Don't piss off the fae in apartment 13b

Raven hurled herself forward twisting in midair as her palms went up aiming concentrated power at the opening of the door. Her large black wings shot out to cushion her body from hitting the hard floor. The hooded man laughed as he stepped through the doorway. "Your powers aren't enough to keep me out." He said menacingly as he slowly walked toward her.

Raven watched as the once invisible markings around the entrance began to light in a glowing purple of her magical imprint. A satisfied smile lit her face. "Dumbass..." She laughed lounging back against her wings, "That magic isn't to keep you out... it's to keep you in. What kind of moron attacks a dark fae inside their own home?" Rage colored the man's barely visible expression and he gritted his teeth taking wider steps to get to where she had landed. Raven smiled as she allowed her wings to push her body effortlessly into a standing position. When the man was only inches from her she brought a wing around her body and stroked it gently as if she was afraid to damage a single raven feather. "I really do wish they were more conspicuous. I miss my babies more than anything." She glanced up from the wing, a wicked grin lighting her face as her eyes began to radiate a luminous purple matching the now glowing marking around the door. "They're so multi-purposed."

"You bit-" The words died in his throat as the sharp edge of the wing cut through his neck completely decapitating the man. His lifeless body crashed to the ground with a thud and Raven pulled out her phone. She quickly pressed Liam's name and he answered the phone on the first ring.

[Did you make it there ok?] He asked worry obvious in his tone.

She laughed lightly, "I'm fine." She glanced down at the two separate pieces of the man now bleeding out over the floorboards. "As for the prick that's been following me all day... not so much." She waved her hand and the glowing symbols around the door faded before disappearing completely. "I'll be there in a few. I'll have to call the cleaners first and wait for them to get here." They said their goodbyes and Raven ended the call. She stepped over the body and made her way toward the door to shut it forcing her wings back in as she went. She pressed the number for the cleaners from the google search and waited for the answer after the third ring. "Yes, this is Raven of the knights of the Light courts under Queen Isha's order. I have a cleanup for you, tonight." She was in the middle of giving the details when a small woman stomped up to the door Raven was now closing. The woman shot out a small hand to stop her.

Her face was red with anger as she yelled. "I don't know what has been going on up here, but you people are too damn noisy AND I KNOW you have pets! Large ones! I don't know how you keep getting by with it but-" Her words trailed off and her eyes locked on the floor behind Raven. The woman's face went ghostly white as she pointed toward the head looking directly at her with unfocused dead eyes, surrounded by a pool of fresh, sticky crimson blood. She began backing up as she muttered, "Is... Is... that real?!"

Raven arched a brow and shook her head, "I'll also need a memory erased of the neighbor. She held the phone out and clicked a picture of the woman, watching as the woman's eyes got even bigger and her face even paler as she quickly backed toward the stairs. When her foot slipped over the edge of the top step she quickly turned and ran down them. "She's on the second floor, probably directly below us." She gave them the address, shut the door, and hung up. Raven stepped over the body once again making her way into the hall and her bedroom shaking her head as she went. "Well, we aren't getting our deposit back on this place..."


[Sir, the orders weren't completed.] The voice on the phone was even more hesitant as he continued to speak. [The Fae is more powerful than we expected.]

Xavier threw the icepack he had been pressing to his now black eye across the small room of the private jet. He glared over at the bed where he had spent the trip down to Florida with Joslyn. His emotions warred with each other as images of her sweet smile taunted his memories. [And the girl I asked about. Any information on her?] He growled.

The man on the other line stuttered knowing his boss wouldn't like the information, or rather lack thereof, they had uncovered. [There really isn't any information on a Joslyn Decker past some basic records of the past fifteen years which indicate she's a perfectly normal girl, actually kind of boring...] He quickly began speaking again not wanting to offend his boss by calling the girl boring. [Well, I mean, other than the company she keeps, that is. You already know about the wolf pups and the fairy… well she took down one of our best assassins within seconds…]

"What are you trying to get at?" Xavier growled as he sucked down a second bag of blood.

