World at our feet

Shelly felt the bed brush up against the backs of her butt as Rin guided her backwards. "Wait..." She stammered pressing her palms to his chest. "I... I want to..." Her gaze shot from his stunning eyes to where his pants now tented. She swallowed past the lump in her throat before looking back up to his heated gaze a blush creeping up her neck, "I want you in my mouth." She blurted out.

Rin watched in shock as she lowered herself to the edge of the bed. He could see a slight tremble in her hands as she reached forward, her gaze unmoving from the front of his pants. He took hold of one of her trembling hands bringing it up to meet his lips as he leaned slightly forward. He didn't want to alarm her, so he quickly undid the buttons of his pants as he trailed kisses over her knuckles and fingers. His eyes sparkled with mischief as he stood back up. He let his pants fall to the floor, perfectly aware he had not been wearing underwear underneath. His cock sprang free bouncing proudly to attention directly in front of her face.

She gulped as she scooted closer to the edge of the bed her free hand sliding slowly up his sculpted bare thigh. She leaned forward and placed a playful kiss on the tip as she skimmed her hand nervously over his hip.

Rin took her hand in his grip and guided it around himself. "Here, like this." He moved her hand across his length taking pleasure in the fill of her hand on him.

Shelly watched his hand work over hers and the pearl of dew that gathered on the tip as he moved her hand over him. Instinctively she lapped the droplet from the tip. Her eyes trailed up his body to his face. His eyes were closed tightly. He was biting down hard on his bottom lip. He looked so sexy in that moment that she couldn't help but lap at the head again, this time moving her other hand up to cup his balls. She rotated her tongue around the tip before taking it full in her mouth. His hand left hers and he entwined his fingers into her hair gently pushing her head toward him, pushing himself farther into her mouth. She allowed him to thrust into her hand and mouth while she trailed her tongue along his length and over the head as more dew pearled there. Just as she was getting into the rhythm and adjusted to his size in her mouth, he carefully pulled back. Shelly let out a whimper and gripped both his hips with her hands as she took him back into her mouth and began to suck with more determination.

Rin let out a husky groan, "If you don't stop now... I won't be able to..." He wasn't sure if she understood what he was trying to say. His mind was actively working against his protests as the pleasure of her new-found motivation worked furiously to achieve the exact thing, he was trying to warn her against. "If... I... I'll cum in your mouth if you don't stop now." His eyes heated as she sucked harder taking more of him into her mouth. She dug her nails into his hips as she stared up at him, working him with her mouth. "Do you want my cum... in your mouth?" He asked fighting for self-restraint. She nodded yes, his cock still deep in her throat. "Oh gods, Shell, you are so beautiful right now." He said, his hungry gaze watching her work. He cupped the back of her head again, this time less gentle. He used his grip on her to set a better speed. His breath caught as she released his hip, and circled her tiny hand around his shaft working it in rhythm with her tightly sealed lips. He pumped his hips into her, gripping her head tight up until the last second before he was about to spill. He loosened his grip and held himself still against her still moving hands and mouth. "Shell, I'm going to cum. If you don't want it in your mouth..." He tried pulling himself back but she held tight. "Ahh..." He moaned loudly, "Shit Shelly... you feel sooo good." He bent over her slightly stroking her arms and rubbing the tension from her shoulders as she worked to pump every last drop of his seed from him.

Shelly choked a little as Rin's hot cum shot against the back of her throat and filled her mouth. She pushed herself to quickly swallow as much as she could but couldn't help the tiny bits that were escaping the corners of her tight lips. Tears filled her eyes as he pushed farther into the back of her throat, his seed still coming out. {How much could one man have in there?!} She'd had as much as she could take when he finally released his tight grip on her shoulders and pulled back. She tried to shield her watery eyes from him, but he wouldn't let her. Instead, he cupped her cheek and bent to kiss her full on the mouth. She tried to pull back in embarrassment, but he pushed his tongue hungrily against her lips.

Rin dropped down onto the bed beside her and pulled her against him. He pushed them both back against the mattress dragging her atop him. When she sat up astride him, he began to trace patterns across her thighs, over her hips, and up along her ribcage. He admired her body on display for him, admired her shy but curious eyes, smiled at her swollen lips, and watched her cheeks fill with color as he cupped her breasts in his hands running the pads of his thumbs over each erect bud. "You know, I can show you the world... If you want." His eyes moved from where his fingers and thumbs continued to tease her hard nipples to her questioning eyes. "I mean I don't have a magic carpet or anything quite as fantastic as that but if it's some where I've been or we can find a picture of it, I can take you."

