Fast friends

"Holy shit!" Isha exclaimed as soon as the other two men were out the door. Her eyes darted back to Jos. "I see the Kraken's curse still has all the pretty fish flocking to your pond." She waggled her eyebrows at Jos as she scooted eagerly to the edge of her seat. "And here I thought you were a threat all this time." She winked. "You must tell me EVERYTHING!" She rubbed her hands together in excitement. "Orion the mighty hunter, Areion the Stallion, And Prince fuckboi!!!! Goddamn I'm in the wrong line of work." She wiggled around in her chair. "How exactly does one become a Kraken?"

Raven cleared her throat and narrowed her eyes at her wife. "I'm still in the room, you know..."

Isha's lips feel into a playful pout, "With all that candy laying around, you can't expect me not to at least look."

"Look alright, but not salivate over them!" Raven growled as she rolled her eyes in faux distaste. She smiled over to Jos. "You might as well give her all the juicy details... dick size, performance reviews... it's all she's interested in hearing."

Jos choked back her surprise. "I... umm... about Russ?" her eyes shot to Shelly.

"You can start with our tatted twins if you'd like. I've always been curious." She wiggled back against the seat to get comfortable.

Jos's cheeks reddened. "I'm sure if you're that curious, they would be more than willing to... answer any of your questions."

Isha's eyes widened. "And upset my dear wife? Never! You need to tell me, instead!"

Jos's blush deepened. "I... I don't actually know that much about Ry's... performance." She squeaked out shyly.

"But you do about the other two?! And???" Isha urged her on.

Raven shrugged when Jos's pleading eyes fell on her. "You might as well give her what she wants, or she'll keep at it."

Jos shot Shelly another uncomfortable glance before moving her attention to her fumbling fingers. "Well... they are both... large... It's been a while since Arei and I... I mean..." Her troubled eyes shot Raven a pleading glance. "We were only together shortly you see."

Shelly's ears perked and Isha continued to urge Jos on impatiently. "How was he? Was he wild and aggressive? Did he rip your clothes off and slam you on the dirty ground, taking you like an animal!" She paused only for as second as another thought crossed her mind. "Is he really hung like a horse? I've heard... but you can never know if it's true."

Jos felt like she would die of embarrassment at any second as she stumbled through her words. "He was very tender and caring. He... he... actually tried to talk me out of it at first..." She thought back finding the words easier as she replayed the act for the first time since really getting to know Arei separately from Ry. "I'd insisted and pushed him so hard, he'd finally gave in and kissed me back, taking a long, torturous time undressing and exploring my body slowly enjoying every inch he'd uncovered." She shook her head as she laughed, "It was Russ who took me like a deranged beast on a mission." Her hand automatically flew to the scar on her shoulder. She pulled the loose neck of her tee down to reveal the mark. "He did this out of instinct the first night." Her eyes shot guiltily toward Shelly who was watching carefully with her head rested atop her crossed paws.

Isha giggled in a low, girly way clapping her hands happily. "So, our Princely Prince isn't so sweet and innocent after all?! I love it!" Her glittering eyes shot back to Jos. "Tell me more! What are the most alarming differences of the two?" She asked pursing her lips together as if she was mentally formulating a list of strange kinks.

Jos let out a long breath as the heat of her cheeks crept across her ears and down her neck. "Well Arei as s-s-several piercings... running down the length of his..." She pointed to her lap as she squeezed her eyes tightly shut feeling the heat from three pairs of thirsty eyes on her. A loud clap caused her whole body to jerk to attention.

Isha clapped falling back against the cushions of the chair as she kicked out her feet rapidly. "OMG! He has a fucking Jacobs Ladder running down the length of that horse cock of his?!?! OMG, OMG!" She giggled in hysteria. Slapping Raven on the shoulder she asked, "Have you seen it? Did you know?"

Raven rolled her eyes, "I haven't paid his dick much attention though I'm pretty sure he's proud enough of it that he'd be more than willing to show you if you ask... and yes" Her eyes met Jos's, "I have heard of the piercings, though to be fair, I had originally believed the 'pierced horse cock' to belong to Orion."

"Well I mean they are twins after all, and they both have nearly identical tattoos. It's only fair to imagine they have copied all aspects of each others BODIES in order to easily swap identities." Isha considered aloud as she now envisioned both men with multiple sets of piercings running down their enormous swollen cocks. "And our dear Prince?" She asked eagerly.

