy can make those panties drop with the snap of his fingers. Give it up for our resident magic man, Rin." The DJ instructed the crowd to fill their glasses as well before he pointed a spotlight onto the stage.

Joslyn and Russ were still standing at the back of the crowd when the light landed on Rin. Russ pulled her in front of him. "Typically, I wouldn't be encouraging you to watch another man take off his clothes, but you have to watch Rin's performance. It's pretty amazing." Russ said glancing down at her before looking back up at the stage.

As the song began Rin appeared under the lights. His head was down, and he was wearing a strange looking genie costume. He flicked his wrists and snapped his fingers with the beat. He began rolling his hips to a male version of 'genie in a bottle'. He snapped his fingers again and disappeared only to reappear seconds later on the edge of the stage. He grinned down at the stage and snapped his fingers again causing his shirt vest to disappear. He snapped again and appeared in front of a girl in the crowd. When the song said 'rub me the right way' he took her hand and ran it down his bare stomach, causing the crowd to scream in excitement. He snapped again and was in front of another girl, this time he lifted her and snapped again. They reappeared at the end of the stage. He snapped once again, and his bottoms disappeared. He took the girl's hands and ran them along his stomach as he began doing body rolls against her palms. With another snap of his fingers, he disappeared then reappeared behind her. He ran his hand along her spine before pushing her forward into a bent position and began grinding with the beat against her rear. When the song ended he snapped again, and she reappeared back in her seat and he disappeared.

Joslyn looked over her shoulder at Russ, surprise obvious on her face, "So he's a Gin?"

Russ chuckled, "Yea, Rin the Gin. Cool, right?"

Joslyn looked back toward the stage even though Rin was no longer there, she thought back to earlier when they had met in the bar. "Yea, I guess. But I would have thought a gin would be friendlier."

Russ laughed again, "About that, he gets pretty pissy around couples. Apparently, it's difficult for gin to be in relationships. The partner automatically becomes their master, but to be a master there has to be some level of purity which is hard to find in college students nowadays."

Joslyn just looked back at him with a shocked look. The DJ was making introductions for Naru now.

"Do you want to go for a walk or something?" Russ asked resting his chin on her shoulder as they watched Naru take the stage. Apparently, his act involved pole dancing in a leopard print thong.

"Oh, lord! Yes, a walk would be good." She turned around. "Shouldn't we at least try calling Shelly?"

He bent down and kissed her forehead. "If it would make you feel better." He pulled out his phone and pressed her name under his contacts. It rang a few times before going to voice mail. He shrugged his shoulders before hanging up and putting the phone back in his pocket of the sweatpants he had put back on before they had tried catching up with Shelly. "Can't make her talk to me. You know how she gets when she's mad." He took Joslyn's hand and lead her toward the beach.

He sat down on the sand and pulled Joslyn down onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around her body as they watched the slow rise and fall of the waves. A nearly full moon sparkled light out across the water. "I know it's only been a day, but this has been the best day of my life…" His words trailed off as he squeezed her tighter and kissed the back of her head. "I've waited for the day I could hold you like this for years now." He nudged her head to the side and placed a kiss on her neck.

She leaned against his chest and slid her fingers into his hair as he continued running kisses along her neck and jawline. A low grown escaped him as she wiggled in his lap. "Russ…"

She twisted and maneuvered around so that she could wrap her legs around his waist again. She tangled her fingers into his hair on either side of his head. She looked up into his eyes, mesmerized with the warmth reflecting in them. She couldn't stop the flood of words as they left her lips, "I love you."

He took her face into his hands, "I know." He kissed her full on the lips. Before he could deepen the kiss, he felt the presence of someone approaching.

Rin cleared his throat as he walked closer to the couple. "I was sent to bring you back. The fundraiser is over, we are tearing down now." Rin had changed back into the jeans and put a t-shirt on. He actively avoided looking directly at them as they untangled their bodies. He kicked the sand around with the tip of his flip flop. "Congratulations..." His cheeks had a sight blush tenting them, "I didn't say that earlier."

Joslyn wobbled as she stood up from Russ's lap. When Rin reach out to steady her, Russ leaped up and grabbed ahold of her. He looked her straight in the eyes, "Rin can tell absolutely everything about the people he touches within seconds of making contact."

Joslyn's eyes widened before she looked back at Rin. "Well, that's a…. interesting gift to have…."

Rin's blush deepened, "It is more of a hindrance than a gift." He looked out over the ocean as if remembering something painful yet still longing for it.

Russ took her hand and began walking toward the bar and stage area. Joslyn looked back over her shoulder at Rin who was still staring out over the ocean. "Don't worry he'll catch up. Come on, let's get this done so we can go home." He through a wink back at her.

Joslyn sat at the bar talking to Raven as the boys continued loading up totes of props they had used into a van.

"Well, that was stimulating…" Raven laughed as she threw away the empty bottles. "I was sure you were going to flip your shit when he pulled you onto the stage."

Joslyn blushed, "That wasn't even the most embarrassing part of the night."

Raven stopped what she was doing, "Well now I'm intrigued! Come on you gotta tell me."

