If you've seen one... you'll want to see them all

"When you said you had one last bit of business to complete before leaving the state, I didn't expect it to be... this..." Jos called out as she followed Arei to yet another spring. "How many more are we going to? How many more could there even be!?!"

Arei laughed from several steps in front of her, "Oh, there's several more we haven't been to yet! Besides, I thought you'd like to see them before you leave the state... maybe the country." He shrugged teasingly.

Jos quickened her pace. There was no denying the springs had all be amazing so far. This one bolstered long wooden walkways and bridges completely surrounded by lush green tropical shrubbery and massive live oaks with Spanish moss hanging from the long willowy branches and thick ferns growing up the bark. {...But what is he looking for?} She watched as he made his way through the walkway with a definite destination in mind. "Alright, I have to ask... What are you looking for?"

He stopped and turned toward her, arching his brow. "What makes you think I'm looking for anything? Maybe I just wanted to enjoy some of my favorite spots one last time before I left this place." He looked around taking in an over-exaggerated deep breath of 'fresh air' before turning back toward her. "And like I said I figured you'd like to see these places too."

She looked around, admiring the beautiful turquoise waters that flowed gently alongside the walkway. "Well yes, they have all been wonderful. I'd love to take some pictures at least but..." She threw up her hands. " we're obviously not here to sightsee. We've all but run through every one of them!"

His brows arched mischievously as he walked back to where she was now standing with her hands rested on her hips. He held out his hand as he came to a stop in front of her. When she didn't respond he flicked his fingers, "Give it here."

She arched her brows in question, "Give you what?"

"You want pictures, don't you? Give me your phone." He sent her a fake inpatient lear.

"I'm going to have to say no..." She shifted her weight to the other hip dramatically, "Last time I handed my phone to a guy, it ended up in the ocean... remember?"

He shrugged, "I've never been in the habit of throwing or busting up shit I've bought."

He leaned around her and tried grabbing it from her back pocket, but she shifted slightly avoiding his grasp. "What are you trying to do?" She said as she sidestepped him again.

Arei gave her a wide sly smile as he quickly lunged forward. In a motion much swifter than anyone could expect an individual of his build to move, he redirected his movements to match hers this time successfully pinning her against the railing of the walkway. He laughed when she sucked in a surprised breath. "You got to be quicker than that, kitten." He whispered against her ear as he leaned in closer to her. He let his face hover centimeters from her nearly bare shoulder, blowing his warm breath against the exposed flesh.

"Arei, stop!" She yelled pressing both palms to his rock hard chest. Some people who had been standing, sightseeing nearby turned their heads to see what the commotion had been; but Arei simply chuckled and moved closer wrapping one arm around her body and cupping the other large hand over hers against his chest. She could feel her cheeks heat when she noticed the people were still watching. She rested her head against his chest not wanting to draw more attention to them. She could feel his hand slide down over her backside all thoughts of her phone completely gone. "Please, Arei stop. You're drawing attention." She whispered in exasperation.

Arei simply snickered as he pulled the phone from her back pocket and stood up. "Sure no problem, I got what I was after anyway." He teased as he waved her phone in the air over her head. He slid his thumb across the screen and leaned back down this time placing his head against hers. "Smile." He said as he snapped the picture. He then handed it back to her. "You said you wanted to take some pictures..." He shrugged playfully, "Thought I'd help get you started." He watched her as she looked at the picture still not releasing her hand. He arched a brow and leaned against the rail to see the phone as well. "What?"

Jos frowned down at her phone. "I look crazy in this picture." She pouted.

A surprised laugh escaped his lips. "I never thought I'd see the day you would be worried about what you looked like." He held his hand out. "Here, give it to me I'll take a better one." He wrapped the arm that had been resting on the rail around her, clasping her upper arm and held the phone out. "Alright, ready this time?" He asked, before snapping the picture. He scrolled through to the other one and quickly sent both pictures to himself before handing it back. "Now come on, you'll like this spot."

She stared down at her phone as she nodded her head and began following behind him. When she looked up again, they were passing by the ladies who had looked so concerned when she'd yelled out. Now they were dramatically covering their mouths and whispering, wide mischief smiles covered their faces as they stole glances back and forth between Jos and Arei. Of course, their actions hadn't gone without Arei's notice, with a snicker he came to an abrupt halt causing Jos to walk directly into his solid back. "Uf" She let out a grunt.