Jos's embarrassed gaze moved back to Shelly before she cleared her throat and muttered. "He's a dom..."

"A what? Speak up I couldn't hear you at all, dear." Isha pouted.

"He's... a... Dom... a Dominant in the bedroom." She could feel the heat radiate through her entire body as it began to gather and pool between her legs. She squeezed her thighs together tightly. "He's into incredibly kinky sex." She added with a flush of arousal.

Isha's brows shot up in peeked interest. "BDSM?!" She exclaimed.

Jos shook her head rapidly from side to side. "No, not quite that extreme… just incredibly kinky and dominating." Her eyes focused on the flames of the fire as she thought about Russ's brand of love making. "Honestly, I'm not even sure if he means to be so dominant... I think it just comes naturally for him, a part of the alpha wolf maybe."

Isha giggled as she clapped like a child just promised all the sweet treats. "I see! Raven must have wore off on him in that regard."

Jos's eyes quickly turned to Raven, who didn't seem bothered at all. She simply shrugged. "He'd asked for pointers here and there when he was younger."

Isha and Jos both let out surprised snickers, and their conversation began flowing easier with less awkwardness as Isha began describing some of the kinky things Raven had done when they'd first discovered one another. The friendly banter continued until Ry and Russ came back inside after first knocking. Russ's heated gaze stayed locked on Jos as he carried his arm full of wood to the back hallway and into the bedroom they were now sharing. Isha watched the exchange with a cat who ate the canary grin spreading across her full lips, until the door shut behind him. "Girl!!! You'd be crazy not to lock that shit down! Just look at the way he watches you. He was only in the room for a few minutes and already eye-fucked the shit out of you!" She snapped her fingers in rapid clicks as she wiggled back and forth in a sassy body wiggle. "Girl, you go get that dick!" She winked as she snapped her fingers once again and Jos blinked to find herself not only back in the bedroom but in an outfit that was more leather straps than anything else.

There were numerous straps running down her neck in an almost collar like fashion, attaching to a center strap that ran all the way down to the set of straps running around her hips and waist. One wide strap fit tightly across her chest to cover her nipples, causing the remainder of her breast to pour out around the smaller straps encircling each. She grimaced as her eyes trailed over the rest... or rather lack of outfit. There were more leather straps hanging down from the lowest strap wrapped around her hips. These thin straps had clasps on the ends attaching to the high band of intricately detailed stockings that were barely visible between the tops of thigh high strappy boots. She stumbled slightly on the height of the stripper heels as she took a double take at what was meant to be underwear. {So much leather! And WTF are these!} Jos groaned not realizing her shuffling and irritated groans had attracted curious eyes.

Russ turned from where he was bent by the fire. "I didn't here you... come in..." His words trailed off as he took her in licking his lips hungrily as he slowly trailed his eyes down her body.

Jos froze under his heated stare. "Isha…" She muttered in embarrassment. "All of it, actually..." She tried hiding as much of her body as she could by squeezing her thighs together and covering her breasts.

Russ shot to his feet and began prowling toward her, his gaze locked hungerly on the right hand that did very little to hide the crotchless panties beneath as if he were a leopard stalking a scared baby zebra. "Fuck, remind me to thank her in the morning." He growled.

His voice, heavy with need, vibrated through her and her body began to relax. Desire began to replace the embarrassment as the thought of her clothing was pushed from her passion-driven brain. "Russ..." She breathed as the hand that had been initially shielding her breast squeezed the aching bud tightly in her palm.

He pulled his shirt over his head as he moved across the room and tossed it carelessly to the side. Once he'd made it to her side, he traced his fingers teasingly across the leather at her neck following, the center line all the way down to the base of her pelvic bone. He leaned back tapping his finger on the hand that still blocked the panties. "Let me see you, baby." He said, the words came out as the sexiest growl she'd ever heard, causing her to obey without thought.

Jos squeezed her eyes tightly closed and let her head fall back as he traced the outline of the lacy bands running between her legs exposing everything normal underwear was supposed to cover. "Oh Gods, Russ!" Her voice quivered as his teasing sent tingles in every direction, along every nerve fiber of her entire body causing liquid heat to pool between her legs.

