Tentacles of love

The bright rays of morning sun broke through the sheer curtains and open white paneled blinds. The embers in the fireplace had long since burnt out leaving a chill in the crisp New England morning air. The thick multilayered blankets of the bed kept it's occupants snug and warm.

Russ stretched his arms out, joy filling his entire soul when he met resistance. He smiled happily down at the resting messy nest of silver hair spread out across his arm and chest. He turned toward her and held her snuggly, placing light kisses across the content curve of her lips. When she started returning his kisses without opening her eyes, he chuckled. "Good morning, sleepy head."

Jos smiled against his lips as she moaned. "Had you not kept me awake all night, I wouldn't still be sleepy, now would I." She stroked her hands across his chest as she forced her tired eyes open.

Russ laughed, "I didn't hear you complain last night." He brushed his fingers through her sleep tangled hair. "You're so beautiful in the mornings." He curled his fingers into her hair and leaned down to capture her lips in a deep lingering kiss before nestling her head against his shoulder and leaning his cheek against her head. "I'm not sure if big, tall, and hairy will go along with the plan, but it's worth a try."

Jos frowned. "What if I can't do it?"

Russ chuckled, "That's why I plan to ask all three of them to help. If you loose control the steroid twins can subdue you."

She laughed. "I'm sure they will be more than willing to protect you if you stick to that nick name for them." She pressed a kiss to his neck. "I really don't feel comfortable with this... but I guess it's better than them sending you away."

Russ let out a heavy sigh. "Hairy had a point... I should have never said those things... in the hotel or yesterday evening." He held her close. "It just... it bothers me how much he cares for you and he doesn't even try to hide it..."

She shrugged her free shoulder. "We spent a great deal of time together, more so than I realized at the time. Maybe had I realized it then things would be different now, but to be honest, I'm still struggling to work it all out... to separate my time with Orion from my time with Arei." She met his troubled eyes and held his gaze. "The fact is, they both lied to me, hid things from me, and manipulated my emotions. Even If you and I didn't have what we have, I couldn't forgive either of them enough to have a romantic relationship." She traced the faint worry lines of his face with her fingers. "I would rather have your raw uncensored emotions verses a well masked smile. After dealing with Xavier, I know that for certain now."

The frown lines grew as Russ scrunched his eyes in annoyance of the mention of that name. "You shouldn't have-"

Jos pressed her fingers against his lips. "What was done is done. There's no changing it now. He hid his lies and cruelty under a mask of kind, well intended deeds." She drew in a deep breath as she prepared to give him a full disclosure of her and Xavier's relationship. "Russ we never had sex. The night I left Calypso's with him... the night I met that wolf girl... I was hurt, drunk, and willing... but he... we... didn't. I thought after that, that he was a good friend that I could trust. The day I left with him for Florida, I found out at least part of that had been a lie, and it pushed me to find out what else had been a lie." Her eyes searched his. "Russ, he knew your real names and no matter how many times I'd asked, he always had excuses why I couldn't see or talk to Shelly though he continued to dangle her under my nose. I HAD to know what was going on, and I'm glad. Had I not, who knows what torture that bastard and his brother would have put her through." Tears burned her eyes. "That bastard knew exactly what his brother had been doing the whole time. I'm sure he was getting some sick pleasure every time I asked about her." Her features hardened. "I will not apologize for what I did, and if I must be punished for it then so be it. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I'll try my best to convince Ry and Arei to help you train me, and I promise I'll do my best."

Russ kissed her lips. "You don't owe me any kind of explanation, but I'm glad you told me. My turn, I guess. Gigi moved to our school in 8th grade. She found out who I was and tried to use it against me. I promised to date her under the agreement she kept my identity a secret." He held her tightly against his chest. "That night I came to you, I was 14. It hadn't been a nightmare or anything like that. I'd lost my virginity that night and the thoughts of it being with anyone other than you nearly killed me. As I held you that night I decided there would be no emotion involved in anything that Gigi and I did from that point forward and that I would use her to become a lover you would want, would crave." He kissed her lips. "Jos, our first night together was the first time I've ever made love with anyone. It was never anything more than sex... education if you will..."

Jos could feel a heated rush creep down her as she thought over all the things he'd done to her body. A deep blush crept up her neck and across her face. "I should thank her then, if that's the case."

Russ let out a surprised laugh. "I didn't expect that reaction." He shook his head as he gazed down at her. "The Gods only know how much I love you." He curled his fingers into her hair and pulled her into a passionate kiss. "I know I said I'd drop it, but you got to know I have no intention of giving you up. There has never, nor will there ever be anyone else but you." As their kisses deepened, he pressed her onto her back and came up over her.

Jos moaned against his mouth as he pressed into her. She laced her legs around his, opening her hips wider to give him easier access. She tangled her fingers into his hair as their kisses grew more hungry and passionate. "I love you." She breathed between kisses. "It will only ever be you for me as well." She whispered against his neck as she kissed and nipped his earlobe and neck. "I will fight for us."