Arei turned around and took her in his arms slightly dipping her like in Spanish daytime soaps. "Come, my dear sweet timid kitten, let me show you the beauties that lie ahead in these magical turquoise waters that can only be put to shame by the effervescent radiance that are your eyes." He winked as the ladies watching all but squealed in the enjoyment of his performance. They fanned their hot faces as they no longer tried to hide the fact they were watching.

Jos giggled and shook her head still inverted in his grasp. "You are so full of yourself." She smoothed out her clothes once he'd righted her stance, a warm smile still spread across her lips.

Arei gently rubbed a bent finger across her cheek, "Now that's better. I think that's the first real laugh I've heard from you all day." His warm eyes held hers. "What's wrong, kitten? If you're in a hurry to get home, I can always come back some other time." He slid his large palms down her slender arms.

Jos shook her head, a dark cloud falling over her mood once again. "No... It's more the opposite... I guess..." She glanced over at the women still watching them. She dropped her head squeezing her eyes tightly closed as she cupped a hand over one of his that was still resting on her arms. "Can we not talk about this here?"

Arei glanced over at the women who were back to whispering to each other, not taking their eyes off him. Understanding, he nodded releasing her arms and taking her hand. "I have a spot you'll like. You can tell me all about it there, alright."

He led her to a quiet secluded area by the water. He guided her out onto a large boulder that hung right above the surface of the spring and sat down. "Now tell me, kitten, what's bothering you?"

She puffed out a loud breath as she flopped down beside him. "First off, you've got to stop calling me that."

He laughed, "Old habits." His smile faded as he watched the worry and trouble darken her features as she stared down into the clear waters, her small feet creating soft ripples as she wiggled them back and forth. He brushed her hair over one of her shoulders and began rubbing the knots from the back of her neck. "I know It's not me calling you kitten that has you so upset right now. Tell me, I won't judge you or get mad. I promise."

She stole a glance over at his face. His features reflected honest concern. His tender words and light relaxing touches eased some of the tension that left most of her body feeling rigid and tight. She sighed, "I just can't stop thinking... 'What if it's too late and he's moved on or doesn't want me back.' 'What if we do get back together and he realizes we're too different and doesn't want me anymore.' What if everyone's right and we were doomed from the start..." Her words trailed off as unshed tears built in her eyes. The rubbing at the back of her neck stopped and the large hand slid over her shoulder blades as another large hand reached out to cup her cheek.

"Jos, look at me. He'd be a fool not to still want you." He waited till her eyes met his. Rubbing a thumb under her eye to wipe away a stray tear, he smiled. "Will you guys last? Who knows... No one can predict these things, not even the fates or oracles. Things change, people change... they choose different paths and grow apart from the things they once held dear." He gently pulled her over and pressed her head against his chest. "I can promise you this, however..." He tilted her chin up so their eyes could meet from the new position. "You won't be alone like before. You'll never be alone again. You have people in your life now who care, who will always care about you. Being with someone romantically isn't the only way you can be loved... It's not the only way you are loved." He chuckled trying to lighten her mood, "Not to say I'd ever be opposed to being romantic with you... or any other straight man in their right mind." When she tried to pull away, he held her tighter against his chest. "I'm only slightly joking. You're beautiful, Jos, but more than that it's you as a person... your heart... that attracts people and makes them want to stay. Never think otherwise, Okay." He angled her head back up to his and waited on her to nod her agreement. "Is there anything else bothering you?"

Jos thought for a second, there was one other thing. "Arei... What are you looking for?"

He smiled, "It's a surprise. I'll show you when I find it."

Jos arched her brow, "And you... left it at a spring?" He nodded, "And you don't remember which one?" She asked in disbelief.

He shrugged, "It was a long time ago and I was pretty aggravated the day I tossed it into the waters."

Doubt washed over her, "And you expect to find it now? Arei, the waters could have washed it away or buried it under the sands by now... someone else could have found it... anything really..."

Arei shook his head, "I'll find it. It's still in the waters of this state somewhere. I can feel it, it calls to me." He looked out over the water eyeing the large bottomless hole that was the mouth of the spring. "And I'm pretty sure it's down there." He looked back over to her a large grin spread across his face. "Want to go for a swim?" Without another word and with no warning he quickly stood pulling his shirt up over his head as he stood. He quickly kicked off his shoes and dove in, splashing cold water onto Jos. He surfaced a few feet from where she sat dripping wet. "See, you're already wet. Might as well join me."

She narrowed her eyes, "I'll show you already wet, you ass." She splashed him playfully before standing, stripping down to her bikini and jumping in herself.