"Really?" She asked a small moan catching in her throat. She was more curious about how his teleportation actually worked than seeing any particular place.

Rin smiled as he tweaked the other nipple, "Umhuh, anywhere you want to go." He wiggled her down lower on his body giving him enough room to sit up slightly. He released her nipples and pushed himself up into a sitting position. "What do you say? Do you want to see the world with me?" He leaned forward and captured a pert nipple in his mouth and suckled while he waited on her answer.

Shelly squeezed her eyes shut another moan escaping her lips. "Right... now???" She asked shifting in his lap as a growing desire heated her core.

Rin's smile widened. He bit down on the nipple in his mouth, dragging another loud moan from her. "We could now, if you want." He pressed himself upwards into her as she shifted and rubbed her wetness against his growing shaft. "Unless there's something else you want to do first." His lips glided teasingly across her chest over to the other nipple. He pulled it into his mouth teasing and nipping at it while he gripped her hips and ground her harder against him.

Shelly fell forward against his neck as his teasing caused raw electricity to travel across the many areas he was stimulating at once. "OhhAhhh…." She moaned into his neck. "I...I..."

"What do you want, Shell? Tell me." He pumped upwards into her now dripping center, teasing the opening with the head of his once again rock-hard cock. He nipped the flesh of the arm she had flung around him clinging as if she was afraid she'd some how fall off. "What do you want, baby?" He asked again letting his cock slide between her slick folds to press against the pulsing bud hidden there. He continued to rub himself against her clit until she finally screamed out in a small release.

"You! I want you!" Shelly cried as the stroking of his cock against her clit made her climax.

Rin bit his lip still teasing her tender area as she shuddered in his hands fighting the urge to burry himself deep inside her. "Where do you want me, Shelly?" He pressed her wanting to hear her say the words.

Shelly pushed herself up using his shoulders for support. "I want you inside me!" She said as she raised her hips and brought herself down onto him, driving him deep inside her. She clasped his shoulders tightly as she began to ride him grinding her clit against him, moving herself up and down in a circular motion.

He groaned loudly as he circled his arms around her watching with pleasure as she not only rode him but took control of their release. "Yes, Shell, just like that, baby. You feel so good." He praised her taking a nipple into his mouth as it bounced past his face.

Soon she felt another orgasm begin to ripple through her. She wrapped her arms tightly around Rin's neck as she pulsed against him, the least movement sending shock waves of pleasure throughout her body. Rin gave her a few seconds enjoying the contractions against his shaft before he flipped her over onto the mattress on her back. He gave her a quick kiss before pulling out and standing up beside the bed. He pulled her hips down to the very edge of the mattress and pulled her legs up against his chest. He let her heels rest against his shoulders as he pressed into her sopping center. He held her legs tight as he pumped into her shifting his hips as he moved. At first her hands pressed against her chest like a shield, but in no time she started massaging them instead. "Gods, you're perfect." He huffed out on a husky breath as he pounded against her harder and faster. He watched as one of her hands left her breast but stopped its trail about halfway across her stomach. He smiled down into her love fogged eyes as he released her calves moving his grip to her ankles instead. He guided them around his body and hooked them together behind his back spreading her for his eyes. He took the hand resting on her stomach and placed it atop her soft mound. He used his thumb to glide her fingers across her clit as he pounded even harder into her.

He watched as her already flushed cheeks heated with first embarrassment then enjoyment as the simultaneous stroking and rubbing sent her over the edge into another massive orgasm. He released her hand and leg and came down over her, bracing himself on his elbows against the mattress pulling her quivering body into his grasp as he slammed out his own release. "I love you so much." He whispered into her hair as her legs tightened around him and her nails sank into his flanks, tiny moans escaping with the fevered pants.

"I love you." She breathed out between pants. "Forever and always..."

"Forever and always." He breathed pulling her tight against him relishing in the tender moment as his seed filled her and the happy image of her holding their child crept into his mind. He showered her damp forehead and the tip of her nose with kisses. "No matter what, I'll always love you."