Man or monster

Joslyn fell against the wall of the large corridor leading through the center of the enormous mansion. She could feel her anxiety crash down on her as she fought to control the raged breaths that clenched her lungs. She clamped her tightly to her chest as she squeezed her eyes tightly shut. Her breathing hadn't regulated in the slightest when the door she had just exited opened and closed softly. The rhythmic pattern of foot steps drew closer, but she couldn't force her eyes open or her heart to stop pounding. A hand slammed soundlessly beside her face and the whisper of a breath brushed across her check. She squeezed her eyes together tighter. "What... what are you doing here!?" The quiver in her voice sent a wave of anger through her causing her to clench her jaws tightly together causing pain to radiate through the nerve-endings of her teeth. She jerked away when fingers brushed lightly across her check.

"Now come on Jos, is this any way to react to seeing an old friend after so long?" the tall man asked. The velvet caress of his voice against her ear sent chills down her spine.

Anger flared within her. Her eyes glared up at him, "Don't say that name, you'll fuck it up as well!" she hissed.

He smiled down at her, "Then what name would you like me to use?" He whispered as he played with a loss strand of hair. "There have been so many." He said a wicked smile curving his lips.

Before she had time to retort, the door opened once again and Xavier emerged from the room angry voices calling after him. "I'll only be a moment, surely you can handle this much without me." He called back into the room.

A large finger fell on her lips as the tall man leaned closer and whispered. "If you know what's best you'll keep quiet."

The sent of sandalwood wafted around her, bringing back a wave of memories that left her weak and gasping. She couldn't breath let along speak. {Drowning... this must be what drowning feels like.} Her frantic brain fought for control.

"Good girl." He whispered before turning toward the approaching vampire. "Ah Mr. DeMarco, your lovely assistant seems to be having a panic attack. If you like I can take her out for a breath of fresh air, or give her a ride back to the hotel you are staying at." He forged a concerned expression.

Xavier quickened his steps. He held her at arm's length, examining her. Worry etched deep into the lines of his forehead as he asked, "Are you ok? What happened? As soon as everyone entered the room you went pale and ran out."

She couldn't find her words. She could only stare up at him with pleading eyes.

He pulled her close to his chest, embracing her tightly. "I can't leave here right now. The situation is too delicate, but if you would like to go back then I will call for a driver." He rested his chin atop her head as he glanced back toward the room. No doubt the others were already getting irritated with his absence.

The large man beside them waved off his words. "There's no need to hire a driver. As I said, I can give her a ride. I..." He shrugged, "Work for this bunch, I guess you could say."

Xavier arched his brow. "I'm sorry, I don't believe I've had the pleasure of meeting you."

The man smiled widely as he introduced himself. "Areion, at your service." He held out his hand.

Xavier released his hold of Jos to take the hand the man offered. He could feel Joslyn's grip tighten on the front of his shirt. He glanced from the man to the closed door then down to Jos's sliver head. {He must be trustworthy if he's allowed here... and it's not like I have much of a choice.} With his mind made up, he held Jos back enough to look into her still stressed face. "I'll meet you back at the villa as soon as I finish up her. Get some rest. If you're still not feeling better tonight then we can stay in, alright?" He kissed the top of her head before nodding to the man waiting patiently beside them. He pulled a business card out of his back pants pocket and handed it to the man. "Here is the information. It's roughly a fifteen-minute commute each way." Xavier released Jos and stood nose to nose with the man. "If you're not back here in thirty-five I'll come looking for you." With that he turned back toward Jos, quickly kissing her check before heading back toward the meeting room.

Areion watched as Xavier quickly made his way back down the hall and into the room. When the door closed again he turned back toward Jos. "I see you have yet another poor man wrapped around that pretty little finger of yours."

Jos back up against the wall. "You're wrong." It was the only words she could manage getting out.

He snickered, "Yes, I suppose I am. The man sure isn't poor is he." He turned back toward her arching a brow. "Demarco, really?"

Jos glared back at him, "Why are you here?"

"As I told your boyfriend, I work here." He took another step toward her backing her back into the wall. "There may be other reasons as well, but for the life of me I just can't seem to think of them right now, jealousy must have my mind fogged." He leaned closer for a kiss.

