Magic in the Mountains

"Rin, I don't even know what to say!" Shelly stood in the small glass dome that was to be their room for the night. The cute double bed in the center was decorated in imitation fur throws and pillows in light shades of creams accenting the crisp white bedding perfectly. The room itself was all clean crisp lines of a primarily white tone as to not distract from the stunning views the glass dome had to over on a complete panoramic visage. "It's amazing!" The sun was setting, casting a spectrum of color to bounce off the snow-tipped mountains of the Alps.

They had been several places over the past two days. Rin had held true to his promise of showing her all the things the world had to offer. They had taken a romantic float down the canals of Venice, taken lunch on the top of the Eiffel tower in Paris where they had later toured the Louvre. But even the magnificence that was the Sistine Chapel couldn't compare to the amazing architecture and overall splendor of the many temples, shrines, and botanical gardens he'd taken her to throughout the Asian continent. It seemed like every time she'd thought there was nothing grander to see, he found a way to top it.

Rin wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her against his chest. "I know what you're thinking. How can this top 'The end of the world swing' in Banos Ecuador?" He kissed her shoulder as he worked his hands under the seam of her shirt.

Shelly breathed in a sharp breath as his hand cupped one of her breasts. "I don't know, seems like you have a good idea for making this memorable." She dropped her hands to the front of his thighs and stroked them as Rin continued to fondle her breasts, not letting her turn away from the open glass around them. "Rin, won't people be able to see us?" She asked noting that there were a few other domes spread out across the mountain their lights glowing in the post-sunset darkness.

"Don't worry, love. No one will be looking at the domes once the sun fully sets." Rin slid his other hand down into the front of her jeans and began to tease her overtop the lacy underwear she wore. When she tried to turn, he stopped her. "Not yet, love. Keep watching."

She couldn't quite understand what he wanted, though she had to admit as she caught a glimpse of their faint reflection in the glass, it did add to her arousal. She watched as he kissed her neck and his hands moved pointedly beneath her clothing. Her legs began to weaken as she leaned more of her weight against him, gripping his thighs tighter. Her eyes rolled back as a soft moan escaped her parted lips.

"Don't close your eyes, not yet." Rin whispered against her kiss dampened skin.

She opened her eyes and the sight before her took her breath away. "The... the... Northern Lights? You can see them from here?"

"Um huh." He murmured still trailing kisses along her throat. He guided her backward as he took slow careful steps back toward the bed. He set far enough back that there was plenty of space for her between his legs. He pulled her jeans down before guiding her onto the bed. After she was situated where he wanted her, he lifted her shirt over her head next.

"This isn't fair!" Shelly whined as she continued to watch the blend of their reflections and the magical glow of the Northern Lights through the dome. "You are fully dressed and I'm almost naked, already!"

He laughed against her shoulder, "Um, perfect." This time his hand slid under the lace of her panties. "Absolutely perfect." He murmured as he slid his fingers through her wet folds. "But if you don't like it, you could always undress me yourself." He purred against her ear before sucking the lobe into his mouth.

Shelly gripped his thigh tightly as the sensations of his mouth and hand drove her body wild. She moaned as she leaned back into his chest feeling the buttons there press into her bare skin, but she didn't mind. She pressed the bottom of her feet against the side of the bed for better leverage as she spread her legs as far apart as she could, one nearly was thrown over his leg. "Can't you just snap them away?" She moaned impatiently as she dug her fingers into the meaty flesh of his thighs.

Rin laughed as he continued to tease and stroke her flesh, "What would be the fun in that?" He removed his hands from her and pushed them both up to a standing position. He carefully turned her and spread his arms wide. "Undress me." His eyes sparkled and his wide toothy grin shown down on her as she stepped closer.