[Only, Sir, that the girl seems to have some pretty powerful friends and that she herself may have a protection on her or… something…"

"Continue looking." He ordered before starting on a third bag. "What of the guy I described, the one from the U.S main headquarters?"

[Yes Sir-] The sound typing sounded across the phone then the rustling of paper. [I contacted them, and they gave me his employee file along with some information they know about him. He was hired roughly six months as a bodyguard of sorts. He came highly recommended even though he's not the most notable of his brothers-]

Xavier rolled his eyes in exasperation. "Is there anything linking him to the girl?"

There was more typing in the background of the call. [No Sir, not that I was able to find. As I said there wasn't anything really found on the girl and as for the bodyguard there was only very little on him or his brothers.] The man paused waiting on Xavier to ask more questions, but when no other questions came, he asked. [Will that be all, Sir?]

Xavier rubbed between his brows in an attempt to release the tension building there. "No that will be all." He hung up the call and dialed Dante's number. The call was finally answered after several rings.

[What do you want? I'm busy!] Dante's angry words were a near whisper.

"The hit fell through. Those idiots you hired were complete failures. They couldn't even find information on Joslyn or any fucking person she seems to know." Xavier huffed out in irritation.

[Then maybe you should have handled it yourself since you're there already. Maybe it's time you actually got your hands dirty.] He said quietly.

Xavier rolled his eyes, "As I've said before, one of us has to be able to move around freely at all times. I can't risk losing that ability."

[But it's fine if I can't?"] Dante's usual loud rage wasn't present.

Xavier sent the phone a skeptical look. "What are you doing exactly?"

[Enjoying the night market of course. What the fuck do you think I'm doing? The goddamn wolf bitch has been surrounded by people since I found her.]

There was silence for a few minutes then Xavier's phone dinged. It was a picture sent by Dante. He opened it and his breath caught. "What the fuck?! Who are these people?" One of the people in the picture looked way too familiar. He zoomed in and out on the picture finding it hard to believe.

[That dear brother is the little bitch's relentless shadows. I swear she doesn't even shit without one of them following her!] Dante's voice came out a little louder as the anger built.

"Who is the big guy beside her brother?" Xavier asked.

Dante's voice was back to the bore irritation from earlier as he answered. [I'm not sure. He seems to stick with the brother more than anything. He's not too much of a problem, it's that damn Gin. I'm starting to think this may not be worth the time-]

"Finish the task. I've already told the heads here that you and the girl are together in a show of good sport toward the wolves and other factions." Xavier interrupted. "Without that girl, the deal may fall through. I have another call to make, don't fail me on this, Dante. There's enough loss ends to deal with without that mutt being one of them." He hung up and redialed the number for his previous call. "I'm sending you a photo, who is the large guy that looks almost identical to that Areion guy?"

There was only a short pause. [Oh, that is his twin brother. I thought I mentioned that earlier, that he had several brothers? The one in that picture is Orion. I'm sure you've heard of him, at least.]

Xavier arched his brows, as he placed the call on speaker and looked over the picture again. "The Orion?"

[Yes Sir, and 'The Areion'. I believe there are five in total.] The voice paused. [You sure have some pretty notable 'friends', Sir.] There was a smile in the voice.

Anger filled Xavier. "Find out how they are linked to the girl Joslyn. I want an answer by the time I land."

[I'll try my best, Sir, but I can't promise anything. As I said there is no information about that girl-]

"Then dig harder!" Xavier shouted as he slammed his finger down on the end call button. "Fuck!" He yelled as he ran a hand through his messy hair. He felt the plane take flight as he spread out on the bed still staring at the picture. "Who the fuck have I gotten myself involved with exactly?!" He thought out loud. He flipped through the photos saved on his phone. There were now several pictures of her on it. Pictures he'd taken while she was asleep or not paying attention, pictures she'd been more than happy to smile for... and a handful they'd taken together at his house and around the villa when they'd first arrived. "Patient! Fuck!! What dumb shit was that!" He threw the phone across the room before standing and walking into the main area and directly over to the small bar there. He poured a glass of whiskey and took the bottle with him as he flopped down into one of the oversized lounge chairs.