Life with you part 2

"You asshole!" Arei growled as he kicked the sleeping Ry from bed. Two barmaids and a young man had woken and bolted from the room the second Arei had barged through the door. "How could you not have said something!"

A billow of laughter sounded from the floor on the other side of the bed. Ry clutched his sides as best he could, propped up by his elbows on the floor. "What I would have given to see your face!" He laughed. Ry pushed himself up from the floor using the bed to steady himself. His mischievous eyes twinkled over to Arei. "Payback for whatever you did last time you were here."

Arei's brows bunched in confusion. "What are you talking about? Why would I need payback for anything I've done here?"

The playful glint still shown in Ry's eyes as he answered matter-of-factly. "Because whatever the hell you did six months ago, has the girl thinking she's in love with ME." He lifted a bottle from the dresser, glanced down into the bottle, and swirled the liquids around inside before lifting it to his lips and draining the bottle. "I've had to make so many damn rules lately… no swimming together, no sleeping over, no cuddling, no nudity…" He glared over at Arei. "Her current form came shortly after her following me to the bar one night. She discovered a more appealing form would be better suited for her goals."

"Better suited for her goals… Wait cuddling, sleep overs, and nudity??? What the actual fuck, Ry?" Arei asked running an irritated hand through his hair before throwing his hand up in the air. "Well, that explains the naked swim of last night… What the hell have you two been doing?" He's eyes shot heatedly toward his brother.

Ry chuckled, "We haven't been doing anything. As I said, rules… and whatnot." He arched a questioning brow. "But what have you done with our dear lil beasty?" He laid the bottle back down and bent to find his pants in the scattered garments surrounding the bed. After he pulled a pair on he looked back to Arei. "In all seriousness, you must remember, no matter what form she's in, she is still surprisingly innocent… and a woman. Whatever went on the last time you were on this island has her pressing for more mature things out of life." He shook his head. "And that education will not be coming from me." He pulled a shirt over his head then walked over to stand in front of Arei. "Her last review through the courts happens in eight months. I'll be back before that time and take her in. As long as the next couple months goes smoothly, she'll be seen as a free creature and will be able to take her place among our people." He patted Arei on the shoulder. "Until then it's important that she stay focused and learn as much as she can. What happens afterwards… well that can be up to the two of you."

Arei turned and followed Ry out of the room. "So, you've told her there are two of us then?" His brows furrowed when Ry only shrugged.

"Does she seem like I've told her?" Ry called out over his shoulder as he made his way down the stairs. "Maybe I've left that to you to explain." He winked over to Arei as he slapped the bar for a fresh beer.

Arei shook his head. "You'll be the only demi-god to die from over drinking." He through his hand up to his brother. "I… the god's… have to figure out what to do with our not so lil' girl…"

"Take care." Ry shouted to his departing back. "Take care…" he whispered as the beer was set before him. No doubt his brother would be the one demanding a drink by the time he made it back.

Arei stopped by a baker on his way through the town. He ordered a bag of sweet rolls and headed toward the lagoon. His movements became more cautious as he pushed through to the open beach. There would be no way, after last night, he'd be able to walk away again. His eyes scanned the waters not taking long to land one a bobbing head of silver. He scrunched his brows. "What in the…" He set his arm full of things down on the beach and ran over to where she stood knee deep in water and struggling with the hem of her skirts. "What are you doing, lil one?" he called as he neared her. The jump of surprise was just the momentum she needed apparently, because the second she jumped the dress came loose throwing her off balance. She landed on her bottom in the water with a tiny, pained splash. Arei rushed over too her, lowering his hands down for her to take. "Are you alright, kitten? What in the world are you doing in the water in such garments?" He asked. He regretted it instantly, when his eyes began to search over her for injuries as he pulled her to a standing position. The thin blue fabric from last night now clung wetly to her every curve. The taught pink buds of her nipples where now visible through the wet fabric. Arei quickly released her and stepped away.

"Are you still feeling unwell, Sir?" She asked stepping closer. Her curious eyes peered up at him as a small hand brushed his heated cheeks. "You're flush and your cheeks are heated. Would you like to go inside and cool down?" She offered.

Arei forced a neutral smile as he turned back to the temptress before him. "Your dress kitten…" He said brushing a finger lightly over the damp material of her elbow length sleeve.

"Oh…" Her eyes moved over her dress for the first time since her fall. "but you said to stay covered if I swim during the day. She tugged at the clingy wet material. "It is a bother though, you must know…" A heavy frown marred her pouting lips as she studied the now tattered hem.

"I said that... yes…" One of Ry's 'rules' no doubt. He gently turned her away from him and toward the cave. "What do you say, you get changed, we have breakfast, then get to something fun? I brought sweet rolls and crispy pork!" He said, knowing they were her favorites. She practically danced with excitement, but when she tried to turn fully around toward him again, he nudged her forward. "Aht, aht, kitten. Keep that perfect little ass of yours moving forward." He quickly snapped his mouth shut as he realized what he'd said and no doubt where his eyes had been looking when he'd said it. She stopped in her tracks glancing back over her shoulder at him. Her cheeks were lightly tinted and a surprised curiosity played across her features. "Run along, I'll be in shortly." He said as gently as he could. At this rate he'd never make it the eight months until her final appearance before the council.