Shelly ran her hands across his shoulders before moving down his firm chest. Her fingers lingered there frozen in place as she eyed the buttons of his long-sleeved button-down dress shirt. She grazed her fingers over the cotton material as she worked both hands in toward the line of buttons. She sent him an innocent smile, her eyes twinkling up at him through lash-vailed eyes. She slid her fingers between the small gaps of the fabric teasing his bare skin underneath while she maintained eye contact. His expression had begun to change to something less tender and more hungry. {Deserves him right for teasing me first.} She thought as she brushed her breast playfully against his upper stomach, the soft fabric tickling her nipples causing the hard buds to press farther into him.

"Shell?" Rin's words were a strained combination of question and want with an undertone of growing impatience.

Her lips curved up wickedly as she clawed her fingers across his underlying bare flesh and gripped the material at the seams then quickly ripped the shirt open. Buttons popped off and flew in all directions around the room. His shocked, hungry eyes met her sweet gaze. "Now are you going to snap these off or am I going to have to wreck them too?" She asked as she slid her index fingers around the inside of the waistband of his jeans.

Hunger won over his emotions as he bent slightly to scoop Shelly up off the ground forcing her legs around each side of his waist. With his hands around her lace-clad bottom, he snapped his fingers twice. He pressed her now naked body against the glass of the dome, his eager shaft pulsing with anticipation against her wet entrance. He clamped his mouth painfully over hers as he plunged into her hard with one firm upward stroke, all too ready to show his once virtuous blushing bride another, more fun aspect of lovemaking. He tangled his fingers into the back of her hair still using some care not to pull too hard as he bit down onto her bottom lip.

Shelly wrapped her arms tightly around his neck running her hands through his hair, down over his long neck, and over his shoulder blades where she let her nails dig in just enough to pull a heated growl from the full lips currently devouring hers. She was somewhat surprised when he broke their fervent kisses but was quickly appeased when he began sucking and kissing along her neck and shoulder. She gave a tiny shutter at the tickling sensation of his lips there and moved to do the same to him. "Rin?" she asked pulling away from his neck. {Did he not like it?} He had pulled out from her body and was now lowering her feet to the floor. Before she could ask him why he'd stopped, he quickly flipped her around to face the glass.

Rin pressed against her back, stroking his hands down along her arms. Between her nail raking through his hair and across his upper back, her soft moans, and the sensation her mouth on his skin was causing, he had been afraid he would lose control and bust a nut before she could reach her first climax. He trailed kisses down her spine as he entwined his fingers with hers meeting her eyes reflection as they stared questioningly back at him through the glass. The brilliant dancing lights of the Aurora on the other side of the glass dimmed in comparison to the sweet sight of her pouting swollen lips, the tiny rosy buds of her breast pressed against the cool glass causing them to draw tighter, the slight tremble of her legs as she pressed her thighs tightly together, and most enticing... the slightly hidden blonde triangle of her well-manicured pubic area. He brought her hands up level with her shoulders and pressed her palm gently against the glass, releasing one hand as he continued to press the other against the glass. He slid his hand down her side slowly and featherlike, reveling in the sight of her biting down on her bottom lip as he did so. He wrapped his fingers around her pelvic bone and pulled her hips back as he urged one foot and then the other to step out far enough to give his eager cock access to her. He laced his finger into hers tightly and held her hip firmly as he slowly drove into her building speed and depth with every stroke. His eyes never left her reflection as the many expressions of pleasure and passion crossed over her beautiful face and body. It was now a rosy blush all over from the heat of their lovemaking despite the coolness of the glass still pressed against most of her body. He took the hand he'd been gripping and moved it down to her lovely blonde nest. He held her shocked gaze through the reflection as he guided her finger into her slick folds and began moving it against the bud of her clit in rhythm with his strokes.