Joslyn's blush intensified, "We got carried away when he took me backstage… and…. Shelly and that dickhead from last night saw."

"Saw?" Raven busted out laughing, "Saw what exactly?"

Joslyn dropped her head down onto the bar, "Do you really have to ask?" her voice came out muffled.

"Yes, Yes I do!" Raven laughed loudly, slapping her hands on her knees as she crunched over from laughter.

Joslyn looked up, with her chin still resting on the counter. Before she could say more, her phone began to ring. She looked down, "Oh, it's Shelly." She quickly answered the phone, "Hello!"

[That was fast. I figured we would be leaving a message while you continued whoring it up with your current lover. You know, if I had known you were that into public displays, I would have tried harder to get you, myself.]

"You!" Joslyn yelled, her anger began to pick up. "Why are you calling me from Shelly's phone?!"

[I figured you should know she is safe, so you don't worry when your ward doesn't come home tonight] Dante emphasized the word 'ward'.

"What do you mean 'when she doesn't come home'!" Joslyn was holding Raven's concerned gaze, "She has to come home…" Joslyn was cut off by Dante's sadistic laughter. She felt hands press lightly on her shoulders as she glanced up to see Russ looking down at her Rin at his side, confusion and worry coloring their expressions.

Dante's laughs filled her ear as he said [Now why would she want to do that?]

"Because…" Joslyn was cut off once again.

[Why would anyone want to be under the same roof as her brother and his pedophile lover.]

Russ overheard the comment and jerked the phone away, "Watch what the fuck you say! And tell my sister she better get her ass home before we get back!" He hung the phone up and slammed it down onto the bar. He looked down at Joslyn his expression softening some. "Who the fuck is this guy? Do you know him?"

Joslyn shot Raven a worried glance before answering, "You could say that... I met him last night at the party. He is one of the owners of that surf shop." When Russ and Rin only continued looking down on her expectantly, she cleared her throat and continued. "I ran into him as I was leaving last night. He had just gotten smacked by some girl and then tried to pick me up. Even though I said 'no' he still tried to make a move so...." she glanced down nervously, "... well, I kicked him in the balls..."

Russ shrugged, "Seems like he deserved it, so what?"

Joslyn's face heated, "The guy who took me home, Xavier... His brother... saw and teased him about it. He seemed pretty pissed off when we left last night."

Russ gritted his teeth at the mention of the guy from last night, "AND?"

Raven interrupted catching the gist of what Joslyn was trying to say, "So you think he's targeting Shelly just to get you back for a ball shot? If he's that big of an asshole, I'm sure it's not the first or last time he's been kicked there..."

Joslyn shrugged, "It does seem a bit extreme, but it also seems like more than just coincidence."

Raven let out a sigh, "I guess only time will tell. I mean Shelly is a werewolf, so it's not like just any guy could take advantage of her. She's pretty strong even in normal form." Raven thought back to the night before when the 'brother' returned Joslyn's cell phone and what Russ had said. {'He isn't human'} She shook her head, "I'm sure even if it was another supernatural being as strong as your wolf bloodline is, she would be able to handle it."

Russ let out a heavy sigh, "I hope you are right." He gently rubbed the muscles of Joslyn's shoulders, working out the tension there.

Rin's expression tightened as he nodded, "Let me know if you need anything." He and Russ exchanged meaningful glances before Rin walked away.

"Are you guys leaving now? I don't get off for a few more hours." Raven asked clearing off the remaining empty cups from the bar.

Russ looked down into Joslyn's worried face, his eyes never left her as he answered Raven, "No, let her pout for a while longer. I'm not going to let her childish bullshit ruin our night." He took Joslyn's hand and pulled her up in front of him. He gently cupped the back of her head and pulled her closer against his chest. "This isn't your fault." He whispered against the top of her head as he placed light kisses there.

Joslyn looked up at him tears building in her eyes, "If something happens to her…. because of me…. I couldn't…" her words broke with emotion as she tried to voice the thoughts plaguing her mind. "You don't understand, when I met him last night I got a very bad feeling around him."

Russ didn't reply, instead, he pulled her up and began to softly sway with the music that had begun to play once the show was over. Russ began humming along with it against her ear. "…It's you babe, you're all I need babe…" He sang the lyrics into her ear. He pulled her tighter as the song continued "I love you. No matter what happens we can get past it… as long as we are together." When she looked up to meet his eyes he bent down and placed a light kiss on her lips.

Joslyn could feel the underlying sadness Russ was trying so hard to keep hidden from her. She knew good and well he didn't feel as calm about all this as he was pretending. Russ had always been over-protective of his twin. To think, all this started because Joslyn herself couldn't control her own feelings. She looked up at him still fighting tears, "I love you too, no matter what." She tightened her grip around his neck and kissed him hard on the lips.

Russ kissed her back before pulling back to gaze down at her, "I'll never get tired of hearing those words from you." He gently ran his knuckles across her cheek he bent forward and reclaimed her lips.

"Alright, everybody!!! Welcome to the after party! We are about to crank it up tonight!" The DJ came across the mic and immediately began playing some upbeat club music.

Russ laughed, spun Joslyn around, and pressed himself snuggly against her backside as he began dancing to the new song.