Russ pulled back and gave her a mischievous grin. "Is that so? Then maybe we should practice a bit now." He kissed her shoulder as he gently thrust against her.

She tented her brows. "What? You mean..." She searched his eyes, her cheeks heated with embarrassment.

He laughed as his devilish grin widened. "Yes, that's exactly what I mean. It worked well enough last night." He emphasized the words 'last night' with deep, forceful thrusts of his hips. "He leaned down hovering his lips teasingly over hers. "I mean, what man wouldn't want a woman who could play with his balls while still clinging to his waist and neck all at the same time?" He winked as he gave her a playful peck. His voice deepened as she continued to tease her lips and thrust his hips slowly in a torturous rhythm that left her breathless and wanting more. "I only wish I could touch more of you." He leaned all of his weight onto one arm as he slid his other hand over her soft tangled hair, moving down her slender neck and across her sharp collar bone, pausing to trace the outline of her areola until her nipple pebbled under his teasing. Then he slid his hand down the length of her slender waist and narrow hip, until finally he'd reached his destination. He grinned as he sucked her lower lip into his mouth and bit down playfully as he dug his fingers into her firm ass and jerked it upward to meet his more powerful thrusts. He kept a slow pace as he continued to slam down into her as he used his grip to pull her roughly up to meet each stroke.

Jos sunk her nails into the back of his upper arms as she struggled to pull him closer. She tightened her legs around his waist and tried speeding up his movements, but he held her firm, continuing the relentless strokes. "Russ, please." She begged.

He simply smiled down at her, taking pleasure in her undoing. "If you want more, shift."

She squeezed her eyes tightly closed and her mouth fell open in a low throaty moan. "I... I... ahh..." She gripped his arms tighter as she concentrated on her body and shifting only enough to give him what he asked for. She could feel her skin change ever so slightly and knew without looking that it would now have a nearly blue appearance. She bit her lip against the pleasure he was creating inside her body as she forced first one tentacle then three others out. They wasted no time finding various areas of his body to caress and grope of their owe will. Once she felt full control return, she slid her hands over his bulging triceps and around his neck pulling him down for a deep kiss. She could feel the pleased curve of his lips as they moved against hers.

"You feel amazing." He whispered huskily against her ear as he quickly shifted their positions and flipped her astride him. "But now I want to see you, all of you." He ran one hand over her stomach cupping a breast as he moved upward and urged her hips into movement with his other hand.

His eyes burned into her as she set a steady pace and her tentacles began to freely roam his body. She tilted her head in fascination. She let a tentacle wrap around the wrist that caressed her breast. Her intense white eyes holding his. "This doesn't bother you? at all?" She asked.

Russ grinned widely up at her. "You riding me? Never."

She narrowed her strange eyes. "You know that's not what I mean." She let another tentacle suction across his chest then pulled them off leaving behind the discoloration of faint bruises, marring his perfect skin.

Russ moaned as the last of the cups pulled loose. He released her body and pushed himself up into a sitting position with her still straddling his lap. He gripped the back of her head and brought his mouth down on hers hungrily. "Quite the opposite, baby." His gravelly voice tickled her lips as he held her face close to his and began working his hips below her. "It gives me extreme pleasure seeing you like this, having you mark my body," He brushed his lips across the scar of the mark he had left on her shoulder the very first night they'd made love. "I love the fact you trust me enough to be with me in this form." He pressed her upwards with his hips until her breast was level with his mouth. He sucked one hard nipple into his mouth and pulled the hard bud with his teeth, using just enough pressure with the bite to cause pleasurable pain to course through her body.

She tossed her head back as she met his upward thrusts with an eager rotation of her hips. She gripped his shoulders as she rode him harder. Her body rapidly slid over the edge of building passion and into the tingling pulse of the orgasmic abyss that only his brand of love could carry her. She yelled out his name as her body began to go rigid and tighten around his.

Russ Quickly flipped her onto her back coming down into the thick mattress atop her, never withdrawing from her trembling center. "Yes, baby, just like that." He encouraged her as he felt the prick of a barbed pad scrape across his back. He covered her mouth in hungry need as he drove harder and faster into her, swallowing her panted moans. "Yes, Jos... Harder baby." He growled against her mouth as the sharp barbs caught in the flesh of his back. "Haaa, just like that." He pumped his release deeply into her. He felt her legs tighten around his waist and the barbs sink into his back as her walls clinched down around him. "I love you." He panted hoarsely as he wrapped his arms around her slender shoulders. "I love you so much..." His hot breath caressed her ear. He held her tight and rolled off top her, pulling her onto his chest as he rolled.

Jos panted breathlessly as she struggled against the fatigue to retract her tentacles. Her heart raced and her damp hair stuck to her forehead. "I... I... didn't hurt you, did I?" Her words came out in puffed pants.

He smiled down at her as he brushed her damp hair out of her face. "No baby, you were perfect." He let his head fall against the pillows as he fought to calm his own breathing and pounding heart.