Shortly after they had been sent to 'kill the beast', they had brought her in and plead with the courts for her rehabilitation and release into a more normal society instead of the isolation she had been exposed to for so many long years. The courts had agreed, and Ry had been granted sole guardianship over her. The reviews had began as quarterly but soon were moved to every half year and finally to this final review after a year. It showed that the courts saw improvement and was leaning toward her release and freedom.

Once Arei's erection had fully subsided, he gathered the discarded items and headed toward the cave. Jos had already changed and was now lighting candles around the tiny space. His stomach clenched again as the flickering light illuminated her new outfit. Arei silently cursed the gods above for his lack of restraint as his cock sprang back to life. True enough the likeness of the outfit was common enough among the tribes of the area, but on her it only added to her exotic beauty. Her silver hair reflected the candlelight. The soft tanned leather stood out against the pale skin of her midriff and long legs that showed all the way to the hips on either side through wide slits. The dress was obviously made for easy movement and practical for numerous daily tasks… but damn was it sexy… Once the candles were all lit, she struggled to braid her hear back out of her face unaware Arei hadn't taken his eyes away from her once. "Here let me." He said as he pulled out a seat. When she glanced from him to the ready chair, he added. "I once traveled to an island that wore very similar outfits. I could braid your hair as they did there."

"Thank you." She said as she walked over to the chair and sat down. She glanced up at him several times as he worked. "You are good at this." She observed.

Arei chuckled as he caressed the tip of his finger across the bared skin of her shoulder, pretending the touch was needed for his current task. He shook his hair around. "Long hair, I have plenty of practice." He couldn't help smiling down at her as she laughed at his silly antics. "All finished." He said as he brushed the braid over one of her shoulders, letting his fingers linger.

Her hands shot up to her head as she began running her fingers across the braids. A happy smile shot to Arei before she shot up and ran over to the dresser. She fumbled around in one of the drawers before finally taking out an old mirror. Her excited eyes shot back to him. "Can you teach me?"

He laughed and nodded, "Yes, why not."

She giggled excitedly and ran toward him gripping one of his hands in both of hers she pulled him down into the chair. He'd no sooner sat, when her tiny fingers began working through his hair. She was so happy he didn't have the heart to stop her, instead, he simply set back and let her enjoy her new skill. Once she was finished, she ran back to the drawers and brought the mirror to him.

"It looks great, kitten." Arei said. "Thank you." Without thinking he pulled her down into his lap to hug her as he normally did. When he felt the full plump cheeks of a woman's ass press against his lap instead of the innocent childlike figure of before, his pulse jumped. Her hand pressed gently against his chest for balance and her head lowered to his shoulder. What sounded like a moan pasted her lips as she slid her hand over his chest lingering on the piercing. Memories of her exploration of it last night had his cock springing to life with a hunger bordering insanity. {Shit!} He quickly guided her off his lap, but not soon enough. Her normal curious eyes were gone, the eyes now trained on his lap held the inquisitive hunger of a woman. He swallowed heavily as his rebellious cock swelled farther under her gaze. When she leaned forward as if to touch him, he quickly grabbed the bag of sweet rolls and pulled them into his lap. "Breakfast! Eat up, you must be starved."

Her gaze shifted back to his before she regarded the bag then nodded. She watched his expression as she reached into the bag on his lap to retrieve a roll. She set back into her chair and picked at the bread. Arei had done the same after placing the bag on the counter and pulling his chair tightly against the table, she asked. "Is this about what I said… the other day?"

Arei nearly choked on the large chunk of bread in his mouth. He forced it down. He hit his fist against his chest as he cleared his throat, struggling to answer her. Deciding on the truth, he said. "No… no, Kitten…" he let his eyes move over her body. "I'm, well…" He ran his hand through his hair. "It's more that I'm still getting used to your… current form."

Jos blushed deeply and hung her head, not wanting to meet his gaze. "I… I… thought you'd like this form more… more like you'd asked me for the first night… but it repulses you, instead…" Her voice broke and became heavily accented as she struggled to explain.

Arei's eyes bugged. He pushed his chair closer to her, pulling her face up to meet his. "Look at me, kitten. Your form does not repulse me, far from it actually." He smiled a bitter-sweet smile down to her. "But you see, the feelings I have for you and the feelings you have for me…" He stumbled over the word. "We can't right now. There is still so much you need to learn about yourself, about life, about me…" He ran the pad of his thumb across her puckered bottom lip. "You are a breathtaking beauty, kitten, but you need freedom. It's important for us to show the courts you are more than what they thought you to be." He brushed her hair from her face as her hesitant eyes held his. "You need to be free because you deserve it, not because they see you as property… as belonging to someone who can control you and imprison you in a different way." He watched as her head tilted and confusion filled her large eyes. He smiled down at her as he pushed up from the table and held his hand down to her. Arei led her out the small cave and to the water's edge. He stood behind her gripping her shoulders lightly as he nodded to the reflective surface of the lagoon. "Do you see that woman? She should always be her own person first, not defined by the man by her side." He turned her around. "Do you understand?"

She nodded, uncertainty obvious in her expression. "Yes, Sir."

Arei frowned. "You know, you don't always have to call me 'sir'." Irritation colored his words as he struggled over whether he should suggest a name for her to call him… his name… but his thoughts were interrupted when she turned and rested her head against his chest.

"I've upset you again…" She sighed heavily. "I'm sorry."