Anger flared throughout Jos. A loud pop had already sounded before she had even registered her own movements. Her palm radiated pain from its contact with Areion's steal jaw. "You and your brother can both go to hell for all I care!" She pulled away, anxiety quickly replaced by anger. "Now let go of me. I can find my own way back, thank you."

He grabbed her arm once again, stopping her mid-stride. "Now what kind of gentleman would I be if I left a damsel in distress?"

Hatred radiated from her eyes as she glared back at him. "You are no gentleman." She pulled away and began stomping down the hall.

He quickly moved to block her path. "And you, my dear, are no lady." He smiled wickedly down at her, "Remember, little one, I know well what you are." He bent down and landed a hard kiss on her mouth.

Shock and rage fought for the center stage as Joslyn bit down hard on his lip and pushed hard against his chest.

His smile widened as he licked away the blood trickling down her lip. "Are you really going to cause a scene here? Risk ruining your boyfriend's business?"

She glared back at him. "Xavier isn't my boyfriend, he's just a friend helping me get through a difficult time."

Areion followed close behind her as she tried her best to navigate the corridor. "Friend? Is that what you call it? What if I said I miss being your friend? You really can't expect me not to be a little jealous seeing you here with another man can you?"

She turned on him, "You were never my friend!" She fought the tears that burnt the corners of her eyes. "Now get the fuck away from me."

He threw up his hands in defeat. "Fine, if that's what you really want." He smiled as she turned back toward the endless corridor of doors. "But I bet you could use a 'friend' to get out of here, couldn't you."

Frustration ate away at Jos as she tried to remember which doors they had come in from. She let out an unladylike growl as she whipped around toward him. "FINE! Lead the way, asshole!"

His eyes lit in amusement, "Where did this little spark come from?" The corner of his mouth turned up in a sideways grin and he walked past her. "This way, little one."

Her eyes flared again, "Don't call me that!"

He turned back toward her, the sideways smile transforming into something more wicked. "Then what would you like me to call you, little one?" He hooked a finger under her chin to bring her eyes level with his. "You didn't seem to mind me calling you that before."

Joslyn balled up her fist and landed a firm right hook squire to his handsome face. "Fuck you!"

He laughed as he wiped the blood from his nose. "Again? Well if you really want to." He followed close behind her, "Where has all this feistiness come from? Your time with that fairy has definitely paid off." He grabbed her arm spinning her around again. He bent down toward her face, "I like it." He moved to kiss her again but this time she pushed his face away.

"Try and kiss me again I'll feed you your own testicles." Her eyes flared white with rage.

He shrugged, "Fine, I'll just go back in there and explain everything to your new fucboi." His face contorted into a wicked grin. "I'm sure he'll want to know all about how you know me... and of course all that I know about you."

Fear flooded her veins stopping her dead in her tracks. "Fine..." She turned a cold glare toward him, "But I swear to you, one more asshole remark or attempt at kissing me and I'll tell him myself and set back and watch him drain you." Jos held her breath hoping that her threat sounded believable.

He laughed, "Please! I'm more afraid of you than that piece of vampiric trash." He took her hand, "Now if you'll follow me this way," He pointed back down the hall, "You passed the right door several doors ago." He laughed as her face fell into disappointment.

"Why?" Jos's head fell as she gave in and allowed him to lead her back down the hallway and out into the spacious front courtyards.

"Why?" He glanced down at her in confusion. Her head was held low and her bottom lip was pressed out in an almost pout. This timid, childish expression was the one he remembered most. He laughed, "Honestly, I was excited when I first saw you in there. All the old memories and feelings came rushing back." He ran his hand through his hair. "I'm sorry, kitten, but I got to admit I was seriously jealous when I saw the way he treated you."

"Don't call me that either," Joslyn replied a heavy sulk sounding in her voice.

He opened the door and waited patiently as she got inside, looking around to make sure no one else was around or watching. As soon as she was inside, he bent down to face her again. "Then what, pray tell, should I call you."

She narrowed her eyes at the cocky man before her. "Joslyn is fine."

He smiled, "Joslyn it is then."