Her eyes squeezed tightly shut and her mouth dropped open with the rush to her senses the new stimulation was causing. "Watch..." He growled as he plunged harder and faster into her, pressing more forcefully against her finger urging it on. When her eyes popped open and met his, he directed, "Not me, baby, watch you... your own reflection. How beautiful you look when we make love." He released his hold on her hand and took her hips in both his, increasing his leverage for even more powerful strokes into her body. He smiled as his cock swelled even more in pleasure as he watched her assortment of passion faces and her tiny hand working in rhythm with his strokes as he'd shown her. He could feel himself drawing closer to his own release. "Cum for me, baby." He whispered huskily against her shoulder blade as he kissed and nipped her there.

Shelly's legs nearly shook. She panted harder as his near-desperate words whispered hotly against her flaming flesh ignited an eruption of release through her whole body. Her fingers seized all movement and she quickly moved her hand back to the glass to lend support as her legs threatened to give out completely. "Rin..." She breathed his name fogging the glass as she pressed her head against it in sweet agony as one of his hands moved to replace her fingers against her clit and the other snaked around her to grasp an aching breast, twerking the nipple hard between his thumb and index fingers. Her eye lids parted only slightly to seek out his reflection. The sight of him pushing her farther for release so he could seek his own, was enough to drive her over the edge. Her body heaved with the violence of her release and her legs gave out; but Rin's strong arms held her firmly upright as he stroked out his own release sending radiations of pleasure through every synapse of her body.

Rin wrapped her tightly in his grip and snapped his fingers again, this time moving them to the bed. He rolled her jelly-like body over to face him. He carefully slid his arm under her neck as she nestled into his side. He stroked patterns across her back with the tip of his fingers as she ran a sluggish hand through the light dusting of hair on his chest. "I love you... so, so much... I just want you to know that... and no matter what, it will never change."

Her tired eyes met his, "You keep saying things like that… like something is going to happen."

Rin shifted his gaze to her tiny hands as they continued to stoke over his chest. "Well, you never know... after all, we may be supernatural creatures but we're not exactly immortal." He cupped her hand with his free one, "I just want you to know for sure that no matter what the future brings I'll always love you and I'll do everything in my power to make sure you're safe." His eyes met hers and he tried his best to mask his fear with the tender love he felt for her.

Shelly pulled her hand away from his and brought it to the sharp edge of his jaw as she lifted her tired head from his shoulder. "Rin, look at me. I may be young and naive about the ways of our world, but I'm willing to fight for us. I understand that there will be some challenges of us being together, especially with your people still being seen as no more than property in some parts of the world still... but that kind of shit doesn't matter to me... and IF I am pregnant with your child then I'll forever love and cherish it and all the others to come just as much and fight just as hard for their rights and freedoms." She paused tilting her head a bit as she tried to read his turbulent mood. "Rin, Russ and I are royals. We will have the power to push for new laws, and with Raven and hopefully Queen Isha on our side we can fight the council for equality of your people..." She rolled slightly to her side and rubbed her stomach, both their eyes following her hand there, "And the future of our children." Her eyes met his, "You have nothing to worry about. I love you. I will fight for our future!"

Rin sent her a tender smile, but the dark shadows were still lingering at the back of his eyes. He kissed her forehead letting his lips linger there as he said. "You are so much stronger than you realize. There's no doubt in my mind you'll always do everything in your power to protect what you love..." He pulled her tightly against his side. "Get some sleep, love. I have one more place for us to visit tomorrow before we head home."


Tears streamed down Jamila's face as she sat in the bed staring down at the oracle's book. Her dear son was no longer in the photo at all. His once flickering image was now completely gone. Her and Rudra had searched every inch inside the palace on foot and with magic but couldn't locate the threat. She had doubled up the protection spells and Rudra had done all he could do to extend his scope of sight into the future with little results. Her sad, tear-filled eyes met her husband's. "There is only one thing left that we could do... We... we... need to go down to the basement and prepare an altar." Her voice broke as the painful words left her lips. No parent ever wanted to plan their child's funeral... especially if the horrible event had yet to happen... In a mournful silence Jamila and Rudra made their way to the depths of the palace to prepare for the impending death of the only son they had ever gotten to... keep... to raise... gotten to love...