He held her hips for balance as he pushed her booted legs farther apart. "You look fucking amazing, baby." He said as he placed a quick hungry kiss to her lips. "Yum." He growled biting into her lower lip and pulling back, before biting his own lower lip in another satisfied moan. "Your mouth tastes so fucking good." His eyes locked with hers as he added. "I want to taste all of you." He ran his hands over the straps, lace, and leather hugging her body as he lowered to his knees before her. He licked his lips as he continued to hold her gaze and ran his hands up the inside of her leather clad calves and thighs. Before she could recover, he quickly plunged his face into her wet center licking and lapping at her like a starved animal.

"Ahhh." Jos called, out nowhere close to recovered from the feel of his mouth on her flesh, before she was being lifted into the air. She sank her fingers into his hair and gripped her legs tightly together at the ankles that hung down the center of his back. His hot fingers dug into the small of her back, his face still buried between her legs, as he closed the short distance between where she'd materialized in the room and the bed.

He didn't let go of her body or relent his oral assault on her now clenching core as he laid her on the soft mattress. He released her back and plunged two fingers into her center matching the pace of the strokes of his fingers with the swirling of his tongue against her clit. "Cum for me, baby." He instructed only taking his mouth off her long enough to say the words.

Jos tightened both her grip on his hair and around his neck as she called out his name again loudly. "Russ!"

He felt her walls clench around his fingers. "That's it, baby." He said as he slid his pants down with his other hand impatient to free his throbbing cock. He watched as her head fell back farther and her body arched up off the mattress pushing more of her sex into his mouth. He used the tight grip of her legs behind his back to push her into the center of the bed, before pulling them loose from his neck and spreading them wide enough to accommodate his wide hips. "I want you so bad right now." He said clasping one of her hands over his thick shaft. "How bad do you want me, Jos?" He asked holding her fevered stare.

"Bad!" She muttered still in the fog of her first orgasm of the night. She stroked her hand up and down his long length.

"Show me how much you what me inside you, Jos." He growled huskily down at her as he watched her work his length. He flexed his hips against her grip. When she sent him a questioning look, he smiled and leaned down over her holding her hand in place. "Put me in that tight pussy of yours, Jos." He growled seductively against her lips.

She did as she was told, guiding and pressing his hard tip to her drenched center and pressing herself against him. She let out a long moan as his head slid easily inside her, but groaned when he pulled it back out.

Russ pushed his hand between them, pulling his dick out of her and rubbing her juices up and down her slit teasingly with the head of his cock. He pressed it into her only deep enough to hit her g-spot before pulling it out and running over her slit again, applying extra pressure to her clit as he did so. He watched her unravel beneath him. "Do you like when I tease you, baby?" He growled? "Just when I think there's absolutely no more teasing you can possibly put me through," He growled against her lips, nipping at them between hungry kisses, "you pop in in this." He said as he pulled one of the straps circling her breast and let it go with a snap. "You try to cover yourself to tease me more." He growled as he continued the slow torturous pattern of pushing his head in only to her g-spot and pulling fully out to rub his tip from her soaked entrance to her now pulsing clit and back inside.

"Russ, please!" She whimpered digging her nails into the flesh of his supporting arm.

"Please what, Jos?" He asked slowing his movements to an even more torturous pace. "What do you want, Jos?" He growled as he watched her struggle for answers between pants in sex-driven fog.

"Fuck me hard!" She finally yelled out as teasing caused the nerves of her clit and inside walls to quake with pent up need.

A satisfied smile spread across Russ's handsome face. "That's my girl." He said as he pushed himself fulling inside her. He leaned back onto his knees, pulling her hips up to meet his thrusts. He brought her legs up to rest on either side of his shoulders as he worked the zippers of the boots loose one at a time not missing one deep thrust after the other. "You look sexy as fuck, but I want to touch all of you, see all of you." His husky voice purred as he slid the boots from her legs and tossed them behind him. He ran his hands over the silk of the stockings and up her hips and waist letting her legs fall back to his sides as he came back over top her. He wrapped his fingers into the straps at the center of her chest and jerked her mouth up to meet his. His lips crushed hard against hers swallowing her sudden shocked gasp the movement cause. "I want all of you, baby." he growled increasing speed and deepening his strokes.